The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Friday, May 12, 2006

GP Holiday 'Shopping List'

With the advent of the Great Singapore Sale, I'm sure we are all in the mood for Shopping!
The June Hols are here again, and before you suddenly 'disappear' from school without a trace, I thought I'd better pass you your GP 'shopping list':
-choose any ONE question from the list:
1) “Young people today are so fortunate.” Is this true of young people in your country?

2) Should rich nations stop giving aid to poorer nations?

3) ‘History is merely gossip.” (Oscar Wilde). Is this true?

4) ‘Winning is not the most important thing in life – it is everything.’ Do you agree?

5) ‘If all people were of one race, there would be no discrimination.’ Do you agree?

6) Do you agree that it is the responsibility of richer nations to tackle global environmental problems?

7) ‘Violence to end violence.’ Is this the solution to terrorism?

8) ‘In spite of more information, man is not more informed.’ Comment.

9) ‘We should let nature take its course.’ Is this sound advice?

10) It is more important to forget than forgive. Do you agree?

11) Dreams are a waste of time. Do you agree?

12) It is the Arts, not the sciences that will make us a better person. Do you agree?
(AJC Prelim 2005)
-try crafting out the skeleton first as you'd done in class the other day and then slowly flesh out paragraph by paragraph
-use the "How to eat Elephant Course" handout to help you run through the steps
-about 600 - 800 words
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
A simple reading quiz will be administered over a few articles (centring on the theme of Discrimination) which I've prepared for your reading pleasure:
a) "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") by Adolf Hitler
b)"I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.
c)extract from "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee
d)two newspaper articles on Auschitwz and the Holocaust
Make sure you get hold of these articles before you 'disappear'! The quiz will be in the first week when school reopens.
3) BLOG (3 + 2)
Three entries of your own and two commentaries on your friends'. You can blog using the articles for the reading quiz if you so wish.....
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
Word of Advice:
Do not just 'window shop' (i.e. look look see see only). Make sure you really 'shop'!
Also, continue with your newspaper reading, and if you have the time, read a good book!


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