Most of the usual points can be used on sport questions can be linked to the Sochi Olympics. Typical points on hosting sporting events can be found
HERE. After reading this link, plough through the following articles for the examples to support these points.
1) Sochi Olympic is most expensive Olympics ever staged at US$50billion, surpassing previous record of US$40 billion held by China for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Note rebuttal to this in article 3b below...
2) note the terrorists threats associated with this sporting event (much of the cost of the event is attributed to security)
3) Russia's attempt to use the event to enhance its image in the world appears to have backfired; see article 2 below. Makes for a useful rebuttal to the point that staging world class sporting event can help to rebrand the nation in the eyes of the world. In the case of article 2, it appears to have cemented Russia's bad reputation instead. Note also the fiasco during the Opening ceremony, where one of the 'snowflakes' lighting display failed to transform into one of the six rings of the Olympic Games logo.
4) Singapore will be hosting the next Commonwealth Games in 2015, with the completion of the new multimillion dollar sports hub...See if u can transfer the points over to Singapore.....The same goes for the Brazil World Cup this year in June.
Sample Qns:
Does sport merit the vast sums of money that
are spent on it? ( Cambridge 2010)
Hosting major sporting events creates more
problems than benefits. Do you agree? (Cambridge 2005)
Is sport too closely linked to money these
days? (Cambridge 2001)
article 1 |
article 2 |
article 3a |
article 3b |