The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Monday, May 20, 2024

Taking eldercare to new heights

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an “exoskeleton” – a wearable robotic suit that enables wheelchair-bound people to walk at multiple speeds and even climb steps.

texture-modified foods for people with swallowing difficulties. Items of dim sum displayed looked exactly like those you would order in a restaurant except that the ingredients have been specially rendered to make it easier and safer to swallow.

the main obstacles to improving eldercare are non-technological. They have to do with such things as broader health policies, infrastructure, mechanisms for social connection and integration, labour policies, managerial and caregiving skills and innovative approaches to dealing with elders.

More elder-friendly housing is coming on stream with “vertical kampungs” and other assisted-living facilities such as Harmony Village @ Bukit Batok, which will offer flats designed to be elder-friendly, with easy access to medical attention. They will come with short and flexible leases of between 15 and 35 years, which will make them affordable to many senior citizens.

labour policy reforms in recent years that are pro-elder, including the increase in the proposed retirement age, a call for more flexible working hours with part-time work options, financial support for older workers under the SkillsFuture scheme and subsidies to employers to hire such workers.

Qn: To what extent can technology address the challenges of the elderly?

Beyond studies, grow as ‘whole person’ and be robust: SM Lee to students

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focus on not just their studies, but also their all-round growth, and become individuals who can uplift others and deal with challenges themselves. “It’s important to do well in classes, but we’re trying to make you one whole person,”

“(It’s) not just knowing what is in the books – I think after you graduate five or 10 years later, you may not remember everything – but also how to be a good person, to help your friends, help your neighbours, to deal with adversity, to cope with setbacks, to pick yourself up and say, ‘I will be OK, let us carry on’.”

to have “a certain robustness”.....can be learnt through teachers as examples, interactions with classmates, taking on leadership positions, learning about getting along with others or overcoming disagreements.

there are many pathways to progress, and that Singapore’s system helps individuals play to their strengths, whether it is in the field of the arts, sciences, music, sport or writing. “We try to build on that, and make the most of your talents and help you to grow... to be the best person (so that) you can fulfil your potential.”

Qn: ‘An appreciation of music is vital for a fully rounded education.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2020)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

‘Hindu nation’: Religion trumps caste in India vote

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Caste remains a crucial determinant of one’s station in life from birth, with higher castes the beneficiaries of ingrained cultural privileges, lower castes suffering entrenched discrimination, and a rigid divide between both.

Less than 6 per cent of Indians married outside their caste, according to the country’s most recent census in 2011.

Mr Modi belongs to a low caste, but the elite worlds of politics, business and culture are largely dominated by high-caste Indians.

Mr Modi’s political coalition has managed to bridge this internal divide by trumpeting a vision of a resurgent and assertive Hindu faith.

1. To what extent does social class determine an individual's success in your society? (TJC Prelim 2023)
2. 'Religion divides more than it unites.' Discuss.

Tech advances can help address needs of ageing population, says Indranee

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For qns on tech and ageing population.....

Data crunching keeps England ahead of the game, AI to unearth new gems

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For qns on tech's impact on sport.....

Malaysia’s plan to gift orang utans to countries buying palm oil panned by green groups

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Japan town blocks view of Mt Fuji at photo spot to stop crowds

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Interesting anecdote for BANG! Link to concept of 'overtourism' -- a recent phenomenon on the backlash on excessive tourists....

For qns on tourism...

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

21-year-old’s suicide highlights pressures men face in marriage market in China

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“men should be the providers in exchange for women’s feminine qualities, such as beauty, youth, emotional support and domestic responsibilities”

the skewed gender ratio in the country worsens the problem, with men facing high odds of finding a wife...According to China’s 2020 national population census, the country has 30 million more men than women. For those between the ages of 20 and 40 – considered the marriageable age range in China – men outnumber women by 17.52 million, which translates into 108.9 men per 100 women. 

Even though younger generations of Chinese are more educated, traditional beliefs about how men should provide financially for their girlfriends or wives are still common. A Chinese man is often expected to have a house and car before a woman would marry him. A suitor is also expected to provide a betrothal gift, or cai li in Mandarin, to his bride-to-be’s family

Qn: 'It is better to be born a girl in today's world.' How far do you agree?

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Malaysian entrepreneur couple criticised for celebrating pet cat’s birthday at LV store

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The couple also got Money an LV collar with the letter M, estimated to cost over RM3,000 (S$860), and a specially made-to-order pouch with an illustration of the cat.

In August 2023, Ms Haliza said she had bought a BMW car for her cat, only to later reveal that it was a marketing tactic to soft-sell her apparel brand.

For issues on how social media can cause envy and be a divisive force in society, making the gap between the haves and have-nots more glaring...... 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Friendly Parent: Viral song makes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a TikTok sensation

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Video clip: HERE

For qns on music and the media....

Saturday, May 11, 2024

PM Lee to the young: I wish I had been born later

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When he was young, only between 3 per cent and 4 per cent of his generation went to universities, ...Now, between 40 per cent and 50 per cent of Singaporeans go on to one of the six autonomous universities here, and practically all of them have the opportunity to go on an externship or overseas attachment somewhere

The youth of today also have access to technology which allows them to connect to the world, be more productive and take on “all kinds of jobs which my generation never heard of...

What the current generations will not experience, though, is the journey from Third World to First, and the attending rapid improvements that allowed previous generations to pursue constant upgrading of homes and other material possessions

there is not a lot of space to “decompress” in Singapore, which is mostly developed. But ... Singaporeans can travel to neighbouring countries which are not very far away

Qn: 'The youth of today have a much better life than all the generations before.' Do you agree?

Singapore ranked 8th in world for low gender inequality; new report charts women’s development

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Singapore has made further progress in areas such as equal opportunities in the workplace, providing greater caregiver support and strengthening protection against violence and online harms

There is still a preference for promoting an “ambitious and assertive” individual over a “caring and nurturing” one, with people identifying the former as male

Qn: Evaluate the claim that equality of opportunity for females is a desirable, but unrealistic, goal. (Cam. 2016)

Friday, May 10, 2024

Citizens will not become the minority in Singapore: DPM Lawrence Wong

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the example of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where citizens make up only less than 10 per cent of its population. Singapore “cannot afford” such a state of affairs, he said, as it does not rely on oil and gas revenues to provide for its citizens, unlike the Middle Eastern country. Due to this difference, while the UAE allows foreigners to come in freely, the approach is not possible in Singapore

Qn: To what extent does the immigration of people have a positive effect? (Cam. 2008)

Hong Kong court bans protest song Glory To Hong Kong

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For qns on music and censorship....

China vows to crack down on school bullying after student’s murder sparks public outrage

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AI ‘friends’ are becoming popular, but watch out for these red flags

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1. Has technology made humans obsolete?
2.  To what extent has social media devalued true friendship in your society? (Cam. 2021)

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

‘We have built a strong foundation for future generations’: PM Lee in his last major speech

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A good read for the latest on Singapore context.... 

“In Singapore, unlike in some other countries, your postal code does not determine your destiny,” 

Qn: To what extent does social class determine an individual's success in your society? (TJC Prelim 2023)

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Chinese zoo starts ‘panda dog’ enclosure with dyed chow chows

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Relate also to the 2019 AQ on zoos....

Qn: To what extent is authenticity valuable today? (ASRJC Prelim 2023)

What if your child wants to be an artist or a magician?

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Qn: ‘Parents have no right to impose their own values and beliefs on their children.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2015)

Sunday, May 05, 2024

China’s online influencers under scrutiny after fake story sparks public outrage

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Note the (same) example used in the opening and closing when crafting conclusion....

Michelle Yeoh honoured as pioneer by Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom

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for decades Yeoh has “shattered stereotypes and glass ceilings to enrich and enhance American culture

her efforts to advance gender equality, conservation issues and global health have been felt around the world

Qn: Evaluate the claim that equality of opportunity for females is a desirable, but unrealistic goal. (Cam. 2016)

Friday, May 03, 2024

More can be done to make training courses available to people with disabilities: Social service agencies

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One major move to ensure people with disabilities have better access to learning opportunities was the launch in 2022 of the Enabling Academy, which offers courses targeted specifically at the group. The academy is run by SG Enable

A misconception exists that considerable resources are needed to tailor or modify courses to accommodate this group, which may be why some training providers are hesitant to take the step

making course modifications to be more accommodating towards learners with disabilities, such as providing closed captions for visual materials, or ensuring text is compatible with assistive technology used by the visually impaired, like screen readers that convert text to speech.

learners who are hard of hearing or have vision loss may benefit from speech-to-text or text-to-speech software, respectively. However, the material must be in a format supported by the software

Qn: 'Not enough is being done for people with disabilities.' Do you agree?