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Monday, May 15, 2006

Lit Shopping List for June Hols!

Qn: Antony describes Brutus as 'the noblest Roman of them all.' In what ways does the dramatic action of the play either confirm or modify this view for an audience? (2006 May exams)
DEADLINE: 26 Jun 2006 Monday before 5pm
a)Once we have confirmed your second lit drama text (Tennesse Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" or Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals"), get hold of a copy and start reading in preparation for next term. "The Glass Menagerie" is available from the school bookshop, I think. As for "The Rivals", the bookshop will need some time to order. In the mean time, you can borrow one from the national library and read first. It's better that we all get the same book of the same publisher for easy reference in class.
BTW, you need to confirm with me in class which drama text to use for next term by next Tue (23 May) latest. So start discussing amongst yourselves now....
b) Read also the supplementary pages in "Touched with Fire" which I highlighted in class today....Absentees please check with your classmates.


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