The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I could never be a great leader because I’m not selfless enough: Ho Kwon Ping

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selflessness is crucial for great leadership. While many people, including himself, can be good leaders to varying degrees, he said he could never be a “great” leader, which requires a much larger amount of selflessness than he is willing to give

Lee Kuan Yew was so admired and respected, although he was hardly a very likeable person, was that he was selfless,...he was not the kind of guy you wanted to hang around with at happy hour...But this quality of putting others before himself was what made Mr Lee a great leader,... drawing a comparison between former US president Donald Trump, where “everything he does is for himself”, and the late Mr Lee, for whom every decision, good or bad, was for Singapore. “Whatever he did, whether it was right or wrong... he didn’t do it for himself. He didn’t do it for his ego. He did it for Singapore. That, to me, is so important (as) you respect him even if you disagree with him.

Qn: Describe three traits that you find most essential in a good leader. (Anderson Sec Prelim 2023)