The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

German cities can ban diesel cars, top court rules

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Laws are needed sometimes to compel people or businesses to do the right thing, in this case, to wean off polluting diesel-engine powered cars...left to themselves, people may not be willing to make the switch to greener or less polluting options even if they know it is good for the environment because of convenience, cost factor, etc....

Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Bill to give police more powers in a terror attack

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A good example to argue why we should limit/control/regulate/censor information in the media, including online versions....

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

19 Singapore F&B firms pledge to use sustainably sourced palm oil

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using 5W-1H to brainstorm, realize it's not just consumers, but also the govt and businesses that have a role to play in saing our planet...
-consumers: choose greener options in life
-govt: persuading businesses and consumers to use greener options, including punitive measures like carbon tax
-businesses: this is where the article in the above link comes in....businesses may be forced to go green due to punitive measures or compulsory laws by the govt....but sometimes, of their own accord, businesses would want to go green too as they realise consumers nowadays are more environmentally-conscious, so they want to come up with products that appeal to consumers in order to maximize could also be that businesses fear a boycott from consumers over their non-green options....which explains why local firms here in this article pledge to use sustainably-sourced palm oil, in view of the fact that some palm oil plantations in Indonesia engage in burning of forests, causing haze.

One of you asked me about food and beverage INDUSTRY last night....Food and beverage is often used as a collective singular, known as F&B (see title of article). Hence, the singular food and beverage INDUSTRY is used instead of the plural food and beverage INDUSTRIES.

Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mock me, but I'll keep having fun with 'ba sha' Mandarin

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-Some of us did a MOCK paper recently; note how 'mock' is used in a different meaning here in the title...

-note also the humourous opening BANG, and how the closing BANG echoes something writer mentioned earlier...

-this is a good read concerning the language situation and dilemma in Singapore -- a place where pple have Chinese roots and hence some attachment to the language, yet use mostly English in daily life...

Consumed by the fear of eating

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Some of us are exposed to the issue of eating disorder in a recent SW practice....will be good if u can take a look to get some background on this topic of eating disorder....try googling also on the prevailing trend on the 'tyranny of thinness' where American women desire to fit into Size '00' dresses (yup, apparently there's a size DOUBLE zero!}; there's also a backlash against this unhealthy trend in the modelling scene where models are penalized for being too thin....

A useful example to know is the late Princess Diana, who suffered from bulima when she was alive...

possible argument for Qn below:

OV: yes, coz due to culture of vanity or obsession with physical appearances
=advent of social media causing pple to want to look good so can post selfies online
=media bombarding us with definition of "beauty=thin and white"
=hence ppe will go gym to slim down and watch what they eat; desire to look good forces them to lead healthy life]

Rebuttal SV: BUT some resort to looking good not through healthy practices but unhealthy ones
=resort to unhealthy practices coz faster, need not have to compromise on personal indulgences like sinful food, need not go thru tiring methods like regular gymming....
=cosmetic sugery like lipo suction to remove fats instead of exercise
=take harmful slimming pills
=use of steroids to build muscle mass for guys
=EATING DISORDER like anorexia and bulima coz afraid eating will cause weight gain]

Note methods of elaborationg using WHY/HOW point is true, and WHY/HOW point makes Stand true....

QN: To what extent do you agree with the idea that some teenagers lead an unhealthy lifestyle? Give reasons for your views. (Cam. 'O' lvl 2016)

US educators decry proposal to arm teachers

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Potential BANG to point out current landscape:  how violence has become so pervasive that it has not just infiltrated the school (a place of learning) , but is also stirring a debate to equip educators to carry guns!

There's no way I would do that. I would retire. If it gets to the point where we have to arm our teachers, then we have completely failed, completely failed as a society.

Qn:  Is violence ever justified? (Cam. 2012)

Local literature vital to 'soul' of Singapore

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-vital to preserving our rich heritage

-able to identify with local themes, settings, cultures, identities and lifestyles, as well as national issues and perspectives.

-provide valuable insight into the heart of the nation by catching its pulse and soul

-truly a mirror and reflection of Singaporean society with its intricately woven tapestry of multiple creeds, cultures, languages, lifestyles, mannerisms and identities.
portray Singaporean characters in Singaporean locations dealing with Singaporean issues.

-able to connect with people brought up in colonial Singapore and in poverty-riddled villlages blossoming with the success and prosperity of this nation.

-offer the reader multiple perspectives and individual narratives that question, challenge and broaden views of ourselves beyond the national Singapore Story.

-Subtract it and the result will be ignorance, prejudice and stereotyping other people and cultures.

1.      To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent? (Cam. 2015)
2.      ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)

Johoreans prefer Singapore investment over China's: Survey

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"We don't feel the positive effects," Mr Zayani Ismail told TMI. "The only thing they have done is drive up the local property prices and make it harder for people like me to buy a home in Johor Baru," said the 32-year-old executive.....Average Johoreans believe that Chinese projects do not provide enough local job opportunities....

According to TMI, Chinese developer Country Garden Pacific View responded to criticism that its RM444 billion (S$150 billion) investment in property project Forest City did not benefit locals by announcing last year more than 40 per cent of its capital expenditure went to pay local firms. Despite its revelation that RM4.7 billion was spent on local consultancy services, law and architecture firms and construction materials....

Qn: Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems? (Cam. 2008)

Did Kylie Jenner cause Snapchat to lose $1.7b?

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-use of interesting anecdote cum quotation to open with a BANG!
-honestly speaking, I have no idea who Kylie Jenner when u think examiner may not know who the source is, give brief designation like the case here: she was introduced as a 'reality star'.

For qns on the influence of celebrities and the internet....

One last ultramarathon for paraplegic fund-raiser William Tan

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potential good BANG:

Living life to the fullest means not only chasing my own personal dreams but living a life to benefit others. That is the best legacy.

Qn: What is your idea of a good life? Describe what living a good life means to you.

Friday, February 23, 2018

High and dry: Undies aired on plane

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woman drying undies and man farting non-stop in plane!!!! Such hilarious examples can be very effective BANGs for qns on social graciousness...

How beach volleyball outfits can jeopardise the Asian Games

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One of the issues brought up in the 2015 Cambridge 'A' level sports compre is about the culture of modesty that can pose a stumbling block for women athletes, esp in countries that are very conservative....Their culture prevents them from wearing revealing attire, but such attire helps them to perform in sports like swimming, gymnastics, etc....Imagine having to do a somersault while wearing a hijab or burqa! Ditto when diving or playing beach volleyball!
This is probably one area where tradition/culture/religion can clash with sport....

Thursday, February 22, 2018

How greenhouse gas emitters are charged for pollution

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I mentioned this briefly in some classes -- regarding our govt's recent announcement to impose the carbon tax from 2019 ($5 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions)....
Saving the envmt sometimes need nudges and push from the govt to wean businesses and consumers off envmtally-harmful products and energy sources towards envmtally-friendly ones.....otherwise, even if envmtally friendly S&T is there, people may be reluctant to use them.....just think of the high cost and inconvenience of electric cars....

Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Saving the planet: Try using less deodorant

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Another good example to show how saving envmt need to rely on consumers' change in habits instead of solely on S&T....On the contrary, S&T is the one that gives rise to products that harm the envmt....

Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Koreans want duo banned over Spat

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A good example that rebuts the oft-quoted point that sport helps to foster sportsmanship and team spirit among team-mates....

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Malaysian court jails, fines artist for clown caricature of PM Najib

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Relate to qns on the arts and censorship....and the use of the media as the watch-dog to expose wrongdoings by powerful, influential figures....

Qns: Can humour ever be serious? (Cam. 2012)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to drag Big Tech away from the dark side

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I like the example of how we think we control technology because we 'command' the search engine to search for things we want online, not realizing that we are actually being controlled by the algorithms of the search engines that decide the results of the search and throw up the links to us....
Think also about a situation when we are watching a video clip on youtube and suddenly an ad pops up persuading us to join ISIS!
These are examples of how technology can control what our mind is exposed to, and hence, to a certain extent, control our minds, and thereby our actions.......think further lah...

1. "We have become the slaves of technology." Discuss.
2. "Technology gives us the illusion of control." What do you think?
3. "We now have access to more information, but it has not made us wiser." Comment.

Inequality is a threat - name it, and face it

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Note hoe schools and education in Singapore can have both a levelling as well as a divisive effect on the nation....

1. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam .2012)
2. How prepared is your society in dealing with future challenges?

Reports of Uber-Grab regional deal 'speculation'

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Uber vs Grab -- a good example of competition.....and possibly impending cooperation when the two merge....already, each is cooperating with other groups (e.g. Confort Delgro) to have an edge over the other; a case of cooperate in order to compete...
Note that their competition with each other benefits consumers in the form of discounts....but both are making losses in the bid to win a bigger market share by offering steep discounts...
Competition also forces them to innovate -- using apps and other technology to better serve customers more efficiently ....

1. Is competition always desirable? (Cam. 2016)
2. "Cooperation, not competition, is the key to success." Discuss.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

100 years of Singapore through centenarians' eyes: Unlocking secrets to longevity

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Some useful stats and info:
-i in four Singporeans will be aged 65yo and above in 2030.
-life expectancy in Singpaore is 83yo (ranked 3rd in the world)
-Singaporeans' "healthy life expectancy" has not increased in step with life expectancy; i.e. getting older but not with accompnaying good health....
-note also the various impacts on society as our society gets older....

1. How prepared is your society  (or Singapore) in dealing with future challenges?
2. People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy? (Cam. 'O' lvl 2012)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Is balance of trust shifting from political to social?

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-the importance of public trust in the's something PAP prided itself on having, and which it is also wary of losing among the young people in recent years
-public trust in the govt can be eroded by the internet, esp in the circulation of fake news
-the concept of 'confirmation bias' which is the same of the 'willingness of the user' and 'user-driven' concept of new media I've been saying...i.e. people go online not so much to seek alternative news, but to confirm the news bias they already possess...
-examples of SARS in Singapore, Brexit and Trump's triumph in the US election

"Because of the confirmation bias that many of us are afflicted with, technology - the social media in particular - now enables people to retreat into online echo chambers that narrow down information and reinforce already-held beliefs. It becomes easy to ignore, or to simply shut our eyes to contrary views that are in conflict with our beliefs and outlooks. More information does not yield better decisions."

"instead of public trust flowing up and down a vertical street from the people to the government, to the politicians and the regulators, to the authorities and the experts, as it used to, it is now also beginning to flow horizontally, to other people, and even to programmes, algorithms and bots.....Is it possible that in today's world, technology is shifting the balance from the political to the social? Instead of public trust being reposed with the elites, experts and authorities in government, the argument being made is that trust today lies more with "the people" - families, friends, classmates, colleagues, even strangers who might share your same outlook. In other words, a transfer of trust is taking place, from institutions to individuals"

Qn: How prepared is your society  (or Singapore) in dealing with future challenges?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

MRT turning the corner, but full recovery some way off

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-the use of figurative language in the opening/closing BANG
-how the closing BANG 'echoes' the openingBANG
-the method of listing a series of examples in the opening BANG

the "power of the negative", referencing psychologist Paul Rozin, who said a single cockroach will instantly ruin a bowl of cherries, but one cherry in a bowl of cockroaches does nothing to alter its appeal.

-the negative tends to stick more in the minds of people...pple seldom compliment you when things are going smoothly, but the moment something goes wrong, all the claws are out! -- and they continue to remind you of it ages down the road....true? this is worse if they already have a negative bias against you, and are just waiting for an excuse to bring you down...On the contrary, if one is popular, people's toelrance of your faults tend to be higher, i.e. more willing to forgive you and dismiss your faults...this is probably why popularity, instead of competence/quality, may be deemed more important when it comes to showbusiness, politics, businesses, etc..

Qn: 'There is no such thing as bad publicity.’ To what extent is this true? (Cam. 2015)

Waking up to social influencers

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The famous question goes: If a tree falls in a forest but no one's there to hear it, did it really fall?....Now the question some ministries seem to be grappling with is: If a policy is announced but no influencer posts about it, was it really announced?
if u recall my argument about how the reach of social media is only as good as the user's willnigness to go there to receive and get imapcted by the info waiting for him, then this article provides a good rebuttal to this.....coz this willingness can be made a 'guarantee' with the help of social influencers. Under normal circumstances, netizens will not bother to go read the info on a partiocular website, but they WILL if they follow the social influencers online, just like the way celebrity influence works.

The example to u want to retain is the recent on in the above article about how the govt rope in social influencers to stir interest and awareness about the upcoming national budget that is going to be debated in parliament.

Any party that wants to reach out to people, esp young people, cannot miss out on the impact of social media...which is why govt, businesses, etc are jumping on the bandwagon...but note the limitation that you might be able to create awareness, but whether u will create interest may still b a question mark...

Qn: "Social media is a waste of time." Do you agree?

Friday, February 09, 2018

DBS to end 'dirty coal' lending by year-end, says CEO

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Two poss ways to look at an duse this eg....
1) MNCs like DBS is profir-driven, so it continues to invest (hence encourage) in the highly-polluting coal industry. Hence, even when S&T can save envmt with renewable energy sources, the impact is minimal if the take-up rate is low....
In fact, this is a major stumbling block when it comes to saving the envmt....consumers and businesses are reluctant to use renewable or green energy when traditional sources of energy are plentiful and readily available. Eg. there is a plentiful supply of coal in China, which makes it cheap, hence little or no incentive to switch to more expensive green energy.

2) MNCs like DBS can make a is concerned about its public image and fearful of consumer boycott...hence, it is weaning itself away from 'dirty coal' and moving towards investing in renewable energy....

With regard to the qn below,think along the lines of:
1) whether S&T in itself can save mother nature....this is both a yes and a no depending on the examples you look at
2) assuming S&T can indeed save the envmt, there is still the qn of ARE WE ACTIVELY USING IT? This is where other stakeholders come into play (consumers, govt, businesses...). A key can be used to open the room, but if we do not use the key, the door remains locked and we remain trapped in the darkness of the room. S&T is the key here....
Hence, S&T cannot be relied on just itself to solve the mammoth problem of the evmt; other factors need to be part of the equation too...

Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Free can be fatal, especially when it comes to news

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But when something is free, often someone, somewhere, is paying the price. And in a roundabout way, the price often comes back to us.

This article is an excellent fit with the 'A' level compre AQ that came out last year, i.e. 2017...

Chinese police use tech gadgets to eyeball suspects

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1.      To what extent can the regulation of scientific or technological developments be justified? (Cam. 2014)
2.      To what extent has technology had a negative impact on the skill levels of people? (Cam. 2010)
3.      To what extent has technology had an impact on both privacy and security in your country? (Cam. 2009)

Can we rely on sci and tech to solve our environmental problems?

Link 1: Fresh push for plastic bag ban in Australia
Link 2: Ozone layer in decline above most populated areas: Study
Link 3: Red pandas rescued in Laos stir concerns about exotic pet trade
you know who u also to the following examples to brainstorm for points:
=shark's fin
=use of robots in Fukushima and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
and the following examples from your pretest compre Section A:
=consumer boycott
Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Oil kingdom bids for new day in sun with solar power

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Qn: Can we rely on science and technology to solve our environmental problems?

Children here spend more time online than global average: Poll

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useful stats:
Children in Singapore spend more time online compared with those in other countries, a new study has found, as they are glued to their screens for 35 hours a week - three hours more than the global average.
Those who own their own mobile phones spend significantly more time online, with an average of 45 hours a week.

1. 'Social media is a waste of time.' Do you agree?
2.Do electronic devices, such as tablets or smart phones, help or hinder students in their studies? (Cam. 'O' lvl 2015)

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Why Singapore gives top priority to fighting income inequality

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Note the various examples of Singapore policies and measures to mitigate income inequality:
-affordable healthcare
-social mobility via meritocracy

The Gini coefficient has fallen from 0.470 in 2006 to 0.458 in 2016. After we account for government taxes and transfers, the 2016 figure was even lower at 0.402.

Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Sunday, February 04, 2018

China's migrant children dilemma

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Note how urbanization and economic growth in big cities can wreak havoc on familial ties...However, in the context of Singapore (for AQ), note that we are a city state, and a small country, so there is an extent/limit to how far the proximity factor can affect parent-child relationship....

Qn: 'Parents have much influence on the lives of their children.' Discuss.

What it means to give

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This whole thing about charity and helping people is not just about the recipients of the charity...use 5W-1H, the WHO to brainstorm on the impact on other parties to argue for the relevance or obsolescence of charity today....When you help others, the articles makes it clear that you benefit from it also, even though you may not realise it at that point in time...At any rate, helping -- in the moral sense of the word -- should be unconditional, and not be done on the expectation of any reard or benefits...Also, helping helps to build trust, reciprocity, gratitude and general goodwill among members of the society....the resultant trust helps in fostering social cohesion....So from the society's point of view, charity serves a social function that is of national interest....

Qn: Is there still a place for charity in today’s world? (Cam. 2006)

29 women held in Iran for protesting against hijab

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Is this qn below still true if what you wear is forced upon you by the law? What about uniforms imposed on you by rules in institutions like in schools, the workplace, jail, etc.? Do you wear them willingly? Do they truly reflect who you are or what you want to be?

Qn: 'You are what you wear.' Discuss.

Lying to get their child into a top school

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Qn: “People should always tell the truth.’ Do you think there are any situations in which this might not be the best thing to do? Explain your views. (2017 'O' level)