The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Note that the following are due on 7 April 2006 (Fri) before 5pm. That’s TWO WEEKS FROM NOW! They go towards your Effort Grade for this first half term.

1) Blog
I’ll be checking the blog entries dated from 5 Mar to 7 April, i.e. 5 weeks.
You should have 10 + 5 entries for this duration.
New students who joined AFTER the Mar Hols must have 6 + 3 entries (i.e. over duration of 3 weeks). Please ensure your blog adhere to my specifications as spelt out in one of my earlier blog entries a few months back…..Go Check, or ASK! You need also ensure your blog URL (must be blogspot!) reaches me via email before the deadline!


-Ensure your file is properly done up and compartmentalized (i.e. marked assignments separated from handouts)
-Content page must be properly filled up and reflect only marked assignments(your name/class must be there too!)
-use only ACS International Ring File that says ENGLISH infront
-new students please ensure you have zapped ALL the previous notes and handouts from your trusted classmates

-Ensure your file is properly done up and compartmentalized (i.e. marked assignments separated from handouts)
-Content page must be properly filled up and reflect only marked assignments(your name/class must be there too!)
-use only ACS International Ring File that says LITERATURE infront
-new students please ensure you have zapped ALL the previous notes and handouts on "Julius Caesar" from your trusted classmates
-kindly ensure you've purchased a copy of the "Julius Caesar" text also!

Do see me BEFORE the deadline if you have any difficulties, esp the newbies. I'm contactable via email......


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