The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Famed director believes in power of art to edify

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Xie is best known for an insightful eye that looks beyond his subject's everyday facades to reveal the unvarnished humanity hidden beneath...His directorial style is introspective, insightful and quietly immersive. He takes viewers on slow, intensely personal journeys into the lives and loves of ordinary people - some lonely and filled with unspoken yearnings and naive hopes as they toil against the relentless confines of their everyday existence, and others resonating with the unflagging strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

"Today, even Chinese films are for entertainment, not art," he said sadly. "But it is through art that we learn to aspire and understand others." He has hopes that art and commercial styles will be combined more often, "so that artistic sensibilities can be passed down to the next generation.
Note for comaprison Qns like Q2 below, u can always try to find a connection btw A and B; e.g. entertain in order to educate; the two need not be mutually exclusive but achieved concurrently....


1.     Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality? (Cam. 2014)
2.     Consider the argument that the main purpose of television should be to educate rather than simply to entertain. (Cam. 2015)
3.     ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)