The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....ex-Students' comments:

Friday, May 25, 2018

Consider all stakeholders' views, concerns over electronic health records

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useful local example of  the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR), where the medical data of patients is centralized and any doctors seeing the same patient will have access to the patient's past medical records...

Relate to last year's 'A' levle compre AQ on the sharing of this instance here, the sharing of medical data of patients by doctors may deter patients from seeking help....but note also the various benefits mentioned in the article on doctors having access to the centralized, shared medical records of patients....

Patients with sexually transmitted diseases, mental issues arising from a breakdown in social and family units and chronic and multi-system diseases do hesitate to seek help.

Growing outrage over rape cases forces India to tackle caste, religion, gender issues

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USe this to consider the idea that when someone commits a crime, the society he was brought up in is also an accomplice. Rape in India can be traced to the caste system, and the highly patriarchal society where women have low status and little rights...

But the sense of national shame, with India dubbed the "rape capital of the world", has forced an uneasy nation to confront issues that go deep into the notions of caste, class, religious tensions and the power imbalance between men and women.

In response to public anger, the government introduced the death penalty as the maximum punishment for child rapists, but a series of rapes have since continued to capture headlines.

Qn: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)

Thai bay made famous by film The Beach to close for 4 months

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Thailand's Maya Bay, made famous by the film The Beach, will close to visitors for four months from June to allow its coral reefs to recover from rising temperatures and the environmental impact of thousands of visitors each day. The bay, on Phi Phi Leh island in the Andaman Sea, was the main location of the 2000 film starring Leonardo Di Caprio, which revealed to viewers the stunning beauty of Thailand's turquoise seas and white-powder beaches, spurring many to visit.
Note how this is like Korean Drama, where the locations for shooting became tourist hotspots after the drama became popular...
Relate also to Qns on impact of tourism on the envmt...
Qn: Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality? (Cam. 2014)

Urban living in the age of the smart city

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Excellent article for last year's 'A' level Compre AQ on impact of sharing data...this is in line with Spore's aim to transform into a smart city...Look at how the use of shared data can be studied and analysed to make predictions on trends of human behaviour and how this is then used to formulate policies....

Friday, May 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian slammed for endorsing diet product

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Note the useful stats that Kim Kardashian has 'more than 111 million Instagram followers and is a social influencer'.

For qns on the impact of the media, the internet and celebrity influence....

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Why trust in Govt is key to acceptance of unpopular policies

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At the heart of this is they govt's determination to combat fake news that erodes the public's trust in the govt, making it hard for the govt to enact policies beneficial for the nation but which are hard to stomach....

Relate also to the perils of democracy : how it is difficult for the govt to implement 'bitter medicine' as it will cause them to lose their seat, hence encouraging populist govts...Najib's downfall is a case in point, but arguably, we can say that it is not so much democracy that is to blame here, but his own corruption. People can be educated and informed to swallow bitter medicine, but they will not tolerate a situation where they are asked to swallow the bitter pill while the govt is gulping down champagne and sweet nectar...TRUST in the govt is thus crucial here, trust that the govt is doing the necessary and swallowing the bitter pill together with us, not just we suffering alone while they enrich their coffers...(in the case of Najib, his wife was having a roll with her birkin bags and pink diamonds!!!)

Qn:  Is regulation of the press desirable? (Cam. 2017)

Society must keep social networks open: PM

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-Yesterday, PM Lee said social networks must always remain open and permeable. If they close up or form a glass ceiling, "not only would social mobility be frustrated, but soon the elite group would start to only look after its own interests, and fail in their duty to lead and to care for the rest of society".

-Important characteristic feature of Singapore that sets us apart from other first world nations:
Singapore, being young, has not seen entrenched notions of class and caste, which are common in older countries such as Britain and India, he added.

-Citing accents, a social marker in Britain, for instance, Mr Lee said schools here teach students to speak good English to avoid such distinctions. "Without everyone being proficient in speaking standard English, Singlish will become a class marker," he added.

-Lifestyle choices, such as holiday spots and dress, can also become separators in society, he said.To counter this, Singaporeans should emphasise their commonalities. "We should frown upon those who go for ostentatious displays of wealth and status, or worse, look down on others less well-off and privileged," he said.

-Note effective closing BANG using humourous, interesting anecdote that not only grabs attention, but also reinforces/reiterates his stand. (Those whom we just discussed last year 'A' level compre SAQ on the effect on the use of ants imagery pls take note...) :
"If you wear a chunky gold watch and dress flashily, instead of being impressed, people may think you are a loan shark!

1. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)
2. To what extent is education a social leveller?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Aim for 4G leaders: Equalise vocational, academic pathways

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the best form of welfare was a job

propagate the idea of "continuous meritocracy" so that careers can be founded on ongoing performance instead of just achievement in high-stakes examinations and academic credentials received early in life.

The Institute of Policy Studies 2017 Social Capital Survey, for example, found that self-declared alumni of elite schools mixed mainly among themselves, not with students from mainstream schools. Similarly, there was a lack of social mixing among those living in private and public housing.

One bold way forward is to adopt the Swiss system, which creates diverse, permeable pathways in education and skilling.
The Swiss have an even deeper egalitarian bias that appreciates the diversity of skills and talent such that theoretical and academic education is not considered superior to applied and practice-oriented education.

While we have diverse educational institutions in Singapore, we lack a paradigm that considers each pathway as being of different but equal standing. Instead, the academic is privileged above the vocational.
1. ‘Practical ability is just as important as intellectual skills.’ How far is this true in your society? (Cam. 2017)
2. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Reducing inequality in Singapore: A level playing field is no walk in the park

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Things to note:
-opening BANG using an interesting anecdote/eg to lead into topic

-There are unseen walls in communities, like the one between the children and the playground - and when the neighbours reacted the way they did, they ended up "building the walls even higher"

-Solutions to tackle inequality:
It called for the opening up of more progressive pathways, the raising of pre-school quality, additional support in housing, skills upgrades and employment, as well as special attention to the elderly..."Most importantly, we need to build a strong culture where the better-off devote time, talent and resources to help the less fortunate."
-Certain schools have become "more closed communities" compared to the past, he said.
-Singapore's Gini coefficient has fallen from a peak of 0.482 in 2007 to 0.458 in 2016. Taking into account taxes and transfers, it improved from 0.439 to 0.401.
-Left unchecked, inequality has serious consequences for society. PM Lee's February reply said: "Our politics will turn vicious, our society will fracture and our nation will wither." Before that arrives, however, inequality is likely to make itself felt through poor social mobility and poor integration, say analysts. The three feed off one another.
-"Parents have the means and the motive to pass on their advantages to their offspring. Unequal distribution of assets implies unequal opportunities, which then means that the offspring of the rich stay rich, and the offspring of the poor stay poor," she says, noting the money rich families spend on books, extracurricular activities, tuition and computers.
-Inequality harms integration, too. As incomes diverge, people buy groceries at different shops, eat at different restaurants and go to different social activities.
-When people aren't mixing, they don't get to know one another. Hence, "the rich have decreasing understanding and empathy for the poor, and they increasingly blame the poor for their plight"
Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Mock at your own expense

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For qns on cartoons and the media...

Are cartoons just harmless fun?

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For qns on imact of cartoons and the media on children...

Qn: Consider the argument that the main purpose of television should be to educate rather than simply to entertain. (Cam. 2015)

Stefanie Sun becomes victim of fake news again

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latest example of fake to last year's 'A' level compre on swarm mentality, where the sharing of fake data does not lead to beneficial effects when this sharing affects the descision-making of others......

Just 12, and she had nose job, liposuction and eyelid surgery

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Perhaps more surprising is that many teens have the backing of their parents, some of whom have paid for cosmetic procedures as a gift for their child's birthday or for doing well in exams.

some parents want to give their children an edge over their peers: "Certain studies have found that good-looking people are more successful and have a greater income when competing with others."

it is unlikely that teens would attain long-term confidence from cosmetic procedures alone....In fact, some might "use such procedures as a crutch", and not learn suitable ways to deal with their body image issues, he added..."This may create dependence that would be very difficult to resolve as the person grows older."

Can also go into issues like the impact of social media casuing us to emphasise appearance, etc....

Qn: To what extent are people judged more by their physical appearance than by their abilities? (Cam. 2017)

Doping: Steroid abuse a growing problem in Singapore

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Relate to qns on sports and competition....

Qn: Is competition always desirable? (Cam. 2016)

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

1,700 SG Ambassadors trained and ready to serve

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He recalled an elderly resident, whom he clicked with instantly because they speak Hakka. This also allowed the 83-year-old to confide in him about family matters. One day, he received a call from the old man, who had fallen in the bathroom. Mr Wong, who took him to the hospital and visited him during his stay there, said he was happy the elderly resident trusted him and treated him like a close friend.
Based on interaction with his own parents, Mr Chan feels there is a gap between the policies available and awareness among the people these seek to benefit. "There are policies out there, but it might be quite hard for (seniors) to understand," said Mr Chan, an associate at a bank. He cited as an example the Community Health Assist Scheme card, which some seniors may not know about or know how to apply for..... Ms Wong, who works in the tourism industry, added: "I think apart from sharing the policies with them, it's also about the befriending - just being there for them if they need a listening ear."
But (volunteering) is also a way for us to thank the pioneer generation for making Singapore what it is today."
1. In your opinion, what kind of voluntary work is worth doing, and why? (Cam. 'O' lvl 2008)
2. Is there a need to preserve the use of dialects in your society today?

Monday, May 07, 2018

Photos of minors shared, sexualised on porn microblogs

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If u just did the 2017 'A' compre AQ on the benefits and harm of sharing data, try to relate to this article....Here are some parts:

the local situation/context:
They are photos that could have belonged in a school yearbook: girls posing during dance rehearsals and boys at the swimming pool or the track, clad in their sports attire. Instead, they were found on microblogs that publish local pornographic content, drawing lewd comments that range from the suggestive to the obscene.
exploitation of personal data won't occur coz:
1) A few areas of the law may apply, including the Copyright Act, the Children and Young Persons Act (CYPA) and the Personal Data Protection Act.
Copyright holders can, however, invoke intellectual property rights if the photos might be denigrated, Mr Tan added. "Even with consent... the issue of moral rights might be useful as a defence."
2)The Education Ministry conducts regular reviews so that sexuality education remains current and relevant to emerging trends, said its spokesman. "Teachers, for instance, are given tips on how to guide students to be discerning about online content, and to exercise care with what they post online," she added.
3) According to Tumblr's community guidelines, posters are prohibited from causing harm to minors and they are not allowed to "solicit anything relating to minors that is sexually suggestive or violent".

HOWEVER, there are legal loop holes or limitations to the law:
Lawyers told The Straits Times that these photos shared on Tumblr exist in a legal grey area.
For example, under the CYPA, "unless the posted material... was obscene or pornographic in nature, complaining to the police or the authorities may be futile", said Mr Gilbert Leong, a senior partner at law firm Dentons Rodyk.

The source of the photos matters too. Consent need not be sought "if the photos were taken off a public source, like the subject's Facebook page", said Mr Bryan Tan, a partner at Pinsent Masons MPillay.
But policing can be difficult as microblogs can pop up as suddenly as they can close down, just like the NP microblogs. It also makes it hard to get a sense of how many microblogs there are or who the posters are. Posts can also go viral, making them hard to wipe out.

patients who posted photos of themselves as they were craving attention.

The Nobel Prize for Literature is a scandal all by itself

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There is a point in this article that I raised in class last Sat....that u cannot compare apples with oranges in certain competitions, the arts (which include music and literature) is one of them....u can compare which one is more popular, but it will be hard -- near impossible -- to come to a conclusion as to which is the better piece, or the better singer (unless they are performing/singing the same piece/song). Who is to say Shakespeare's works are better than "Dreams of the Red Chamber" or "The Water Margin" or "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or "Journey to the West"?
BUT this becomes possible if there is a common ground that they are competing on e.g. Michael Jordon or Yao Ming.....coz they are competing on the same game with the same rules and the exact same skills are tested.....So if the point is that winning is important as proof of one's ability, it is not really that convincing when it comes to the arts, coz the winner cannot be said convincingly to be the better writer than others who wrote in a different language, of a different cultural context.....hence, awards like the  Nobel Prize is meaningless if one's aim in winning it is to prove one's ability, coz for those who do not win eventually, it does not mean they are not good writers.

Literature is not tennis or football, where international competition makes sense. It is intimately tied to the language and culture from which it emerges. Literary style distinguishes itself by its distance from the other styles that surround it, implying a community of readers with a shared knowledge of other literary works, of standard language usage and cultural context.
What sense does it make for a group from one culture - be it Swedish, American, Nigerian or Japanese - to seek to compare a Bolivian poet with a Korean novelist, an American singer-songwriter with a Russian playwright, and so on? Why would we even want them to do that?
Qn: "Winning is everything." Do you agree?

Sunday, May 06, 2018

The great cheongsam cultural clash

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for 'O' lvl students doing Situation Writing, u need to write in an informal tone sometimes  -- informal letter, emails, articles, speech....informal style can also be found in the opening and closing BANGs of expository writing coz that's where u r trying to engage the reader's attention; and also in the direct speech of narrative/descriptive or recount essays....

This writer in the link above usually adopts an informal carefully and note these features:
1) use of contractions (e.g. don't;  I'm; That's; it's
2) slangs (e.g. new things that seem completely bananas to me; Same same but different different)
3) imperatives (e.g. Call me a cynical grump imbued with majority privilege)
4) questions (e.g. As a Chinese guy who occasionally wears the sarong, loves Indian food and listens to R&B, do I have to stop doing all that?)
5) speech markers (e.g. I mean, when was the last time you wore one?; OK, these people are ridiculous, right? ; Hey, that saying is not Singaporean.)
6) using conjunctions to start a sentence or qn (e.g. And another thing, who is this guy to determine what is offensive to the Chinese or not? Or how about that time Criminal Minds did an episode purportedly set in Singapore but all they did was stand around in front of lanterns spouting nonsense about Geylang?)

By the way, the original title for this article in the Straits Times is "An inappropriate debate about cultural appropriation"....Note this catchy title and how he achieves this 'catchiness'....

Note also the format of the article here: Title; by-line; sub-heading; intro; body; conclusion......

Friday, May 04, 2018

Privacy watchdog fines three insurers, highlights serious lapses in new advisory

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Relate to 2017 Compre AQ for General Paper....

Black men arrested in Starbucks settle for $1 and fund to help young entrepreneurs

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useful example for your BANGS or PEEL

1. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)
2. To what extent are people judged more by their physical appearance than by their abilities? (Cam. 2017)