The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Protection from Harassment Bill (Singapore)

Tue evening class, you may want to relate this to the compre AQ we did recently...

1) how legislation is a useful solution to many problems
2) the limitations/problems of legislation
3) education in values as a more sustainable solution in the long run
4) example of the Protection from Harassment Bill in Singapore, which covers online behaviour
5) how online vigilantism is a double edged sword...while it can deter/'punish' people for engaging in wrongful behaviour, it can go overboard and transform the vigilante into a cyberbully, making him no different from the wrongdoer he is castigating. As the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right.
6) note online vigilantism is often linked to media literacy (i.e. netizens are able to distinguish right and wrong, and not support the acts of wrongdoers online), and used as a reason to argue that govt should not interfere in exchanges occurring online, (i.e. no censorship), so as to encourage freedom of expression online.

Sample Qns:
1. Consider the view that spoken language is more important than the written form. (Cam .2013)
2. How far, in your society, should unpopular views be open to discussion? (2013)
3. Governments should not interfere with the right of the people to express themselves freely on the internet. Do you agree? (HCI Prelim 2009)
4. To what extent does legislation influence the behavior of people?
5. Does science and technology always improve the quality of people's lives?