The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Friday, March 31, 2006

GP Weekend 'Pleasure' (5X/5Y)

Make sure you have a copy of the 4 sample GP essays (labelled A, B, C and D) given out today. 5X would've got it from Mr Praeman. Your job is to mark these 4 scripts using the marking band descriptors which I've given you some time back.

Content: out of 30
Language/Use of English: out of 20
Total: 50

Bring these scripts (duly marked) when you come in on Monday.

Have a good 'pleasurable' weekend.....


Lit Students!!!

Bring your Julius Caesar text (in addition to your "Touched with Fire") for this Monday's lesson.


Sunday, March 26, 2006


Now that I’m almost done with all the writing skills, it’s time to move on to content-beefing. You may have grown up on a silver spoon, but alas, no spoon-feeding from me. But rest assured that it can be a ‘delightful’ experience. In your group, you are to come up with the material for your selected topic. Please ensure there are no free-riders in the group and report honestly when it comes to the contribution list. This ‘delight’ will form the major part of your Achievement Grade for the next half term, so be diligent about it. DEADLINE: 28 April 2006 (Fri) before 5pm.

Group up
-4-5 per group
-nominate a leader
-create a group name
-submit list with all these details and your TOPIC to me for approval. Do NOT embark on your ‘delight’ until you get my green light.

Pick a TOPIC

●Your final ‘delightful’ submission
-everything to be typed-written
-must be submitted in a proper folder containing the following in the following sequence:
1)cover page
-reflect your group details and topic
2)contribution list
-outlining the SPECIFIC contributions by each group member.
-has to be acknowledged and SIGNED by every member
-your grade will be based largely on this
3)core notes
-in point form or series of short paragraphs with headings(not essay!)
-can include graphs/diagrams/mindmaps/tables/list of quotes….etc.
-avoid excessive cut-and-paste; your own input must be there too
4)one relevant article with your short commentary (≈200 words)
-article can be sourced from newspapers, internet, etc.
5)one essay outline
-get question from past year Cambridge GP qns (check 10-yr series)
-question must be related to your topic
-outline means full intro and conclusion with topic sentence in-btw. Include some brief details and examples in point form under each topic sentence

Any queries can be directed to me or via email…..Do have a ‘delightful’ experience!


Note that the following are due on 7 April 2006 (Fri) before 5pm. That’s TWO WEEKS FROM NOW! They go towards your Effort Grade for this first half term.

1) Blog
I’ll be checking the blog entries dated from 5 Mar to 7 April, i.e. 5 weeks.
You should have 10 + 5 entries for this duration.
New students who joined AFTER the Mar Hols must have 6 + 3 entries (i.e. over duration of 3 weeks). Please ensure your blog adhere to my specifications as spelt out in one of my earlier blog entries a few months back…..Go Check, or ASK! You need also ensure your blog URL (must be blogspot!) reaches me via email before the deadline!


-Ensure your file is properly done up and compartmentalized (i.e. marked assignments separated from handouts)
-Content page must be properly filled up and reflect only marked assignments(your name/class must be there too!)
-use only ACS International Ring File that says ENGLISH infront
-new students please ensure you have zapped ALL the previous notes and handouts from your trusted classmates

-Ensure your file is properly done up and compartmentalized (i.e. marked assignments separated from handouts)
-Content page must be properly filled up and reflect only marked assignments(your name/class must be there too!)
-use only ACS International Ring File that says LITERATURE infront
-new students please ensure you have zapped ALL the previous notes and handouts on "Julius Caesar" from your trusted classmates
-kindly ensure you've purchased a copy of the "Julius Caesar" text also!

Do see me BEFORE the deadline if you have any difficulties, esp the newbies. I'm contactable via email......

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Year 5 GP: Questions for Dish 2 of your March "buffet"

1)Do small firms have a role in modern business?

2)’History repeats itself.’ Do you agree?

3)To what extent is formal education effective?

4)’The only victims of war are the poor or the innocent.’ Discuss.

5)Can the use of nuclear energy be justified?

6)Can Mathematics be made fun, interesting and worthwhile?

7)Which should be medicine’s main priority – the quality or the length of life?

8)How far should the media of any society reflect the views of its leaders?

9)’All works of art belong in their country of origin.’ Discuss.

10)Is the money spent on museums well spent?