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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ukraine war and pandemic force nations to retreat from globalisation

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Opposition to globalisation gained momentum with the Trump administration's trade policies and "America First" drive

The result of all the disruptions may well be a fracturing of the world into economic blocs, as countries and companies gravitate to ideological corners with distinct markets and pools of labour, as they did in much of the 20th century.

For decades, executives have pushed for globalisation to expand their markets and to exploit cheap labour and lax environmental standards.

Your interdependence can be weaponised against you

The Ukraine war, he added, has "probably put a nail in the coffin of hyperglobalisation".

For decades, prominent US officials and strategists asserted that a globalised economy was a pillar of what they call the rules-based international order, and that trade and financial ties would prevent major powers from going to war. 

If you tie yourselves to each other, which was the European model after World War II, the disincentives would be so painful if you went to war that no one in their right mind would do it. Well, we've seen now that has proven to be false.

 "deeper, more diversified international markets remain our best bet for supply resilience"

Qn: Is globalisation to be welcomed or feared today? (Cam. 2019)

South Korea says North faked launch of so-called 'monster' missile

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A good reason for why sanctions are futile:

Not only does the Kim regime derive pride and legitimacy from its nuclear and missile programmes, it portrays building military strength against external threats as moral justification for domestic economic suffering

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Singapore to allow women, including singles, to freeze their eggs for non-medical reasons

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There were worries in certain quarters that making elective egg freezing available would send the wrong signal about marriage and parenthood, that they need not be prioritised and can always be postponed.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Wake Up, Singapore issued Pofma correction direction for falsehoods about KKH

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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blowback for Russian artists in the West amid war in Ukraine

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Note the closing BANG using a thought-provoking question.....
Note how it is not sports, but also the arts that are being politicised as a result of the war....

All along, we thought music and art had no boundaries

Music is music. It's pure and should not be mixed with politics

Banning Tchaikovsky (who died in 1893) is not the way to win a war

Forcing artists, or any public figure, to voice their political opinions in public and to denounce their homeland is not right. This should be a free choice."

the war has made the world of music and dance irrational, intolerant and illiberal. It would appear as if for some, there can be only one politically correct stand: Either you are with us or against us.

Putin says Russian culture being 'cancelled' like J.K. Rowling

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Consider whether music/sport should be mixed with politics....

More learning Chinese dialects to connect with seniors or embrace cultural identity

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Time for women to serve NS and challenge outmoded gender norms

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Gender-neutral conscription changes the narratives around what have long been considered the distinct domains of "women's work" and "men's work".

technology has increased the ways in which defence is enacted. The Singapore Armed Forces is slated to establish a new Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS) by the end of this year. In time, having women in the DIS could also help rectify the gender gap in high-paying IT jobs.

Women may in future also be required to do NS due to Singapore's declining fertility rate

biological realities need not constrain a broad spectrum of individuals from serving and participating in the defence framework of Singapore. Indeed, each gender contains within it vast diversity, which explains why not every male NSF is suited to being an officer cadet.

One justification proffered for excluding women from NS is that the pain of childbearing is an "unofficial" form of national service that they endure. 

It would also be a powerful cultural signal in favour of gender equality. The two-year sacrifice in one's prime is a sensitive issue for many Singaporean men. It often provokes a mixture of pride in one's service, but also resentment that their sacrifice is sometimes unshared and underappreciated.

One oft-cited downside of extending NS to women is that, at the younger end of the spectrum, there could be a labour force shrinkage.

Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)

Brave Barty takes the road less travelled

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Instead of 'condemnation', can the reaction to Barty's exit be one of bafflement/bewilderment, or even admiration/celebration of her courage? 
Note the reference to Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken".

Qn: 'To be different is to risk condemnation by everyone else.' Does this statement reflect the situation in your country? (HCI Block Test 2020)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Singapore explores tapping nuclear energy by 2050

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Consider how western Europe (esp. Germany) and even the world is held hostage by Russia and affected by Ukraine in the current Ukraine War.....Russia supplies 40% of the gas to Europe, and Ukraine is the 'bread basket' of the world (a major global exporter of wheat and food) 

nuclear energy could by 2050 supply about 10 per cent of the country's needs, with advancements in nuclear technology making it safer and more reliable.

A fragmented world makes it tougher for countries to work together to achieve their climate targets, which means that the share of electricity imports in Singapore's energy mix would be limited due to slow development of the regional grid

1. Discuss the view that, with an increasing global need for energy, every possible source should be exploited to the full. (Cam. 2014)
2. How far should countries aim to be self-sufficient? (Cam. 2011)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Forum: Ukraine war highlights importance of not allowing sovereignty to be trampled on

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Some Singaporeans, having heard Russia's version of why it is invading Ukraine, may conclude that Russia-Ukraine history is indeed complex and that Russia may well have a point in claiming that Ukraine has always been part of Russia.

I would remind them that Singapore-Malaysia history is no less complex and that by this logic, Malaysia may also have a point in claiming that Singapore has always been part of Malaysia.

History is history. What matters is that today, both Ukraine and Singapore are UN members with internationally recognised sovereignty that must not be trampled on with impunity.

Forum: Don't fall back on binary thinking on war in Ukraine

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America and the West are "principally responsible" for the crisis, having pushed Ukraine towards Nato, sold it weapons and carried out joint military exercises 

Some may counter that Nato is a defensive alliance and the moves were purely defensive in nature. However, what appears as defensive to one side may appear as offensive to the other.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Tennis: Osaka shocked at Indian Wells after abuse by heckler, Nadal stages spectacular comeback

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If u recently did the 2015 Compre AQ on sport, relate to mental well-being and the quote "elite sport todays seems joyless". Think also how Joseph Schooling was subject to body shaming online in the lead up to the Tokyo Olympics last year....

 when someone in the crowd yelled "Naomi, you suck."

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Tax raises never popular, but right thing to do for sound stewardship of S'pore's finances: Lawrence Wong

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Note the idea that unpopular policies by the state should be subjected to open debate by the public so that the public can be convinced it is the right decision, esp those that are hard to swallow like the GST hikes.
Open debate allows the relevant stakeholders to come in to air their concerns and alternative options and for the state to come in to address them and explain why alternatives are not viable...This would avoid a draconian, authoritarian stance where we are just forced to accept whatever's decided by the state...some very logical rebuttals offered by the minister in response to the alternatives suggested....

Qn: 1. How far, in your society, should unpopular views be open to discussion? (Cam. 2013)

Friday, March 11, 2022

Charity scams target people's generosity amid Russia-Ukraine conflict

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1. To what extent is charitable giving desirable? (Cam. 2021)
2. Is there still a place for charity in today’s world? (Cam. 2006)

Time to turn 'bochap' Singaporeans into active bystanders

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Note the way the writer open with a BANG!
And what about Singapore's 'kaypoh' people?

Those who post stuff on social media often do so to get affirmation and to be noticed. 

Anonymity encourages extreme views. Left unrebuked and unrebutted, extreme views can gain traction.

Many of us older Singaporeans were raised by parents who taught us to mind our own business; and who learnt from young to draw sharply the line between "our" people (family) and "other" people (the big, bad world outside the immediate family). We learnt to keep family secrets away from prying eyes, and we learnt to close our eyes to other people's secrets.

Being a witness to wrongdoing creates a certain responsibility, to redress it or take steps to prevent harm.

how the bystander effect diffuses responsibility, and no one steps up to help when many others are watching.

Theories were put forth that they did not want to get involved, or each thought someone else would act.

Qn: To what extent can any society claim to be great? (Cam. 2020)

Thoughtless or thought-provoking? Fashion gets political in a time of war

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If u have done the 2021 'A' level compre recently, it's about fashion's impact on the environment. Now take a look at the political impact....

"Clothing is inextricably embedded in the social world. Dress is not an isolated activity… So the idea that "I dress solely for myself" is for the most part illusory,"

Hollywood celebrities made headlines in 2018 when they showed up in all-black outfits for the 75th annual Golden Globes to show their support for Time's Up, a movement aimed at fighting gender-based discrimination in the workplace and beyond.

Fashion is an industry full of influential creatives with large platforms, and I believe it is our responsibility to use these spaces to make a positive change in the world, which includes speaking out against injustices, taking a stand and making marginalised people feel seen and heard.

Qn: Fashion is as much a good thing as a bad thing. To what extent do you agree? (Cam.  2009)

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Digital and Intelligence Service: What lies ahead for the SAF?

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The creation of a fourth service, after the army, navy and air force, is the most important organisational change in the SAF in years.

These conflicts are fought using ambiguity or deniability. It assumes many forms - disinformation, espionage, "elite capture" via bribery and other corrupt practices, crime and subversion, and cyber attacks. The goal is to gain political advantage by creating instability within countries and a legitimacy crisis on the global stage.

Like grey-zone conflict, hybrid warfare strategies are initially masked in non-military arenas, utilising diplomatic deception, and cyber and social media disinformation to influence public opinion.

The aim is to "soften up" the adversary by non-military means such as influence campaigns, political coercion and deception. When societal resilience and military resolve are undermined, this makes it easier to launch sweeping military action against the target.

Singapore lacks strategic depth and has a limited (and declining) manpower base. It must, therefore, strive to keep its military as high-tech as possible and use technology as a force multiplier.

Qn: Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justified in the modern world. (Cam. 2014)

ST Explains: Fake news, hoax videos as weapons in the Russia-Ukraine information war

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Think Quote: 'Data is the new oil'

In Russia, unfounded claims were made that Ukraine was engaged in state-sponsored violence, supposedly by a neo-Nazi regime, and was planning to attack some separatist-held territories using chemical weapons. Some of these messages were sent in large Telegram group chats with thousands of users, which were then repeated on Russia's mainstream media.

On Feb 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed in a televised speech that a “genocide” of nearly four million people in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine had been occurring. 

Since the conflict broke out, Kremlin-backed news outlet Russia Today has portrayed the invasion as a liberation of eastern Ukraine, and that Moscow is using force in the interests of peace

a wide variety of real and fake news has been involved - from outdated videos and information to deliberate attempts to paint one side as an aggressor over the other.

The independently funded website is among others online that have been publishing articles countering fake news about the invasion. But the task is a tough one, with the explosion of mediums for distributing such propaganda, and not enough resources to check whether the content is real.

the ongoing conflict is testament to the importance of soft power in a technological age, alongside the traditional use of hard power.

the situation in Ukraine shows how information can be weaponised at low cost and at scale.

the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (Fica), passed in Parliament last October, bolsters Singapore's ability to prevent, detect and disrupt foreign interference in Singapore's politics conducted through hostile information campaigns (HICs) or the use of local proxies.

Foreign interference can indeed undermine our political sovereignty, national security and social cohesion. Singaporeans should exercise discretion when consuming and spreading information, to avoid becoming unwitting tools of foreign actors.

Monday, March 07, 2022

Section 377A ruling: Govt is considering different viewpoints carefully, says Shanmugam

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Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalises sex between men but which the Government has said will not be proactively enforced

The five-judge panel, led by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, also ruled that the law was "unenforceable in its entirety" until the Attorney-General of the day signals a change in the prosecutorial policy

Singapore wants to be "a stable society with traditional heterosexual family values, but with space for homosexuals to live their lives and to contribute to society".

the issues surrounding Section 377A are deeply divisive, and that is why Singapore has taken a "live and let live approach".

the Government had expressly included in the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act that any attack on any member of the LGBT community because of his or her identity, or on LGBT+ groups, will be an offence, and will not be tolerated.

socially charged issues, such as whether or not to repeal Section 377A, call for continued discussion and open-ended resolution within the political domain, where consensus can be forged, rather than for win-lose outcomes in court. "In this way, we can accommodate divergent interests, avoid polarisation and facilitate incremental change," he said.

1. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)
2. How far, in your society, should unpopular views be open to discussion? (Cam. 2013)

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Lessons for Asia from Ukraine crisis

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It is that while defending their sovereign right to make their individual choices, it is critically important for all countries to stretch diplomatic levers to the utmost to assuage the insecurities and nervousness of key neighbours, especially if they are significantly bigger than you.

the importance of securing solid, written guarantees in negotiations. Mr Putin is not entirely wrong in saying that the West went back on its promise to then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that Nato would not expand eastward towards Russia......Still, it could be argued that even the most solemn signed commitments can run aground against a volatile leader who decides on his own course of action regardless of consequences. After all, in the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, Russia agreed to respect the independence, sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine, and to refrain from the threat or use of force against the country.

Qn: How far is it important for people to be aware of current events in countries other than their own? (Cam. 2014)

Budget debate: Singapore navy's frigates to be upgraded with better combat system

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The next-generation SAF will have more unmanned capabilities.

Singapore's philosophy is to make friends with all countries, and seek no enemies, he said. "But we are realists too, and keen observers of history and events around us, and especially what happens to small, vulnerable states."

Kuwait, an oil-rich state, was invaded by Iraq in 1990, he noted, and Qatar suffered an air, land, and sea blockade imposed by its neighbours in 2017.

we live by the dictum that the stronger the SAF, the easier it is to make friends and have fewer enemies. No one will defend Singapore as robustly if Singaporeans do not or cannot."

Qn: Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justified in the modern world. (Cam. 2014)

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Invasion brings Russia global repudiation with Cold War echoes

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Although these grassroots gestures inflict less harm on Russia's economy than sweeping restrictions on Russian banks or the mothballing of a natural gas pipeline, they carry a potent symbolic punch, leaving millions of ordinary Russians isolated in an interconnected world.

Russia's Formula 1 Grand Prix, scheduled for September in Sochi, has been scrapped. Saint Petersburg has lost the Champions League soccer final, which was relocated to Paris.

Israel, in its own way, serves as an example of the limits of these kinds of boycotts. For years, critics of its occupation of the West Bank have tried to pressure the government through the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement. Although it has had successes, it has antagonised people on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide and failed to pressure successive Israeli leaders to change policy toward the Palestinians.

For many, the idea of supporting Russia is simply intolerable. Pennsylvania, Utah, Ohio, New Hampshire and other states, as well as Canada, have pulled Russian-branded vodka off the shelves of liquor stores.

Qn: How far should countries have relations with others whose human rights record is poor? (Cam. 2019)

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

How close is a full-blown global cyber war after Russia's attack on Ukraine?

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Cyber warfare is waged with stealth. Bullets and bombs take the form of malware and spurious information requests in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack to take down computers. It is hard to tell who the threat actors are.

the disruption they cause is designed to intimidate and undermine and is not an end to itself

Warring nations could shut down each other's power grids and other essential services, and interfere with the safe operations of critical infrastructure such as dams and nuclear power plants.

Disinformation campaigns and fake news such as the ones said to be funded by Russia to sway votes in the 2016 US presidential election is another type of cyber warfare that is no less insidious.

Vigilante attacks in either direction increase the fog of war and generate confusion and uncertainty for everyone

Why Russia's invasion of Ukraine is an existential issue for Singapore

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A world order based on "might is right", or where "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - such a world order would be profoundly inimical to the security and survival of small states.

Julius Nyerere, then President of Tanzania, who had said: "When elephants fight, the grass suffers."

as a young nation, it is vital for us to maintain domestic unity and cohesion, bearing in mind how easily internal divisions can be exploited by adversaries, especially in this Internet age and the advent of hybrid warfare.

Ukraine crisis: Sporting sanctions can land significant blow on Putin, say experts

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Russia hosting the 2018 World Cup, the scandal-plagued 2014 Winter Olympics and Gazprom's sponsorship of European football's Champions League were powerful tools for the country's global image and gained Vladimir Putin prestige amongst the Russian population. However, the Russian president's decision to invade Ukraine has resulted in destroying the warm global afterglow and experts believe it could cost him dearly internally.

Football’s governing body Fifa said on Sunday that no international soccer matches will be played in Russia and the Russian flag and anthem will be banned from the team’s matches abroad.

Putin may not care what the rest of the world thinks of him, but he has to care what the Russian people think of him," said the Irishman. "Lose their support and it is game over - and the actions of the sports community has the potential to be a very important influencer towards the Russian people

"You are making the assumption that Russian people actually see, read, and hear 'real news'," ..."I do not believe that is the case. The Government will portray Russia as a victim of a great global conspiracy led by the USA and the West."It is an old Russian trope they have used quite effectively since the Soviet days.

Many people, like me, believed that by helping them host the Olympics and World Cup could somehow open and liberalise the society, creating new paths of progress for Russia's young people. "Again, we were wrong.

Climate change is driving humanitarian crises worldwide: IPCC report

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They are causing severe and widespread disruption in nature and in society - reducing our ability to grow nutritious food or provide enough clean drinking water, thus affecting people's health and well-being and damaging livelihoods.

Mitigation refers to efforts to reduce emissions, such as initiatives to boost energy efficiency or switch to renewable energy sources, while adaptation strategies are geared at helping communities cope with impacts. This could include building sea walls to keep out the rising sea levels, or developing drainage infrastructure to prevent flooding from bouts of more intense rain.

Changes in temperature, rainfall, and extreme weather have also increased the frequency and spread of diseases in wildlife, agriculture, and people.

Water shortages, which already plague half the world's population at some point in a year, could become worse due to erratic rainfall patterns, or extreme events such as floods or droughts.

Basketball: Singapore to host Fiba 3x3 Asia Cup in July

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"Gathering some of the region's top teams here in Singapore, the local basketball fraternity will have valuable opportunities for learning and to up the game here."

"Through the hosting of the Fiba 3x3 Asia Cup, we also want to provide opportunities for coaches, umpires, tournament organisers and sports administrators to learn and improve.

roll out more 3x3 tournaments "using different venues and platforms" to popularise the sport among youth, which would allow it to build a larger pool of talent.

Qn: ‘Staging major sporting events brings nothing but benefits to the host country.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2021)

Court of Appeal rules Section 377A stays but cannot be used to prosecute men for having gay sex

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The Court of Appeal on Monday (Feb 28) ruled that Section 377A of the Penal Code - which criminalises sex between men - stays on the books but cannot be used to prosecute men for having gay sex.

Section 377A was “unenforceable in its entirety” until the Attorney-General of the day signals a change in the prosecutorial policy.

The law makes it a crime for a man, whether in public or in private, to commit any act of “gross indecency” with another man, and carries a jail term of up to two years.

the Government took the view that a balance had to be struck between accepting homosexual individuals as part of society and respecting the more traditional views of mainstream society

the law criminalises sex acts only between homosexual men, but not acts between homosexual women or heterosexuals. They argued that men were being treated unequally because women cannot be punished for acts of gross indecency.

They also argued it was absurd to criminalise a particular sexual orientation when scientific evidence shows that sexual orientation cannot be voluntarily changed.

Qn: In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)