The Dark Shadow Shrine
If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
As confirmed the other day, we will be using Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals" for next term.....Purchase a copy from the School bookshop....I've ordered the books but it will take some time to can call up the school bookshop to check. It's imperative we all get the same book of the same publisher to facilitate easy reference in class..... In the mean time, you can try getting a copy from the national library, and ensure you finish reading the book before you step into class next term.....
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Check this out!
I mentioned about that ACJC gal who blog something bold and the minister replied to her....there's an article on this issue by Ignatius Low in today's paper...veli the good!....her blog, which is quite interesting, and which contained that controversial entry, is at check it out if you've got time.... Notice how she is also responding to current issues, and how her blog reflects her total engagement and reflection about the issues she had read....aspire to reach her standards in your blogging, though her length may be a bit excessive, but welcomed.....
Friday, May 19, 2006
Some of your files are gathering dust on top of the pigeonholes behind Auntie Lisa's counter....kindly retrieve them before 'the forces that be' condemned them to a fate of eternal darkness and oblivion!!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Commentary on "The Porpoises"
I came across this reading of "The Porpoises" from the net which I think is useful....note the difference:
John Gurney’s poem has a melancholic tone, and I noticed it full of guilt for some reason (“I feel myself accused, and in my mind act out my reparation” TP 34-35), but in the Mountain Lion, even though there is a kind of melancholic tone, there is something else, which is not guilt, it’s an angry tone. Melancholy and angry tone (“And I think in the world beyond, how easily we might spare a million or two humans and never miss them.” ML 48-50). There is also some pity in both tones, and this makes me think of another difference there is between both poems. In The Porpoises the persona (which may or may not be D.H. feels sad about the pig-fish. Nevertheless, he also understands the human reasons for killing them, and anyways, they were bound to die. In Mountain Lion, instead, the persona (which in both cases is presented as the first person of the singular voice) feels pity about the lion that was killed, and doesn’t understand the “foolishness” of the Mexican haunters. He feels sorry for the lion, and makes it clear that he’d rather have one or two million people dead, than the yellow lioness. This shows a strong point of view. This shows that D.H.’s view of things differed John’s, as even though both feels something about the harmless animals, D.H. is really angry and annoyed with the lion’s assassination.
John Gurney’s poem has a melancholic tone, and I noticed it full of guilt for some reason (“I feel myself accused, and in my mind act out my reparation” TP 34-35), but in the Mountain Lion, even though there is a kind of melancholic tone, there is something else, which is not guilt, it’s an angry tone. Melancholy and angry tone (“And I think in the world beyond, how easily we might spare a million or two humans and never miss them.” ML 48-50). There is also some pity in both tones, and this makes me think of another difference there is between both poems. In The Porpoises the persona (which may or may not be D.H. feels sad about the pig-fish. Nevertheless, he also understands the human reasons for killing them, and anyways, they were bound to die. In Mountain Lion, instead, the persona (which in both cases is presented as the first person of the singular voice) feels pity about the lion that was killed, and doesn’t understand the “foolishness” of the Mexican haunters. He feels sorry for the lion, and makes it clear that he’d rather have one or two million people dead, than the yellow lioness. This shows a strong point of view. This shows that D.H.’s view of things differed John’s, as even though both feels something about the harmless animals, D.H. is really angry and annoyed with the lion’s assassination.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Lit Hints on Wordsworth "Tintern Abbey"
As mentioned in class, make sure you read William Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" before you come into class on Monday. It's a long and slightly difficult poem to grasp, but definitely well-worth it since it is a landmark poem! So there, use the following hints to help you comprehend the poem.....and then try relating to other poems we've studied.....
Stanza 1 (Lines 1-22):
Persona returns to place (Tintern Abbey) he was once familiar with and loves....
Stanza 2 (Lines 23-50):
This scene (of Tintern Abbey) has been with him all this while, even during his absence from it physically, giving him 'unremembered pleasure' and relief from stress of the world ("blessed mood")
Stanza 3 (Lines 51-59):
Persona has often turned to memories of the beautiful landscape at Tintern Abbey when under stress....
Stanza 4(Lines 60-113):
End of flashback...persona back to stanza one....Persona compares his feelings towards nature during childhood and now. Now, he has a more matured appreciation of nature and its roles and functions in persona's life, not just aesthetic beauty, which he sees only during childhood....
Stanza 5(Lines 114-162):
from nature to 'friend', the sister.....nature protects against evil and stress of life, and gives happiness...healing powers of nature...evoking happy memories even when loved ones are dead...ability to give sustenance....tri-partite relationship btw persona, sister/friend and nature....
READ AND ENJOY! It's one of Wordsworth's most beautiful poem....
Monday, May 15, 2006
Lit Shopping List for June Hols!
Qn: Antony describes Brutus as 'the noblest Roman of them all.' In what ways does the dramatic action of the play either confirm or modify this view for an audience? (2006 May exams)
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
a)Once we have confirmed your second lit drama text (Tennesse Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" or Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals"), get hold of a copy and start reading in preparation for next term. "The Glass Menagerie" is available from the school bookshop, I think. As for "The Rivals", the bookshop will need some time to order. In the mean time, you can borrow one from the national library and read first. It's better that we all get the same book of the same publisher for easy reference in class.
BTW, you need to confirm with me in class which drama text to use for next term by next Tue (23 May) latest. So start discussing amongst yourselves now....
b) Read also the supplementary pages in "Touched with Fire" which I highlighted in class today....Absentees please check with your classmates.
Friday, May 12, 2006
GP Holiday 'Shopping List'
With the advent of the Great Singapore Sale, I'm sure we are all in the mood for Shopping!
The June Hols are here again, and before you suddenly 'disappear' from school without a trace, I thought I'd better pass you your GP 'shopping list':
-choose any ONE question from the list:
1) “Young people today are so fortunate.” Is this true of young people in your country?
2) Should rich nations stop giving aid to poorer nations?
3) ‘History is merely gossip.” (Oscar Wilde). Is this true?
4) ‘Winning is not the most important thing in life – it is everything.’ Do you agree?
5) ‘If all people were of one race, there would be no discrimination.’ Do you agree?
6) Do you agree that it is the responsibility of richer nations to tackle global environmental problems?
7) ‘Violence to end violence.’ Is this the solution to terrorism?
8) ‘In spite of more information, man is not more informed.’ Comment.
9) ‘We should let nature take its course.’ Is this sound advice?
10) It is more important to forget than forgive. Do you agree?
11) Dreams are a waste of time. Do you agree?
12) It is the Arts, not the sciences that will make us a better person. Do you agree?
2) Should rich nations stop giving aid to poorer nations?
3) ‘History is merely gossip.” (Oscar Wilde). Is this true?
4) ‘Winning is not the most important thing in life – it is everything.’ Do you agree?
5) ‘If all people were of one race, there would be no discrimination.’ Do you agree?
6) Do you agree that it is the responsibility of richer nations to tackle global environmental problems?
7) ‘Violence to end violence.’ Is this the solution to terrorism?
8) ‘In spite of more information, man is not more informed.’ Comment.
9) ‘We should let nature take its course.’ Is this sound advice?
10) It is more important to forget than forgive. Do you agree?
11) Dreams are a waste of time. Do you agree?
12) It is the Arts, not the sciences that will make us a better person. Do you agree?
(AJC Prelim 2005)
-try crafting out the skeleton first as you'd done in class the other day and then slowly flesh out paragraph by paragraph
-try crafting out the skeleton first as you'd done in class the other day and then slowly flesh out paragraph by paragraph
-use the "How to eat Elephant Course" handout to help you run through the steps
-about 600 - 800 words
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
A simple reading quiz will be administered over a few articles (centring on the theme of Discrimination) which I've prepared for your reading pleasure:
a) "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") by Adolf Hitler
b)"I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.
c)extract from "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee
d)two newspaper articles on Auschitwz and the Holocaust
Make sure you get hold of these articles before you 'disappear'! The quiz will be in the first week when school reopens.
3) BLOG (3 + 2)
Three entries of your own and two commentaries on your friends'. You can blog using the articles for the reading quiz if you so wish.....
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
Word of Advice:
Do not just 'window shop' (i.e. look look see see only). Make sure you really 'shop'!
Also, continue with your newspaper reading, and if you have the time, read a good book!
4th Round Blog Feedback
The latest Blog grade is up, so you can go in and check what grade you'd got....To make it more transparent, if you are wondering why you got the grade you did, the criteria I used are spelt out below.....
I also noticed that many of you canNOT read instructions. I asked for the '+5' locations to be EMAILED to me. If you had posted it as an entry in your blog, please remove it....
Blog Assessment Criteria:
-did you meet the 10+5 quota for the duration btw 8 Apr to 11 May
-did you EMAIL me your +5 locations
-length and quality of responses (EXCLUDING the summary of the article)
-your selection of article types (should strike a balance btw social issues within the country and those pertaining to the international stage; avoid articles that border on the trivial)
-sources and dates reflected for each article posting
-readability of your blog (colour, font size and background)
-frequency of blog-posting (e.g. did you blog regularly or do at one shot at the end)
-did you EMAIL me your +5 locations
-length and quality of responses (EXCLUDING the summary of the article)
-your selection of article types (should strike a balance btw social issues within the country and those pertaining to the international stage; avoid articles that border on the trivial)
-sources and dates reflected for each article posting
-readability of your blog (colour, font size and background)
-frequency of blog-posting (e.g. did you blog regularly or do at one shot at the end)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Re-read blog entry on venue change
Please re-read my previous blog entry dated 8 May (Mon) on venue changes for next week's lessons as I've made some changes.....
5X/Y GP Essay Outline
Brainstorm on the following question and do an essay outline on it, i.e. full intro, full conclusion and topic sentences for the essay body (keep to five points):
Qn: Assess the factors which affect the distribution of population in your country.
DEADLINE: Class 5X -- 15 May 2006 (Mon)
Class 5Y -- 17 May 2006 (Wed)
Qn: Assess the factors which affect the distribution of population in your country.
DEADLINE: Class 5X -- 15 May 2006 (Mon)
Class 5Y -- 17 May 2006 (Wed)
Monday, May 08, 2006
ALERT!!! Change in Venue for lesson next week
Hi pple,
please ignore my earlier blog on venue change and take this as the latest.....
Due to the exams next week, my room will be used for exams....alternative venues will be used for my take note of the change in venue on the different days affected and make yourself appear accordingly....
By the way, the change will be effected next week....
Mon 15 May -- C 1-3 (Chem Lab)
Tue 16 May -- A2 (Auditorium)
Wed 17 May -- Science Room 2-5
Thur 18 May -- P 2-3 (Physics lab)
Fri 19 May -- Auditorium 4 (no change!)
Mon 22 May -- C1-3
c u there!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
GP Delight Feedback
As this is group work, I have decided to award the same grade to every member in the same group to reflect this, unless stated otherwise….Let me know if you feel strongly about this….
Go through my comments about your reports and drop me a mail if you have any queries….
I'll be laying the various 'delights' out in class for your 'delightful' viewings...feel free to browse through them, but they must NOT leave the 'armpit'!
TOPIC: Education
Azfar – C+
Jiayi – C+
Bryan – C+
Dexter – C+
-comprehensive types of education covered, but limited discussion on the whole where the issue of education is concerned. For example, what about informal education? Where adults (not in sch) are educated via the media and campaigns, esp in a fashioned desired by the govt?
-lacks analysis and evaluation with regard to the impact of education, its drawbacks…for instance, any imperfections? Over-emphasis on IQ over EQ? Any downside to education? Edn as solution to world problems such as poverty, AIDS, war, discrimination, etc? In short, the ‘larger’ picture of education could have been given more focus.
-What is the purpose of inserting the article “Singapore’s Education Scheme”? It appears to be just thrown in without any explanation….insertion of articles should be as proofs of your discussion earlier, not just for decorative purpose.
TOPIC: Childhood
Elizabeth – C+
Mimosa – C+
Hoang Long – C+
-interesting and potentially useful flow chart, but confusing to navigate
-bigger font please for easier readability, and avoid yellow font on a white background
-why typed font interspersed with written font?
-Essay outline: stand is missing! Why only three points? Too short! Comparison with 3rd world countries is useful, but what about important points like having grandparents, maids and child-care centres?
TOPIC: Violence
Charmaine - B
Denise - B
Ryan - B
Li Wen - B
-you mentioned environmental violence (natural disasters, pollution) earlier, but why didn’t pick up on this later?
-wide range of violence delineated
-difficult to navigate your core notes as headings/sections are not prominent and not clearly demarcated
-what about solutions to problems brought by violence?
-why didn’t print out article for commentary?
-article commentary is good….
TOPIC: War and Violence
Viresh - C
Linn Htet - C
Mark - C
Jackson - C
Tina - C
-limited scope in definition of violence in bubble chart
-unnecessary and impractical division into the different types of sexual violence…same for domestic violence – trivial branching out into the specifics
-bubble chart difficult to navigate at times
-Gandhi’s quote problematic…he’s more known for his non-violent stance
-colour contrast of font vs background not reader-friendly
-paucity in content for your core notes
-why essay outline only three points? Clarity also in doubt….your ‘bang’ also does not support your stand!
-what bearing do the articles attached to the back have on your report?
TOPIC: Aged/Handicapped
Kevin – B+
Clarence – B+
Clarisse – B+
Amrit – B+
Kenneth – B (penalized one grade down)
-mindmap on effects of ageing could be rendered more reader-friendly by highlighting the important headings
-comprehensive coverage
-Some of your quotes are too long to be of any practical use for your essays
-Good article commentary…well-executed!
TOPIC: Science and Technology
Stephanie – B-
Angel – B-
Danette – B-
Ameer – B-
-hand-written mindmap not readable…font too tiny! Also, “Benefit or Boon?” are the SAME!
-why such tiny font for your flow charts? Could’ve printed on A3 and then fold in half and filed up
-article commentary not exactly responding to the article per se (the article is too short anyway, and is hardly considered a discussion) but simply your views on nanotech. I’m asking for a response to an article engaging in a discussion of an issue!
-good essay outline…as for your closing bang on Fred Kaplan’s speech, was he referring to nuclear weapons with that question? Not clear….
TOPIC: Tourism
Aqeel – C+
Victoria – C+
Lydia – C+
Kari – C+
Michael – C+
-mostly raw info with little analysis or discussion of issues…ironically, you actually brought up a lot of potential points of interest in your essay outline
-too Singapore-centric…what about tourism as a whole, in general, as an important industry to the world?
-more prominent headings needed for easier navigation
-what is the purpose of the annual report? No explanation given for its inclusion…
-could have broken down into more useful headings such as advantages, drawbacks, threats to tourism, initiatives undertaken to boost tourism, etc.
-why some pages only have pics with no explanation?
-article on eco-tourism an apt issue and your response is insightful….
TOPIC: Poverty
Yixian – B-
Gowri – B-
Eunice – B-
Ria – B-
Kamani – B-
-good mindmap on poverty
-what’s the purpose of your second mindmap? No explanation given.
-your various graphs are relevant, but why no explanation of them? You’ve to interpret these graphs and explain briefly what they show or what conclusions can be drawn from them!
-inadequate writing…end result, lack of explanation! Only one page of writing for your core notes!
-essay outline: realize that your intro and conclusion are way too long! Regarding your point on education to remove poverty, isn’t it important to mention that education equip the poor people with skills to seek employment, as well as attract foreign investors to set up factories in these places? Nonetheless, some good points in your outline.
-why got extra sheets sandwiched btw the pages within the plastic pockets of your folder?
Go through my comments about your reports and drop me a mail if you have any queries….
I'll be laying the various 'delights' out in class for your 'delightful' viewings...feel free to browse through them, but they must NOT leave the 'armpit'!
TOPIC: Education
Azfar – C+
Jiayi – C+
Bryan – C+
Dexter – C+
-comprehensive types of education covered, but limited discussion on the whole where the issue of education is concerned. For example, what about informal education? Where adults (not in sch) are educated via the media and campaigns, esp in a fashioned desired by the govt?
-lacks analysis and evaluation with regard to the impact of education, its drawbacks…for instance, any imperfections? Over-emphasis on IQ over EQ? Any downside to education? Edn as solution to world problems such as poverty, AIDS, war, discrimination, etc? In short, the ‘larger’ picture of education could have been given more focus.
-What is the purpose of inserting the article “Singapore’s Education Scheme”? It appears to be just thrown in without any explanation….insertion of articles should be as proofs of your discussion earlier, not just for decorative purpose.
TOPIC: Childhood
Elizabeth – C+
Mimosa – C+
Hoang Long – C+
-interesting and potentially useful flow chart, but confusing to navigate
-bigger font please for easier readability, and avoid yellow font on a white background
-why typed font interspersed with written font?
-Essay outline: stand is missing! Why only three points? Too short! Comparison with 3rd world countries is useful, but what about important points like having grandparents, maids and child-care centres?
TOPIC: Violence
Charmaine - B
Denise - B
Ryan - B
Li Wen - B
-you mentioned environmental violence (natural disasters, pollution) earlier, but why didn’t pick up on this later?
-wide range of violence delineated
-difficult to navigate your core notes as headings/sections are not prominent and not clearly demarcated
-what about solutions to problems brought by violence?
-why didn’t print out article for commentary?
-article commentary is good….
TOPIC: War and Violence
Viresh - C
Linn Htet - C
Mark - C
Jackson - C
Tina - C
-limited scope in definition of violence in bubble chart
-unnecessary and impractical division into the different types of sexual violence…same for domestic violence – trivial branching out into the specifics
-bubble chart difficult to navigate at times
-Gandhi’s quote problematic…he’s more known for his non-violent stance
-colour contrast of font vs background not reader-friendly
-paucity in content for your core notes
-why essay outline only three points? Clarity also in doubt….your ‘bang’ also does not support your stand!
-what bearing do the articles attached to the back have on your report?
TOPIC: Aged/Handicapped
Kevin – B+
Clarence – B+
Clarisse – B+
Amrit – B+
Kenneth – B (penalized one grade down)
-mindmap on effects of ageing could be rendered more reader-friendly by highlighting the important headings
-comprehensive coverage
-Some of your quotes are too long to be of any practical use for your essays
-Good article commentary…well-executed!
TOPIC: Science and Technology
Stephanie – B-
Angel – B-
Danette – B-
Ameer – B-
-hand-written mindmap not readable…font too tiny! Also, “Benefit or Boon?” are the SAME!
-why such tiny font for your flow charts? Could’ve printed on A3 and then fold in half and filed up
-article commentary not exactly responding to the article per se (the article is too short anyway, and is hardly considered a discussion) but simply your views on nanotech. I’m asking for a response to an article engaging in a discussion of an issue!
-good essay outline…as for your closing bang on Fred Kaplan’s speech, was he referring to nuclear weapons with that question? Not clear….
TOPIC: Tourism
Aqeel – C+
Victoria – C+
Lydia – C+
Kari – C+
Michael – C+
-mostly raw info with little analysis or discussion of issues…ironically, you actually brought up a lot of potential points of interest in your essay outline
-too Singapore-centric…what about tourism as a whole, in general, as an important industry to the world?
-more prominent headings needed for easier navigation
-what is the purpose of the annual report? No explanation given for its inclusion…
-could have broken down into more useful headings such as advantages, drawbacks, threats to tourism, initiatives undertaken to boost tourism, etc.
-why some pages only have pics with no explanation?
-article on eco-tourism an apt issue and your response is insightful….
TOPIC: Poverty
Yixian – B-
Gowri – B-
Eunice – B-
Ria – B-
Kamani – B-
-good mindmap on poverty
-what’s the purpose of your second mindmap? No explanation given.
-your various graphs are relevant, but why no explanation of them? You’ve to interpret these graphs and explain briefly what they show or what conclusions can be drawn from them!
-inadequate writing…end result, lack of explanation! Only one page of writing for your core notes!
-essay outline: realize that your intro and conclusion are way too long! Regarding your point on education to remove poverty, isn’t it important to mention that education equip the poor people with skills to seek employment, as well as attract foreign investors to set up factories in these places? Nonetheless, some good points in your outline.
-why got extra sheets sandwiched btw the pages within the plastic pockets of your folder?