The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Funding for independent schools to be trimmed....

Yet another attempt by the govt to mitigate the social divide caused by education. Currently, the practice of meritocracy is such that the brighter students will apply to go to branded schools which have better facilities. The end result is that these branded schools with good facilities become enclaves where the bright ones rubbed shoulders with one another, while those without good grades are shut out. It does not help that those with better grades also tend to be those from more affluent backgrounds.
Cutting funding for branded schools will thus go towards 'making every school a good school', so that better-abled students do not gravitate to those handful of branded schools, but will hopefully spread around, enabling them to mix with other students. Of course things are not so simple, but this can be regarded as a 'baby step'.

Sample Qn:
'Meritocracy breeds inequality.' Do you agree?