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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Syariah Law

Some aspects of the Syariah law (which is based on Islam / the Koran) can be controversial, as not only are they restrictive, but the punishments meted out can be non-proportional to the nature of the offence committed:
-women must wear the veil or burqa, and cannot wear sexually revealing outfits
-women cannot go outdoors unless accompanied by male relatives
-women(and men) cannot kiss or hold hands with members of opposite gender unless they are related [a report goes that a guy was given 90 lashes of the cane, 4 month jail and a 2 month ban from a shopping mall because he was caught on the CCTV kissing a girl in the shopping mall!)
-women do not have the right to vote
-oppression of gays and lesbians
-cutting off hands of thieves
-caning/flogging for those caught drinking alcohol
-stoning to death for adultery
-death sentence for converting from Islam to another faith
-condones 'honour' killings

As with most accusations heaped on religion, be aware that there is always the possible rebuttal that it is not religion per se, but peoples' interpretation (and possible manipulation) of what is said in the religious text, that is the guilty party here. Let us not forget that while God may have said those words (though even this could be disputed), it is man who has recorded them down and interpreted them the way he thinks is in accordance with God's intended meaning. Some may deliberately pervert or twist those words in order to further their selfish agenda, as cloaking anything in the name of God would enable them to mobilise the people towards their cause.

Sample Qns:
1) How important is it for people in your society to retain a sense of tradition? (2008)
2) 'An eye for an eye'. Is punishing criminals all about justice? [use the Syariah law example to show that sometimes, punishing criminals may not deliver justice at all if the punishment itself is unjust]
3) 'Women have it easier than men in today's society.' Do you agree?
4) 'Men rather than women face greater challenges.' Is this true today? (SAJC Prelim 2011)
5) 'Women are edging men out from their comfortable niches.' Comment.
6) 'Religion has done more harm than good.' Do you agree?