The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Message of gratitude from Johor crown prince about Singapore’s help during drought seasons warms hearts

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An example of how helping another country can help earn goodwill which leads to better relations......this applies not to just countries but also among people in general...

Qn: Is there still a place for charity in today’s world? (Cam. 2006)

Ethical perfumes from Chopard

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The international brand Chopard is pronounced "sho-par"

Back to shopping and consumerism, note that even buying perfumes can involve ethical consuming as manufacturers are now targetting consumers who have a conscience and trying to use this to differentiate their product from their competitors in the market...

Usually, this means giving the assurance that the manufacturing of their products satisfies two main conditions:
1) NO harm to Mother Nature
2) NO exploitation of workers or any humans
These are what products carrying the FAIR TRADE logo promise....(see HERE)

Swiss brand Chopard became the first luxury jeweller to commit to using only 100 per cent ethically sourced gold in its jewellery and watch collections.

he brand would stop using any gold that is not "acquired from sustainable sources" and which is "verified as having met international best practice environmental and social standards".

based on fair-trade ingredients

using natural ingredients that have been responsibly sourced.

Relate to qns on shopping and consumerism, esp the impact on Mother Nature and society...

Qn: "The sole purpose of doing business is profit maximization." Discuss.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Singaporeans should be aware of China's 'influence operations' to manipulate them, says retired diplomat Bilahari

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Qn: Is foreign intervention in the affairs of a country ever justified?

Beijing spent $65b on charm offensive to win friends: US study

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-note the term 'charm offensive', which is something like making yourself attractive and appealing to the other party as a form of 'attacking' strategy, such that the other party will find it hard to resist you and will give in to what u want....a bit like 美人计?

-We have heard of sport, food and panda diplomacy (well, at least I hope u have!), and now there's cultural and financial diplomacy i.e. using culture and money to build good relations.
-Charity can be good for humanitarian aid and helping to develop poorer countries.....It can also be used to generate good-will and build good diplomatic relations. On the flip side of this, some charitable acts come with strings attached, whether overtly or covertly seeking to influence the recipient country in the interests of the donor country.
China has gone all out to woo its neighbours in recent years, spending at least US$48 billion (S$65 billion) to win friends between 2000 and 2016, a US study has found.

The lion's share, or US$45.8 billion, was spent on infrastructure, while the rest went to humanitarian aid, debt relief, and grants and loans given as "gifts" with no earmarked purpose.
A country was also more likely to side with Beijing the more official visits it received. The report said these visits could be a potent tool for Beijing to cultivate close ties with political elites and coax them to adopt its positions. "Beijing's intense focus on courting political and business elites, as well as its emphasis on financial diplomacy, could increase the risk of undue influence with leaders willing to exchange favours for economic gain."

China's use of public diplomacy to persuade citizens to sympathise with its views and leaders to side with its position.

1. Is there still a place for charity in today’s world? (Cam. 2006)
2. Is foreign intervention in the affairs of a country ever justified?

More jail time to rehabilitate man who killed wife

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rehabilitate -- to reform or condition a person such that he is suitable to be released into the society and can be assimilated into it with as little problem as possible

the longer jail time was not to punish Kong Peng Yee, 70, but to rehabilitate him and prevent him from harming others....

give the respondent sufficient time to become accustomed to the new reality of having to take medication in a disciplined manner....

assuage, to a reasonable degree, any concerns that the public might have about a potentially dangerous man living in its midst, especially someone who killed his wife of more than three decades in a most brutal and violent manner only slightly more than two years ago

"In prison, he will have free and easy access to psychiatric services, live in a structured environment, and be subject to the supervision of trained staff who can ensure that he consumes his medication and assist him along the path of recovery,"

Qn: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)

Businessman's life term changed to death after appeal

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"exhibited such viciousness and such a blatant disregard for the life of the deceased, and are so grievous an affront to humanity and so abhorrent that the death penalty is the appropriate, indeed the only adequate sentence".

Qn: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Australia set to pass laws to curb foreign interference

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"Covert interference and espionage by nation states are an unfortunate but longstanding global reality, and have the potential to cause immense harm to our national sovereignty, to the safety of our people, to our economic prosperity and to the very integrity of our democracy,"

Note also the figurative language used:
"In its original form, the Bill… was very much using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, when what in truth was required was a more scalpel-like approach,"

Qn: Is foreign intervention in the affairs of a country ever justified?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

More local works for literature at O, A levels

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"The (local) works provide not only a wealth of literary techniques and devices for study, but also a reservoir of rich local historical and cultural heritage for reflection. "

"Classics like Teahouse or those by Shakespeare... It's not that you shouldn't study them, but the context, language and topics are very remote from us.

"With our nation's coming of age, we are figuring out who we are.....We are no longer immigrants, so it's time for us to ask ourselves what we are."

Relate on qns about the value of studying literature and the arts.

1. To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent? (Cam. 2015)
2.‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)

Malaysia mosque bans tourists after 'sexy dance' goes viral

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Another good example on how tourism can cause problem for the host country....when tourists are insensitive to the culture of the countries they visit....
Think also about women sunbathing nude or in bikinis in conservative muslim countries...climbing onto statues of gods or national heroes to take selfies, or that infamous one about a Chinese tourist who carved his name onto an ancient obelisk (in Egypt?)....
The article also mentioned one about some Canadian tourists who stripped themselves naked at the summit of Mt Kinabalu (considered a sacred mountain to the locals) to take selfies/wefies....

Qn: Should poorer countries develop their tourist industry when the basic needs of their own people are not being met? (Cam. 2007)

Monday, June 25, 2018

Making real change harder than it looks for ethical consumers

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Saving Mother Nature requires the combined effort of the various stakeholders which include the govt, the business community, NGOs, and the consumer (i.e. us).
In the article, the writer gives some reasons as to why the efforts of the consumer are futile, though she ends by saying it still plays a role....

Possible rebuttal pair: Consumerism (and this includes shopping!) is bad for Mother Nature, BUT if one consumes ethically, one is actually saving Mother Nature. By consuming ethically, we 'vote with our wallet at the cash register' by applying pressure on businesses to go green. In more extreme ways, we can even boycott businesses that destroy mother nature, and vote out a govt that is not green.

But note that it also works the other way round: sometimes, it is the consumer who chooses not to go green. Then a green govt can implements measures to educate the consumer, either by making non-green goods more expensive via taxes, and green goods cheaper via subsidies, or totally deny the consumer his choice of non-green goods by banning them or not making them available. Ethical businesses can do likewise.

So you see, it is a virtuous cycle in operation here if it is put into action and gain traction or momentum...

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Saudi women take victory laps as driving ban ends

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important example on gender equality....useful for Opening and Closing BANG!

Comedian John Oliver, HBO website censored in China after Xi jokes

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-example of censorship
-note reason for censorship: ridculing of political leaders -- eroding stature of public figures and consequently the trust and respect for them...
-note issue of humour

-note how Preseident Xi was compared to Winnie the Pooh, something which he doesn't find flattering:
Mr Oliver's segment dug into Mr Xi's distaste at comparisons to the self-described "bear of very little brain" and introduced viewers to repressive changes under way in the world's most populous country.

Do you think such a scenario will be allowed to happen in Singapore? Why or why not?

1.     How far, in your society, should unpopular views be open to discussion? (Cam. 2013)
2.     Can humour ever be serious? (Cam. 2012)

VAR-ious ways new tech impacts the world cup

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excellent point on how technology impacts sport...impact of tech on sport is not confined to just how it aids the sportsman's performance (e.g. better nutrition, better sports equipment and attire and shoes etc.), but also how tech is employed to prevent cheating, hence enhancing fairness:
clearly missed incidents or match-changing decisions, for example violent conduct like a punch off the ball the referee was not able to see."...With greater scrutiny, it is harder to cheat as well.

BUT, note how there is a counterargument on the VAR:
No system is foolproof and it is possible to abuse VAR, noted Aidil..."Some coaches might instruct their players to go down in the box under minimal contact especially when their team is winning," he said. "By making the referee look at the VAR, it is a form of time-wasting."

Qn: ‘Gambling on sport undermines its spirit and should be banned.’ How realistic is this position? (Cam. 2014)

Goodbye... then the show goes on

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Good examples to show how celebrities are not 'gods', but that fans are discerning and will not blindly support and be influenced by the views of celebrities...

for Qns on celebrities' influence....

Famed director believes in power of art to edify

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Xie is best known for an insightful eye that looks beyond his subject's everyday facades to reveal the unvarnished humanity hidden beneath...His directorial style is introspective, insightful and quietly immersive. He takes viewers on slow, intensely personal journeys into the lives and loves of ordinary people - some lonely and filled with unspoken yearnings and naive hopes as they toil against the relentless confines of their everyday existence, and others resonating with the unflagging strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

"Today, even Chinese films are for entertainment, not art," he said sadly. "But it is through art that we learn to aspire and understand others." He has hopes that art and commercial styles will be combined more often, "so that artistic sensibilities can be passed down to the next generation.
Note for comaprison Qns like Q2 below, u can always try to find a connection btw A and B; e.g. entertain in order to educate; the two need not be mutually exclusive but achieved concurrently....


1.     Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality? (Cam. 2014)
2.     Consider the argument that the main purpose of television should be to educate rather than simply to entertain. (Cam. 2015)
3.     ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fight the world of lies and gaslighting with the blaze of truthful inquiry

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The opening example is a classic example of how the press sometimes seeks to sensationalize the event, misguiding the public, and eroding public trust in the govt by deliberately portraying the govt as the bad guy; i.e. demonizing the govt, esp if the allegiance of the press is with the opposition party.

Qn: Is regulation of the press desirable? (Cam. 2017)

Monday, June 18, 2018

Singapore's concerted efforts to reduce emissions

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Note the various ways undertaken by Singapore to curb carbon emissions, esp in our pledge to cut emissions by 37% under the Paris Agreement. Pertaining to the Qn below, how effective are these measures?

Singapore has designated 2018 as the Year of Climate Action.

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Mount Everest, the world's highest rubbish dump

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Pursuing economic progress via tourism can have repercussions on the environment. see also equivalent example HERE.

1. Environmental concerns and economic growth cannot co-exist. Do you agree? (Cam. 2011)
2. Should poorer countries develop their tourist industry when the basic needs of their own people are not being met? (Cam. 2007)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Trending: The Mysterious Wikipedia Editor

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Quite an interesting podcast I heard from bbc just now....the example of wikipedia is useful to show how stuff we get from the internet may not be reliable....

For those taking ur Orals soon, note the good spoken English here....

Saturday, June 16, 2018

EU deal to end palm-oil transport fuel

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Palm oil, being a form of biofuel, is actually considered a solution to global warming as the use of biofuels emits much less carbon dioxide compared to the burning of fossil fuels. However, the problem is that the growing and production of biofuels (i.e. palm oil) actually releases carbon into the air due to deforestation to clear land for planting the crop. It is not just the destruction of trees (esp the peatlands in Indonesia which serve as 'carbon sink' to trap carbon in the ground) but also the method of clearing the land -- think the haze from Indonesia. Also, the planting of biofuels results in the drainage of the peatlands, causing the emission of nitrous oxide -- a greenhouse gas:
"palm oil and soya bean oil had the highest indirect greenhouse gas emissions because of the deforestation and the drainage of peatlands associated with their cultivation."

Useful stats to know about the EU's commitment under the Paris Agreeemnt; Singapore's commitment under the same agreement is to reduce carbon emissions by 37% by 2030:
"Under the Paris climate deal struck in December 2015, the EU pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, and make renewable energy account for 27 per cent of energy use."

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Football: A new chapter beckons for host

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1) Hosting mega events like this (c/f S'pore's hosting of Trump-Kim summit) is a chance not just to put the country on the world's radar, but also to project a certain image about the country, While S'pore's recent success in hosting the summit has sealed our reputation as a neutral, safe and efficient country, Russia is hoping to use the World Cup as a public relations exercise to repair the damage to its reputation due to the major doping scandal when it hosted the Sochi Winter Olympics a few years ago.
"the spectre of systemic doping still looms for a country that has had a record 41 Olympic medals stripped from its clutches due to such violations."

2) Note the staggering stats involved in the staging of these world class sporting events:
"In the build-up to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, Russia faced criticism after spending a record US$51 billion (S$68.5 billion) on roads, railways, power plants and operating costs. This World Cup is expected to cost US$12 billion, behind only Brazil's US$15 billion in 2014."

3) Hosting the Olympics is also a way to rejuvenate lesser-known parts of the country to give it a much-needed 'resuscitation', as the world's media crew will be there to beam it to the screens of millions(?) across the globe, and investments will be pouring in to build the infrastructure needed to host the games. The London Olympics did just that for Stratford (see HERE). Now Russia is trying to do the same too:
"the World Cup will help to promote lesser-known cities such as Samara and Saransk, as the Winter Olympics did for Sochi."

Qn: Hosting major sporting events creates more problems than benefits. Do you agree? (Cam. 2005)

Singapore may have gained over $700m in exposure as host of Trump-Kim summit: Analyst Meltwater

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Useful stats to rebut the S$20m we spent on the Trump-Kim summit:
Singapore itself may have gained more than $700 million in exposure by hosting the historic Trump-Kim summit

Qn: "Hosting global international events has more benefits than problems." Discuss.

Trump-Kim summit: Singapore's improbable role in the North Korean imagination

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Note closing BANG making reference to earlier mention of 'improbable role'

An interesting point brought up on Singapore's contribution to the peace process is not so much our providing a neutral and safe venue for the summit, but how we can be a role model or possibility for North Korea to envision themselves of the future, which will nudge it on its commitment to the peace process....After all, it has often been commented that Singapore did just did when Deng XiaoPing visited Singapore in the 1970s, sparking off the opening of Chins's economy....May history repeats itself here again?:
Perhaps being in Singapore these few days will remind Mr Kim and his fellow North Korean leaders about what is possible: That it is possible to open up economically, and evolve domestically at its own pace in a way that its people can accept, while retaining control of its own destiny.

In the end, Singapore's contribution to the summit might go beyond the fact that it provided the venue and hosted the event.
If Singapore, in some small way, shifts the mindsets of North Koreans when they envision a future for their country, to one that is both peaceful and prosperous, nudging it towards integration with the world and greater economic development, then we would have had an impact on the world far greater than we could have hoped for when we agreed to host the event.
1. How far should countries address problems they did not contribute to. (SRJC Mid Yr 2017)
2. 'Small countries should not have a say in international affairs.' Comment. (SRJC Mid Yr 2017)
3. Consider the view that small countries cannot exert any real influence in world affairs. (NJC Prelim 2016)

Japan planning to welcome more low-skilled workers

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good example on need for migrants....

But note also:
there is concern that an influx of foreigners will upset the social order, increase job competition and weaken traditions.

Some job curbs on ex-offenders to protect public interest: MHA

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some residents might be comfortable knowing a security guard at their condominium was an ex-offender, but others might not, he said, suggesting the man could look for work in other sectors, like food and beverage.

Qn: Should crimes that were committed many years ago simply be forgotten? (Cam. 2006)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

$20m cost to host Trump-Kim summit worth bearing: PM Lee

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Compare with the budget involved when S'pore play host....
-YOG (Youth Olympics) 2010: S$400m
-F1 race: S$150m
-Trump-Kim Summit S$20m

1. How far should countries address problems they did not contribute to. (SRJC Mid Yr 2017)
2. 'Small countries should not have a say in international affairs.' Comment. (SRJC Mid Yr 2017)
3. Consider the view that small countries cannot exert any real influence in world affairs.
(NJC Prelim 2016)
4. "Hosting global international events has more benefits than problems." Discuss.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Trump-Kim summit: Positive impact on Singapore brand likely to be big in the long term

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"If you didn't know where Singapore was before, you would now,"

While many international events like the Formula One race reach niche audiences, a major political summit reaches a mass international audience

For Qns on the pros and cons of hosting major international events....

Hand it to the robot to make that perfect latte

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After a third visit, the software will be able to "use data" to help customers find their "perfect drink", Mr Pathross said, adding: "After a couple of visits, the app will be able to start guessing what the customer likes to make better recommendations," he said

"I'm no longer busy with making coffee like a machine. The robot can do the job and I can focus my energies on sharing my knowledge and promoting coffee culture," said the Hubei native who has been working in Shanghai since 2014. On average, the robot takes less than a minute to whip up a cup of latte and one to three minutes to make a cocktail.

Qn: To what extent is advancement in artificial intelligence beneficial? (NYJC Mid-Yr Exams 2018)

Deforestation for profit in Cambodia

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useful example to show how difficult it is to enforce the rule of law in third world nations to protect Mother Nature

Cambodia has among the highest deforestation rates in the world, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances last year...It lost 1.6 million hectares between 2001 and 2014, including 38 per cent of its "intact forest landscape"
1. Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)
2. In your society, how well are the demands of the economy and the environment balanced? (Cam. 2015)

Friday, June 08, 2018

Loan sharks turn to tech to harass and bait victims

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He also said technology has allowed them to target more people.

Some even receive cold calls from syndicates which, The Straits Times reported in February, had bought databases of mobile phone numbers.

For qns on the bane of technology....Link also to last yr (2017) 'A' level compre AQ on sharing of data -- how users are exploited as their personal data (in this case, contact numbers) are sold to interested parties who target them as potential customers....

The final straw: How Singapore can curb plastic pollution

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'O' level students, pls note the pun in the title....

Interesting anecdotes and stats for BANGING:
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation warns that on current trajectories, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Asia is at the heart of the challenge, given that more than half of the plastic leakage into the ocean occurs here. The focus for this year's World Environment Day on Tuesday is on how to tackle plastic pollution.

People in Singapore use an estimated 2.2 million straws per day. If laid end-to-end, Singapore's daily plastic straw consumption would cover the coastline of Singapore more than twice over.

Lack of social mixing is a symptom of inequality, not a cause

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Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Michael Crichton: from print to screen

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Good example for the qns below:


1. How far is science fiction becoming fact? (Cam. 2017)
2. ‘Any adaptation of a novel for film, television or the theatre is never as effective as the original’. Discuss. (Cam. 2016)
3. Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality? (Cam. 2014)

New council to look into issues over AI use

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Note the following 2 good examples on AI, and how they are used as OPENING BANGs to the article:

Should a self-driving car, in an attempt to protect everyone in the vehicle, veer off the road and into the sidewalk - potentially knocking into pedestrians - to avoid a collision with another car?
If a chatbot run by a company starts spewing racist or offensive messages because it was exposed to online trolls, should the company be responsible, and should learning data then be issued only by the company and not open to the public?
Note useful definition of AI:
AI refers to technologies which attempt to simulate human intelligence and thinking processes like learning, reasoning and problem solving. This is done through software algorithms which let machines "learn" for themselves from vast amounts of data.

Qn: To what extent is advancement in artificial intelligence beneficial? (NYJC Mid-Yr Exams 2018)

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Growing perils of Myanmar's tourism industry

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Note adverse impacts of tourism, notably the strain on the environment, as well as child exploitation -- either as cheap labour or worse still, as child prostitutes. Third World countries are seen as a sex haven for sex tourists, including paedophiles, due to the lax law enforcement and poverty which fuels the sex trade.

For qns on tourism.....

Oh baby, it's a leap of faith

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An example of how culture can be used to attract tourists....
Conversely, it also shows how the tourist dollar helps keep certain cultural practices alive, esp the superstitious ones that are increasingly regarded as outmoded in today's modern world...

Monday, June 04, 2018

Class divide: Singapore in danger of becoming academic aristocracy

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A Good article to read on issues relating to Singapore's meritocracy and inequality....

Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

When parents decide to turn off life support

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For qns on the pros and cons of choices....

Gandhi plaque cements historical link

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Note how revival of past links can help to foster stronger bonds btw people and countries...
The oppostite also applies where the past can become a baggage that hampers diplomatic ties...think Spore/Malaysia; China/Japan; Japan/South Korea.....
We also look to the past for inspiration and ideas....think China's "One Belt One Road" initiative that is based on the revival of the ancient Silk Route...

Qn: ‘The past is not dead; it is not even past.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)

Saturday, June 02, 2018

AI can take over some tasks but will not replace humans: Experts

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The reason has to do with the importance of the human touch.

"People don't want to walk into a clinic, say they want a cataract operation, hit three buttons, go and pay, and then (walk) into the operating room."

Qn: To what extent is advancement in artificial intelligence beneficial? (NYJC Mid-Yr Exams 2018)