TUE Class --Technology Qns
1) Should every country have the right to carry out unlimited scientific research? (2009) Examiner report: http://jgcm.webs.com/Q8sci.doc
2) To what extent has technology had a negative impact on the skill level of people? (2010) Examiner report: http://jgcm.webs.com/Q6tech.doc
Articles and links for Q2 above:
Check out also this handout on sport, The last section talks about how technology has impacted sport in such a way that the skill level of the sportsman may no longer be relevant. While seemingly positive, this may actually spell the death knell for sport as the human element in sport is rendered obsolete. http://jgcm.webs.com/SportsLect2009Handout.doc
Refer also to an earlier post with clips on the movie "Walle" -- showing the crippling effects of technology on us. Can use the scene in the clip as an opening or closing bang for this essay.
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