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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Woman loses job, YouTube channel after alleged racist incident on train

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"One of Knight Frank's core values is to be a responsible business to people and the community," it said. "The company maintains zero tolerance for hate speech and racism that threaten the foundations on which Singapore is built."

YouTube said the woman's channel was removed due to violations of its harassment and cyber bullying policies. "We have strict policies that prohibit harassment on YouTube, including content that maliciously insults someone based on their race, gender expression, or sexual orientation," said its spokesman. "We quickly remove content that violates these policies when flagged."

Qn: ‘In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2020)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

India's daily virus deaths forecast to rise till mid-May

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The trajectory of countries' daily virus deaths is considered the best indicator of the progression of the pandemic, although there is generally a 17-to 21-day lag between infections and deaths

The projection model's numbers differ from officially reported figures as they take into account potential under-reporting in some regions and average some data.

In all, India has reported more than 17 million coronavirus cases and over 195,000 deaths. But health experts say the true figures are likely to be much higher....surveys suggest India may be detecting less than 5 per cent of its total infected population....."This means that the number of cases that are being detected needs to be multiplied by 20 or more to get the number of infections that are occurring in India

Such projections may be reliable only in the short term...Any excessively precise prediction, of a peak within just a five-day window, would ignore the many uncertainties associated with the inputs to any such calculation.

Qn: How reliable are statistics as a guide for planning the future? (Cam. 2020)

As Covid-19 outbreak rages, India orders critical social media posts to be taken down

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The government said that the posts could incite panic, used images out of context, and could hinder its response to the pandemic.

Qn: ‘In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2020)

World military spending grows despite Covid-19 pandemic

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This current pandemic period has seen unprecedented cooperation among the global community to combat Covid-19, but military expenditure continues to rise....

Note US spending last year was nearly US$800b, and China's was about US$250b!


1. Given greater levels of international cooperation, how necessary is it for countries to engage in the arms trade? (Cam. 2020)

2. Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justified in the modern world. (Cam. 2014)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Halting the vast release of methane is critical for climate, UN says

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The reason methane would be particularly valuable in the short-term fight against climate change: While methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, it is also relatively short-lived, lasting just a decade or so in the atmosphere before breaking down....By contrast, carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, lasts for hundreds of years in the would take until the second half of the century to see the climate effects.


1. Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

2. Can we rely on science to solve our environmental problems?

More companies entering the novel food space offering alternative protein

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More firms here are entering the emerging field of alternative proteins amid growing global consciousness about the massive carbon footprint of rearing livestock for food, which produces about 15 per cent of all global greenhouse gas emissions

Local start-up Gaia Foods is developing meat products using just muscle and fat cells from cows, lambs and pigs. This does away with the need to slaughter animals for their flesh. 

[Note how science helps to overcome ethical issues here....(c/f: how science is the usual culprit in giving rise to ethical issues)]

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Adding seaweed to cattle diet cuts their polluting emissions

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Research has shown that feeding cows a type of red algae seaweed can reduce the amount of methane they release from flatulence and belching by as much as 80 per cent.

He noted that around 20 per cent of the cow's energy is lost when converting its feed into methane, so reducing methane production would mean less food is needed to grow the livestock.

Relate to qns on the role of science in solving envmtal issues....

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Coal will stay important part of economy: Aussie PM

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After my previous post on Brazil's cutting on envmtal budget one day after renewing its pledge to do its part, we now have the example of Australia.....The point here is the lack of political will on the part of the govt to do the necessary due to economic pressure and the pressure from the ballot box....

Despite growing pressure for Australia to commit to stronger climate action and to wean itself off its reliance on coal, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has insisted that the sector will continue to be an important part of the economy for decades.

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

AI 'guardians' alert nurses to patients who may be in trouble

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Note eg on AI....

Qn: To what extent is artificial intelligence replacing the role of humans? (Cam. 2019)

Sunday, April 25, 2021

How the Super League Fell Apart

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For qns on sports and money....

Asean has now got its foot in crisis-locked Myanmar's door

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Qn: How far should countries have relations with others whose human rights record is poor? (Cam. 2019)

The lie of the land: How geography shapes national destiny

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1. Geography is destiny.’ Discuss. (NJC Prelim 2019)

2. Is geography still destiny? (RV Prelim 2019)

3. Does geography still determine a country’s prospects in today’s world? (HCI Prelim 2019)

4. How far do physical features, such as size and location, determine a country’s progress? (Cam. 2008)

Ideas from conversations with public on Green Plan to be pursued

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Like the previous Our Singapore Conversation, The Green Plan conversations is a good example of the govt consulting the views of the public and getting feedback and suggestions....

The Green Plan, she added, demonstrates the Government's commitment to ensure Singapore remains a green and liveable home for many generations to come.

The plan sets out targets like having more energy-efficient buildings and improving resilience to the impact of climate change, such as by boosting local food production.

S'pore aims to meet climate targets via innovation: PM Lee

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Singapore is home to the world's largest floating solar energy system that can offset 33,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. It was earlier reported that when the floating solar farm at Tengeh Reservoir becomes operational, carbon savings from it will be equivalent to removing 7,000 cars from the roads

using computer modelling for more climate-responsive urban design, experimenting with special cooling paint on buildings and planting one million more trees

Singapore's goal is to halve emissions from its 2030 peak by 2050

Brazil cuts green budget after pledging to raise it

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With the world's largest area of tropical forest, Brazil has a uniquely influential role and responsibility among nations in maintaining system health. Its forests take in an enormous quantity of the world's carbon pollution every year. So keeping those forests intact is critical to achieving overall environmental goals.

Despite the pandemic, Brazilian tree loss jumped 25 per cent last year over the previous year.

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Asean cannot be indifferent to Myanmar situation, has collective duty to act: PM Lee

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Qn: How far should countries have relations with others whose human rights record is poor? (Cam. 2019)

US vows to boost climate financing to developing nations

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"Think globally" is needed in the case of superpowers like the US, who have the resources to help not just itself, but other less able countries. Like the pandemic, climate issues do not discriminate, and hence, no one is safe until everyone is safe. Thinking globally to help others is in a way helping oneself. Transnational or global issues like climate change cannot be solved satisfactorily if we just focus our efforts (whether thinking or doing) locally.

the US launched a plan laying out its vision for financing the world's response to climate change, in recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis

Qn: "Think globally, act locally." Do you think this is the right approach to solving the world's environmental problems?

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The ethical issues around human-monkey chimeras

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scientists have made human-monkey embryos and cultured them in the lab for two weeks made international headlines.

The technology to make animals that contain cells from other species has been available for decades and used extensively in research. These organisms are called "chimeras".

They were interested in addressing the shortage of life-saving organs for human transplantation. If done successfully, a chimera could grow an organ suitable for direct transplant into a human.

unlike Frankenstein's experiments, this study was not done in secret.

In the paper, the researchers describe in detail the steps they took to comply with international guidelines. This included extensive ethics reviews undertaken within the institutions involved and consultation with external bioethicists.

Of note, the study involved the use of eggs harvested from female monkeys. While the animals weren't killed

Humans are widely (but not universally) thought to have a higher moral status than other animals. But human-animal chimeras blur this line. They are not fully human, nor fully non-human.

Humans pride themselves on their autonomy, rationality and sophisticated self-awareness. If a human-pig chimera developed this capacity, it may have a moral claim to be treated more like a human than a pig.

Many jurisdictions explicitly limit human embryo research to the first 14 days of development, when what will become the central nervous system begins to develop.


1. Examine the view that the scientist is concerned only with knowledge, not morality. (Cam. 2020)

2. Can the use of animals for scientific research ever be justified? (Cam. 2017)

3. To what extent should there be limits to scientific research?

World leaders vow deeper cuts to carbon emissions

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The United States vowed to halve the planet-warming greenhouse gases it emits by 2030, a target largely matched by Japan.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said China, the world's largest producer and consumer of coal...China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve neutrality before 2060

Qn: Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Thursday, April 22, 2021

ST climate change webinar: Public education, living sustainably key to cutting carbon emissions

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If you understand what the problem is... you are more likely to act on it, rather than being told what to do.

It's commonly said here in Singapore that we only contribute to 0.1 per cent of the global carbon budget, but as an individual, our carbon emissions are quite high - they're twice the global average of carbon (emissions)

If Singapore as a whole is aiming to lower its emissions, each individual has to reduce his or her carbon emissions by 75 per cent

consuming vegetarian meals for a couple of days each week, using a bicycle, and ensuring that we turn off our electricity....Aside from taking public transport more frequently, getting more involved in nature, such as by taking part in tree-planting initiatives, can also help individuals appreciate the value of nature.

For qns on the individual's role in combating climate change....

Monday, April 19, 2021

If the Olympics are scrapped... What the IOC could lose

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Useful stats to keep in mind:

Estimated at a cost of at least US$15.4 billion (S$20.6 billion), the Tokyo Games are set to be the third-most expensive Olympics after the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics (US$50 billion) and 2008 Beijing Olympics (US$40 billion).

Qn: Hosting major sporting events creates more problems than benefits. Do you agree? (Cam. 2005)

Girls look up to role models with stories, struggles

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Role models inspire by showing others what is possible. ...These trailblazers not only help others imagine where they might go, but they also help others map out the path to get there.

the gleaming snapshots of achievement they see can lead to self-doubt. In addition to role models, our work on girls and confidence has found what girls could really use are "work-in-progress" models.

"Even the idea of a role model can be immediately intimidating...They seem designed to display outcomes like trophies."....What you don't want to do is layer another set of unrealistic expectations on girls. Ideally, the portrayal is realistic and attainable.

What really works to make someone a role model? Think story and struggle - multidimensional women, with revealing flaws and failure, along with bumpy narratives.

"Girls need to look under the hood, to see the process they went through," ..."That's what really hooks someone - it's not who you are now, but how you got there, what you weathered."

Help girls to see the extraordinary in the seemingly mundane... "Everyday heroes who don't get noticed have special impact. 

Qn: In your opinion, what makes one an ideal role model? Describe your ideal traits and explain why.

Voices of Youth: Put a stop to 'cancel culture'

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Note how free speech is a double-edged can help give voice to the minority or oppressed groups, but it can also lead to cancel culture, where one exploits free speech to put down others....indeed, free speech can even be cited for one's discriminatory or racist remarks. All of a sudden, racism/discrimination is given a cloak of legitimacy behind the label 'free speech'. 

If u have done the free speech compre/AQ recently with me, consider also how free speech can exacerbate discrimination/racism by making ur racist views heard, so that other equally racist people who share the same views as you realise they are not alone and will be emboldened to spout their racist sentiments also --- like the Emperor's New Clothes analogy. Seen in this light, free speech lends 'political correctness' to racist views: I am free to say what I like -- even if it's racist -- since I am exercising my freedom of speech/expression. In short, free speech is guilty of enabling people to do terrible things under the guise of free speech (a positive facade that makes it difficult for others to criticize you or say you are wrong)

"Cancel culture" refers to a trend driven by young people, of people using the power of the Internet to get back at people who made controversial comments online related to social issues such as racism, homophobia or sexism.

Qn: ‘In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2020)

Singapore takes Swiss cheese approach to Covid-19 contact tracing

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interesting analogy:

"Every layer has holes in it,...But because we have multiple layers, the holes do not align with one another."

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Forum: Name-calling, vulgarities have no place in civil discourse

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Derogatory descriptions of the mannerisms, speech and dress habits of government and community leaders can hardly have any relevance in any debate, feedback, complaints or opinions. They show only the writers' maliciousness, spite and childishness.

Attacks on their targets' family members, who have no involvement in the issues, reflect only the writers' wickedness.

How have we degenerated to such a shameful level?

Qn: ‘In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2020)

Friday, April 16, 2021

Claims over jabs: Opposition politician, news site issued Pofma correction orders

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Note how free speech is free to circulate the truth as well as fake news....Being free to spread the truth -- esp truth which others want to keep hidden -- is a good thing in that it can inform and alert others and allow them to make an informed decision....But the same free speech can also spread untruths can cause others to make the wrong decision; in this case, causing people to think twice about taking the vaccine, contributing to 'vaccine hesitancy'. This is ironic as instead of protecting their lives by alerting them to the so-called 'dangers' of the vaccine, it actually endangers their body by preventing them from getting the vaccine, and prolongs the pandemic, with all its attendant consequences.....

Singapore Uncensored published an article on its website stating that an 81-year-old man had died from alleged vaccination complications. The article was also shared on the site's Facebook page on April 7.

Qn: ‘In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2020)

Monday, April 12, 2021

China's plan for Himalayan super dam stokes fears in India

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Note the environmental, cultural and political impacts of building a dam...

China is planning a mega dam in Tibet that is able to produce triple the electricity generated by the Three Gorges - the world's largest power station

Besides being known for seismic activity, the area also contains unique biodiversity. The dam would block the migration of fish as well as sediment flow that enriches the soil during seasonal floods downstream

We have a very rich Tibetan cultural heritage in those areas, and any dam construction would cause ecological destruction, submergence of parts of that region," he said. "Many local residents would be forced to leave their ancestral homes."....the project will encourage migration of Han Chinese workers that "gradually becomes a permanent settlement

New Delhi is also worried by the project. China is effectively in a position to control the origins of much of South Asia's water supply [in a way, this has an uncanny resemblance to how Malaysia can determine the flow of water to Singapore by threatening to cut off supply, thus holding the latter hostage to the former's demands]

Qn: How far can prosperity and uncontrolled population growth go hand in hand? (Cam. 2020)

Sunday, April 11, 2021

S'pore cannot be caught napping in rivalry between US and China

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The Chinese want the rules remade because they favour the rulemaker. For example, the chairmanship of the IMF is always European, while that of the World Bank is American. But both sides know that in this game, one rule will not change: Might is right. That is how it has always been, that the strongest decides how the game is played.

Although there is not much that small countries like Singapore can do to influence these developments, the least it should do is to grasp what is really happening. It is often said that Singapore has to take the world as it is, not what it would like it to be. But first, it has to know what the world really is, and is about to be.

Qn:  To what extent is human life in general about the survival of the fittest? (Cam. 2020)

Friday, April 09, 2021

Olympics boycott could be next big Sino-US battle

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Despite insistence from International Olympic Committee officials that sports and politics are separate, the Games have frequently been enmeshed in complex developments in world affairs.

While past boycotts have occasionally helped reduce global support for countries such as South Africa under apartheid, China is a different story..."South Africa was in a much weaker geostrategic position than China finds itself in today," 


1) "Sport and politics should not mix." Discuss.

2) Hosting major sporting events creates more problems than benefits. Do you agree? (Cam. 2005)

Thursday, April 08, 2021

From rising stars to fallen angels: Korean celebrities accused of bullying

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For qns related to celebrity and morals....apology...

The paradox of paranoia and confidence in an uncertain world

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Give this a read to understand the pysche behind the 'illogical' survival of our little red dot....

Global apparel brands tangled in Xinjiang cotton conundrum

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Good background on the recent Xinjiang cotton controversy...

A useful example on business ethics (profit vs morality), Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer influence/power....

On Chinese social media, criticism of H&M remained fierce. "For you, China is still an important market," one post declared. "But for China, you are just an unnecessary brand."

Xinjiang the musical sings to Beijing's tune of ethnic unity

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A good example of using music for propaganda and influencing public perception over the recent Xinjiang controversy.....

Relate to 2012 'A' level AQ on music.

Focus on citizens when developing AI: Experts

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the importance of ensuring that the data used to train AI is fair and representative of people.... if the data collected for training AI is biased, the AI will become biased too.

Qn: To what extent is artificial intelligence replacing the role of humans? (Cam. 2019)

Saturday, April 03, 2021

PM Lee asks for his name, photo to be removed from BitClout crypto platform that monetises Twitter profiles

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PM Lee said in a Facebook post late on Friday, without naming BitClout: "The site's creators are anonymous, but I have sent an open tweet out to ask that my name and photo be removed from the site immediately, as I have nothing to do with the platform. It is misleading and done without my permission."

"Before making any investment, please ensure that it is genuine and legitimate, so that you will not fall prey to scams."

Qn: “In a free society, there should be no restrictions on freedom of speech.” Discuss.  (Cam. 2020)

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Aussies drawn into Xinjiang cotton row

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Australian Olympians yesterday became embroiled in the global row over Chinese forced-labour cotton as the country revealed its uniforms for the upcoming Tokyo Games.

Human rights groups, independent media and foreign governments have found evidence that the local authorities have carried out mass detention, forced labour, political indoctrination, torture and forced sterilisation.

The United States has described the situation as "genocide" and has banned all cotton from Xinjiang, while Australia's parliament is considering a similar move.

Qn: 'Sports and politics should not mix.' Discuss.

Fires a factor behind increased loss of tropical rainforest

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Interesting info /stats for BANGING: The world lost an area of tropical rainforest the size of the Netherlands last year..A total of 4.2 million ha of primary rainforests were destroyed, up 12 per cent from 2019

These dense forests can be hundreds of years old and store significant amounts of carbon. 

Think how astonishing it is that in a year the global economy contracted 3 or 4 per cent, primary tropical forest loss increased by 12 per cent