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Saturday, December 31, 2022

HAPPY 2023!!!

Take a sip, and the world becomes a bit more tolerable -- even beautiful!

Wishes for 2023: ‘Quality’ tourism wanted as travellers return to Japan

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“quality travellers” who are more respectful of local customs and mindful of social etiquette.

There is even a term kanko kogai (“tourism pollution”) that came about as residents have suffered the brunt of misbehaviour of foreigners

In 2018, the bamboo forests of Arashiyama in Kyoto were defaced by tourists who apparently thought it was OK to carve their names onto the trees. In 2017, a Buddhist temple in Fukuoka banned foreigners on group tours after they played loud music and frolicked in an out-of-bounds waterfall used for Buddhism training.

For qns on tourism.....

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Timely to review age limit for caning rapists, say some lawyers

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The punishment of caning was first codified during colonial rule in the 19th century, when Singapore enacted its Penal Code. The Criminal Procedure Code in 1900 stipulated the age limit of 50 for such punishment, at a time when life expectancy was about 48½ years.

The law also states that a person can be caned only after a medical officer has certified that he is healthy enough to undergo such punishment

Caning is applicable to more than 30 offences in Singapore, and is compulsory for crimes such as vandalism, robbery and drug trafficking.

“If you’re fit enough to rape, you should be fit enough to be caned,”

“For violent crimes, such as rape, people feel that an appropriately violent punishment must be inflicted on the wrongdoer. Otherwise, the punishment is inadequate, and society and victims won’t feel that justice is done.”

the administration of criminal justice was primarily motivated by retribution and deterrence. “That is still relevant today, but there are also other considerations such as rehabilitation

The police now maintain a non-public record of people convicted of major offences, including crimes of a sexual nature. The record is accessible by some agencies, such as the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social and Family Development, to screen prospective employees applying for jobs involving children

Saturday, December 24, 2022

In praise of the sound of silence

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It doesn’t help that noise seems to be a marker of a vibrant economy

Dhaka and Ho Chi Minh City, ranked in the UN Environment Programme 2022 report as the noisiest Asian and South-east Asian cities respectively.

Hearing impairment aside, sleep disturbance and chronic annoyance could lead to poorer mental health and heart diseases as well.

Perhaps silence is to be avoided, given its associations with absence and sadness. Is that why our festivals and joyous occasions are celebrated with high-volume sounds

The idea of negative space in art and architecture reminds us of the importance of emptiness. depth and perspective, allowing the viewer’s eye and mind to focus.

Qn: Consider the value of silence.

Making peace with nature is urgent

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About a million species are threatened with extinction because of mankind’s activities and large areas of the planet are fully or partially degraded. 

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which was agreed to at the COP15 talks in Montreal, will hopefully reset humanity’s relationship with nature – the complex web of life on which mankind is deeply dependent for food, water, clean air, resources and much more.

One of the framework’s keystone targets – there are 23 in all – is for nations to conserve and manage at least 30 per cent of the world’s lands, inland waters, coastal areas and oceans by 2030. 

Qn: Since the extinction of species is a natural phenomenon, is there any point in trying to prevent it? (Cam. 2022)

World Cup: A tournament of surprises and controversy

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Qn: ‘Staging major sporting events brings nothing but benefits to the host country.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2021)

Friday, December 23, 2022

2020 INEQUALITY Bernie’s Right: Three Billionaires Really Do Have More Wealth Than Half of America

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As cited by US Senator Bernie Sanders in a 2020 speech:

The wealthiest 3 billionaires in the U.S. – Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett — now have as much wealth as the bottom half of the U.S. population combined.

These extreme levels of wealth inequality are possible, in part, because the bottom fifth of U.S. households are underwater, with zero or negative net worth. And the next fifth has so few assets to fall back on that they live in fear of destitution.

Also, top 1% of income earners in the US now hold more than 30% of all wealth in the US -- 2021.


1. To what extent should income equality be a goal in your society? (Cam. 2019)

2. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Don’t worry about being happy

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Qn: How far is the pursuit of happiness the most important human goal? (Cam. 2021)

Football: Euphoric Argentinians ready to party with Messi, World Cup winners

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Note the role of sport in stoking patriotism....reportedly, 4 million people turned up to welcome Messi!!! That's more than 70% of Singapore's population!!!!

A picture of Messi was emblazoned on the plane’s tail with the words: “one team, one country, one dream” on its side.

“I came because of my passion for Argentina. I love Messi, I love the entire team,”

Qn: ‘It is not winning, but taking part, which matters.’ How acceptable is this as an approach to life?  (Cam. 2022)

World Cup: Croatia are out but country is burning with pride

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Note the role of sport in pulling entire nation together and fostering national winning a pre-condition in this case?

But their over-riding emotion was one of pride that the tiny nation of just four million had reached the final four.

“All of Croatia is with our national team,”

“But to go for the third place is already something... we are fantastic.”

Qn: ‘It is not winning, but taking part, which matters.’ How acceptable is this as an approach to life? (Cam. 2022)

Badminton: ‘I am still me,’ says Loh Kean Yew, as he recounts his ‘rough’ start as a pro

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Money is important, but it has never been my main motivation. “I just want to keep getting better at badminton, and if I do that, I’m happy and everything else will follow.”

“It can still be a viable career option, but one has to not only have belief, he or she must also work hard with the right attitude to make things happen.”

In comparison, football star Cristiano Ronaldo’s annual salary with his former club Manchester United was around £26 million (S$43 million), while tennis great Novak Djokovic wrapped up the 2022 season with almost US$10 million in prize money, all before tax.

1. ‘It is not winning, but taking part, which matters.’ How acceptable is this as an approach to life? (Cam. 2022)
2. 'Salary is everything when choosing a career today.' Do you agree? (CJC Promo 2022)

Rapists above 50 should not be spared caning, timely to review law: President Halimah

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The 50-year age limit probably reflected the shorter life expectancy during that period – that “men above 50 years of age could not withstand the punishment and that it could perhaps even be life-threatening

Qn: Consider the view that people imprisoned for crimes should lose all their rights. (Cam. 2022)

France to make condoms free for young adults aged 18-25

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Compare with Terengganu govt's policy; see HERE

condoms would be made available for free in pharmacies for 18- to 25-year-olds in a bid to reduce unwanted pregnancies among young people.

Controversial amendments to Terengganu state Islamic laws stoke concerns in Malaysia

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amendments to Terengganu state Islamic laws by the Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) state government that punish Muslim women who become pregnant out of wedlock, or act like men, among other things.

In the past, it may not have been much of an issue (women acting like men). Now, however, we see that ‘pengkid’ (Malay slang for tomboys or lesbians) and similar cases are becoming more widespread. So, the state government intends to curb this issue,

Rather than offering ‘consent and condoms’ as some sort of solution to social ills, we must address the root of the issue which is comprehensive management of sexual desires [see HERE]

Qn: Does religion still have a role in the modern world? (Cam. 2022)

Counselling chatbots useful but struggle to give personalised advice, handle suicide cases: NTU study

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researchers found that most bots can show care appropriately, such as offering encouragement when a user shows signs that his mood is improving.

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversations and are increasingly being used in healthcare, for example, to treat patients with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety or to help people maintain their general well-being.

“These chatbots could still be a useful alternative for individuals in need, especially those who are not able to access medical help. For some people, it’s easier to talk to a machine than a human being.

there is still some way for chatbots to bridge the gap, adding that many are still unable to understand broken English or nuanced language. Privacy concerns could also stand in the way of more personalised advice as the bots would need to ask more sensitive questions

Qn: To what extent is artificial intelligence replacing the role of humans? (Cam. 2019)

Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls, US condemns decision

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The Taliban adheres to an austere version of Islam, with the movement’s supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada and his inner circle of Afghan clerics against modern education, especially for girls and women.

They (i.e. women) are also barred from travelling without a male relative and must cover up outside the home, ideally with a burqa. In November, they were prohibited from going to parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

The authorities have also returned to public floggings and executions of men and women in recent weeks as they implement an extreme interpretation of Islamic syariah law. 

Qn: Does religion still have a role in the modern world? (Cam. 2022)

China’s Zhang Ziyi wins Best Director and Best Actress at Macau movie festival

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Note those BIG names 'defeated' by Zhang Ziyi. Jus because they did not win does not mean they have no ability. But winning can indeed affirm one's ability give one the confidence that one is really good.... 

She beat illustrious names such as Zhang Yimou, Tsui Hark and Derek Yee in the Best Director category, and saw off contenders such as Li Bingbing, Sandra Ng and Carina Lau in the Best Actress category.

Qn: ‘It is not winning, but taking part, which matters.’ How acceptable is this as an approach to life?  (Cam. 2022)

Thursday, December 08, 2022

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way Of Water is a cry for help on behalf of the ocean

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“A film like this can remind people of the deep, unconscious, almost dream-like connection we human beings have with the ocean,”

“Two hundred years ago, our oceans had the profusion of biodiversity and biomass that we see in this movie. We need to stop the exploitation of the ocean at the scale that we have been doing, to preserve this beautiful and wondrous diversity of life that we have in our oceans,”

“This film is a cry for help on behalf of the ocean.”

Qn: ‘Films are concerned with escaping from the problems of everyday life, rather than addressing them.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2021)

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Apple sued by women over ‘dangerous’ AirTag stalking by exes

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The inexpensive devices, about the size of a half-dollar coin, are intended to be slipped into or attached to personal possessions, like backpacks or keys, to help owners locate them.

But privacy advocates have warned – and police reports have verified – that AirTags can also be used to track people without consent.

In one instance, an ex-boyfriend used the device to track and shoot a woman in Akron, Ohio; in another, a woman in Indianapolis, Indiana, hid an AirTag in her ex-boyfriend’s car, followed him to a bar and ran him over.

For qns on tech, convenience and privacy....

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Indonesia set to penalise sex outside marriage in overhaul of criminal code

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The code, if passed, would apply to Indonesian citizens and foreigners alike, with business groups expressing concern about what damage the rules might have on Indonesia’s image as a holiday and investment destination.

Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, has hundreds of regulations at the local level that discriminate against women, religious minorities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Qn: Does religion still have a role in the modern world? (Cam. 2022)

Elon Musk kicks Kanye West off Twitter after swastika post

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