An excellent article here, esp for those who recently did the compre on 'The Suffering of Others' and 'Wealth Causes Misery'.
In the former, the writer made the argument that we are indirectly responsible for the suffering of humans (i.e. workers) through the purchases we made, though we are ignorant if it.
In the latter compre, the writer mentioned that wealth can make society better as we can use wealth to invest in businesses that will create jobs for the poor.
In both arguments above, the issue of exploitation can come in, to support the argument in the first case, and refute it in the second.
Things to note in the article:
1) The examples of Foxconn and the factories in the collapsed Rana Building in Bangladesh. Foxconn is a major supplier of spare parts to Apple products, but is infamous for harsh working conditions that have seen many workers committing suicide. The media coverage on this has applied pressure on Apple to protect its image, consequently causing Apple to apply some pressure on Foxconn. Hence, this desire to protect its image and consequently profits, will ensure workers are not unduly exploited.
2) note the reasons given for the 'ignorance' resulting in the exploitation...the outsourcing makes it difficult for the parent company to exercise control and be in the know; likewise for the consumer who is none the wiser. However, the rise of the digital age means that nothing is unknowable. Recent media coverage on the Foxconn suicides is a case in point. So we cannot plead ignorance as an excuse....
3) As consumers, we have a role to play by voting with our pockets. We can choose to boycott callous businesses guilty of exploitation. See pic in article. This is a role we can play in saving Mother Nature too, instead of leaving everything to the govt, NGOs, MNCs, etc. The power of choice among consumers should not be underestimated....
4) Other than legislation to curb exploitation, note the existence of watchdog bodies like the International Labour Organisation
5) Make a link to the Singapore context concerning the recent SMRT strike over poor living condition of foreign workers (is this exploitation?) and how one of the drivers took to the internet to raise awareness of their plight and rally for support.
Sample Qns:
-Entrepreneurship is just another name for greed. Do you agree?
-To what extent should businesses be socially responsible? (SAJC Prelim 2011)
-Should profit be the only thrust driving businesses? (VJC JC2 Common Test 1 2012)
article 1a |
article 1b |
article 2 |