The Dark Shadow Shrine
If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....ex-Students' comments:
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
TUE Class --Technology Qns
Overcoming Prejudice
An anecdote here about how a student overcomes his prejudice against HIV victims. Relate to qn: Can prejudice ever be eliminated? (2011)
Posssible points: education&campaigns to generate awareness? CIP? Another point worthy of mention is our highly mobile world nowadays. As people travel more often, we become exposed to different culture and interact with different kinds of people. This can in some measure lead to greater understanding and hence, lessen prejudice.
Fair Trade
Monday, February 27, 2012
More SPORT Stuff
For those classes that I did 'sport' with, here's the 2001 Cambridge examiner's report on the sport qn: Is sport too closely linked to money these days?
Does sport merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it? (2010) Examiner's report:
In one of the sample essays we looked at, China spent US$20billion to stage the Beijing Olympics. It may be useful for u to know that S'pore's budget for the 2010 YOG ballooned from S$100million to nearly S$400million. See link:
The other sampke essay opens with Fernando Torres' transfer fee. The transfer fee of Cristiano Ronaldo was £80 million when he crossed over from Manchester United to Real Madrid in 2009 -- the highest ever in soccer history!
Qns: Does sport merit the vast sums of money that are spent on it? (2010)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Wisdom of Taking Risks
Relate to: "Taking risks is an essential part of life and should be encouraged." Discuss. (Cambridge 'A' level 2011)
For possible opposing arguments, consider these random ramblings of mine:
-which is wiser? To take the sure-footed but longer path or a shortcut filled with risks? Time-saving? Lazy? Cutting corners?
-being faithful to one's spouse or expose one to AIDS/STDs by having multiple sex partners and practising unsafe, unprotected sex? We can CHOOSE the lifestyle we want, or is this kind of risks an essential part of life, i.e. inevitable?
-taking the shortcut by gambling, or earn your money via a steady route?
-risks associated with alturistic outcomes (such as saving others' lives) vs self-absorbed, superficial agendas (side-effects of cosmetic surgery)
-nuclear? Fukushima -- subject people to health risk despite the environmental benefits of the 'clean/green' fuel?
-take risks 'cos lazy vs checking up on the info (the food you eat, ur prospective business partners, etc)
Dowry Article
Wed/Thur Class Pre-Test Compre Answer Key
Answer for Qn.4 is incomplete, so refer here:
Pavlov's dogs involuntarily[1/2] salivate[1/2] at the sound of a bell[1/2]. Similarly, when it comes to accomplishing tasks[1/2], we are used to[1/2] responding [1/2]in a specific way upon perceiving a specific stimulus[1/2]. [any 4 of the 5 points here]
For the AQ, think also of 'guanxi' (an old way or habit of doing things that has often been associated with corruption and cronyism) vs meritocracy in the modern day.
Monday, February 20, 2012
More Stuff on SPORT!
Friday, February 17, 2012
PE soon to be one hour longer...
Also, make it a habit to come in here at least once a week as I may use this blog as a channel to notify you of stuff. You can also contact me by clicking on the 'Drop a Howler!' link at the bottom left panel.....
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Committing a Crime vs Committing a Sin
-Justice is always served whenever the law is upheld. Do you agree?
Private lives of Public Figures
Whitney Houston died (from drug abuse?). Yaw Chin Leong was expelled from the Worker's Party (extra-marital affair). an ex-principal resigned (sought sexual service online). the Makiyo incident in Taiwan....Add to the list people like Jack Neo, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson and Bill Clinton....See a pattern? What about the scandal about priests sexually abusing children? Sexual orientation of celebrities like Elton John and Ellen Degeneres?
Using the example-backtrack-to-point method for brainstorming, see if you can generate points for the qns that follow....
Sample essay: To what extent should the private lives of public figures be the subject of media coverage?
Other Qns:
As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private? (Cambridge 'A' level 2009)
Should we treat our celebrities any differently from any other person? (NJC Prelim 2010)
Perils of Online Shopping
Blogshop/E-Shopping is touted as an advantage of the internet, but it comes with attendant ills. The article also deals with society's obsession with beauty, which is a result of the impact of foreign culture on our society (globalization, Korean Wave)
-Should current restrictions on drugs be relaxed? (AJC Prelim 2010)
-Assess the impact of foregn films or foreign TV programmes on the culture of your society. (Cambridge 'A' level 2008)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Answers for Language Error Worksheet
The Signposting Argument for 377A and the role of the LAW
Detractors(those who wanted 377A to be retained) have argued that the law should reflect what is and is not permissible by society. In other words, legislation serves an important signposting function of reflecting social morality. Hence, repealing this law would send the wrong signal to the public that sexual acts between members of the same gender is actually condoned by society. This will result in murky or confusing morality signals as most people take their cue from the law when it comes to morality. Therefore, Section 377A should not be repealed.
However, the lawyer in the article (see article above) rebutted that such a signposting argument does not hold water. This is because there are unambiguously immoral behaviour or acts in our society today that are not signposted as illegal by the law. Cases in point include prostitution, extra-marital affairs, marital rape, etc. Society obviously frowns upon these acts, but they are not signposted as illegal. Thus, even if one regards same-gender sex as immoral, it is not fair to retain the 377A to criminalize it. To insist on doing so is to be guilty of applying double standards as one would in effect be unfairly singling out same-gender sex as a crime while turning a blind eye to other equally reprehensible acts. The law should be carried out in a fair manner, not operate in a selective manner according to one’s prejudice. Hence, using the signposting argument to argue for the retention of Section 377A lacks conviction.
THE FUNCTION OF LAW – The relationship between legislation and social norm
I raised this point as it is related to the function of law which I mentioned before. The law is supposed to reflect social norm (i.e. social morality in this case) insofar as these social norms are desirable. Hence, it is perfectly ok to have the law says that eating your children is a crime, and taking care of your parents is not a crime, ‘cos these are what our society feels. It is also important that these acts are desirable.
In cases where the social norms in concern are not desirable and are motivated by prejudice, then the other function of the law needs to come in – the law will have to re-define the social norms (since these are flawed) in order to correct the undesirable behaviour of the public. Say if the social norm of a particular society is to discriminate against women or eat one’s parents when they are old, then the law -- instead of serving its earlier function of reflecting (and thereby endorsing) this flawed social norm – has to redefine this social norm by making it illegal to continue discriminating against women or eat one’s old parents. You can see it as the law being used to correct a flawed social norm and educating people on what a desirable social norm should be like.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Video Clip on WALL-E & Lazy Economy
Clip 2:
The movie "WALL-E" is a cautionary movie in many ways. It warns us of how earth can become an uninhabitable place and full of rubbish if we do not take care and protect it. In this clip, it also shows how technology is so efficient and convenient that it can have a crippling (instead of enabling) effect on us.
Relate to issues on our destructive consumerist ways and the effect of technology on us. Think also about the function of movies. Are they merely for entertainment? What about movies like Avatar, We Not Naughty?
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Interesting Videos -- MUST WATCH!!!
If I have not already shown you these clips, and you haven't seen them before, I suggest you take a peek! The first one is about how social media or technology can help to strengthen bonds between people, esp for those who are shy introverts..or disinclined towards saying mushing things out loud.....whereas the second one acts as a rebuttal to show that social media interferes with bonding......
Qn: Has social media made us more sociable?
McDonald's! GASP!!!
If link taking too long to open up, try right click on link, save target file, then open up and read..... Then relate to this qn:
'Environmental concerns and economic growth cannot co-exist.' Do you agree? (Cambridge 'A' level 2011)
Note also the function of the media here as the watchdog, to blow the whistle on errant behaviour of MNCs to ensure they toe the line.....
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Qn: To what extent is it acceptable for private companies to be involved in financing scientific research?
Qn: How far should medical resources be used to extend life expectancy?
NB: Note the mention of chimeric research and how embryos are destroyed when stem cells are harvested from them.