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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Three hours a week: Play time's over for China's young video gamers

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China has forbidden under-18s from playing video games for more than three hours a week, a stringent social intervention that it said was needed to pull the plug on a growing addiction to what it once described as "spiritual opium".

"Teenagers are the future of our motherland," Xinhua quoted an unnamed NPPA spokesperson as saying. "Protecting the physical and mental health of minors is related to the people's vital interests, and relates to the cultivation of the younger generation in the era of national rejuvenation."


1. Do you agree that public good, not profit, should be the focus of the media? (NYJC Prelim 2021)

2. To what extent can the regulation of technology companies be justified? (NYJC Prelim 2021)

China bans exams for 6-year-olds as Beijing retools education system

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The Beijing city authorities last week announced that teachers must rotate schools every six years to prevent a concentration of top talent at some schools. Education officials on Monday reiterated a ban on schools setting up "priority" classes for gifted students.

The Ministry of Education also banned written homework for first- and second-graders earlier this year, and limited homework for junior high students to no more than 1½ hours a night.

Monday, August 30, 2021

NDR 2021: New law to deal with racial offences, promote harmony through softer approach

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Apart from providing for punishments to deal with racial offences, the new law will also incorporate "softer and gentler touches" that focus on persuasion and rehabilitation. For instance, it will vest the authorities with powers to order someone who has caused offence to stop and make amends by learning more about the other race.

While the real solution to racism is to change attitudes, which takes time and effort, legislation can play a role

"Laws may not, by themselves, make people get along with one another or like one another," PM Lee noted. "But laws can signal what our society considers right or wrong, and nudge people over time to behave better."

Qn: To what extent can legislation influence behaviour?

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Top Chinese actress Zheng Shuang fined $62m for tax evasion, Vicki Zhao removed from TV credits

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For qns on celebrity culture and social responsibility...

Qn. To what extent do you agree with the idea that some teenagers lead an unhealthy lifestyle? Give reasons for your views. (Cam. 'O' lvl 2016)

Friday, August 27, 2021

How superhero myths do not help superpowers

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An excerpt from the full article that touches on cartoons....

In these films, typically, the hero, such as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman or Wolverine, is endowed with superhuman strength and power that is used to save the vulnerable from villains out to destroy society. Some may transpose a fictitious superhero trait onto a real-life superpower nation and start to expect some version of heroics from America.

If that sounds unlikely, consider that when the protests in Hong Kong broke out, some protesters waved American flags or held up placards asking for US help - and some donned Captain America costumes, as though they were living in a Marvel world where mythical characters may descend from the sky in some deus ex machina rescue.

Relate to qns on cartoons....

Qn: Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems? (Cam. 2008)

Elderly may feel isolated even while living with kin

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Elderly folk living with their families may be surrounded by people but they can still feel socially isolated....felt socially disconnected said they do not have someone they can go to for help

Qn: Should children look after their aged parents or send them to an old folk’s home?

Docs issue warning as people fall for latest viral challenge

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A good example of the mindless and dangerous trends going viral with the ice bucket challenge of the past where there is a social cause involved in spreading the awareness of a medical is still a dare in a sense, but a dare with a purpose -- and a meaningful one at that.....

Relate to social media....

China's 'common prosperity' push does not mean 'killing the rich', official says

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There seems to be this idea that firms making huge profits must also be socially responsible and not prioritize and price profits above values....if they don't, then they risk having the authorities stepping in to rein them in, as in the case of China clamping down on Big Tech like Alibaba, Tencent and the tuition industry....

In the West, a similar situation can also be observed...govt have been trying to rein in the big tech companies like Facebook and Amazon for anti-competition practices and for not doing enough to stem fake news....It is thus in the advantage of firms to not just pursue profits mindlessly but also to give attention to social responsibility.....

The high cost of urban living, meanwhile, has contributed to a sharp slowdown in births, prompting China this year to allow families to have up to three children instead of two. Slowing economic growth and cut-throat competition have also prompted some young urbanites to embrace a passive attitude known as "lying flat".

"More big corporations are going to set up social responsibility funds if they have yet to do so, and the size of donations from them should increase,.."Corporates need to take bigger steps to enhance their corporate governance and social responsibility. They need to work to get ahead of the regulators."

Kipchoge: Athletes need top innovation

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If one of the functions of sporting achievements is to inspire humans to greater heights and to attain the seemingly impossible, then the use of tech in sport may call that into question.....

The Kenyan, who overcame humid conditions in Tokyo earlier this month to defend his gold medal in the marathon, was among a host of runners who ran in specially-designed Nike shoes fitted with carbon-fibre plates for more spring and quicker times, once again rekindling a debate around "technological doping".

"When somebody does a great performance now, everybody will question if it's the shoe, and that is the credibility problem," 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

In seeking 'common prosperity', China's President Xi signals fresh drive to tackle inequality

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In the last few months, Beijing has been putting pressure on its tech firms and private tuition sector..... addressing the yawning income gap and tackling inequality had become a key policy goal of Mr Xi and the party

fixing inequality is a tall order for China, where the richest 20 per cent earn more than 10 times the poorest 20 per cent, and some 600 million people live on a monthly income of 1,000 yuan (S$209).

Beijing's goal is to build an "olive-shaped" income distribution structure, with a small top, a large middle and a small bottom, which it describes pithily with the term "common prosperity"

changing from an approach where 'the cake' is not big enough to caring more about whether the distribution of 'the cake' is even

Qn: The key criterion for good government is how well the economy is managed. Is this a fair assessment? (Cam. 2012)

'Always there': The AI chatbot comforting China's lonely millions

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breaks up the isolation of urban life with a virtual chatbot created by XiaoIce, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system designed to create emotional bonds with its 660 million users worldwide.

XiaoIce -- On the WeChat super app, it lets users build a virtual girlfriend or boyfriend and interact with them via texts, voice and photo messages. It has 150 million users in China alone.

XiaoIce will never betray me," she added. "He will always be there.

Relate to topic on loneliness and AI

Monday, August 23, 2021

Eye on China's youth

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The Internet giant has limited playing time and spending for those under 18 in a move to appease Beijing

Under new rules that kicked in on Aug 4, minors are banned from playing Honour Of Kings for more than an hour on regular days and two hours on public holidays. They also cannot play between 10pm and 8am.

Tencent, which runs the world's biggest video gaming business by revenue, has started using facial recognition technology in its games to make sure that players are above 18 years old.

"It is a matter of time that online games will go the way of off-campus tutoring services... referring to a separate clampdown last month when Beijing banned after-school tutoring companies from making profits in a move to reduce the costs of raising children.

Suggestive online content involving children came under scrutiny last month when China's top Internet watchdog slapped fines on tech giants, including Tencent and Alibaba, for allowing users to upload or share "soft child porn".

suggestive photos promoting girls' underwear. "Why are these sellers sexualising children to boost their sales?"...showing a young girl putting a finger in her mouth with the caption "I am very hungry" in Chinese.

Producing 1 Pair of Jeans Leads to 30kg of CO2

Read the fine print below the heading on the role of the consumer in protecting the environment.....Relate to social responsibility... 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

More than meats the eye in fight against global warming

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Note the pun in the catchy title above for those doing O lvls....and the closing BANG in the last sentence!

Discredited as they are, passenger cars actually contribute only 12 per cent to global carbon dioxide emissions.... the meat and milk people consume account for about 10 per cent of man-made greenhouse gases

the global warming impact of livestock can be bigger than that of cars

As the human population continues to grow, and as countries become more and more affluent, demand for meat and milk will increase.

producing 1kg of beef protein. That works out to using an average family car for 24 days.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Xi Jinping crackdowns look to whip China's 'lying flat' youth into shape

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a satirical image of what passes for an ideal youth in today's China. "The socialist successor of the new era does not attend after-school tutoring, does not play video games, does not chase celebrities," said the post, which was shared widely before it was censored."

The description highlights how Mr Xi's push for "common prosperity" and wealth redistribution is about more than just reining in tech billionaires: The flurry of rules and state-media missives targeting industries from after-school tutoring to online gaming and entertainment are also aimed at ensuring the younger generation - some of whom are starting to embrace a minimalist lifestyle known as "lying flat" or tangping - turns into motivated, patriotic and productive workers.

Overwhelming pressure to study and work nonstop is prompting some youth to join the "lying flat" movement, essentially opting out of the rat race and instead adopting a simple lifestyle with attainable goals.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How to stop procrastinating when working from home

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Index finds S'poreans highly aware of green issues but lag in action

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Focus on the role of individuals in the fight against climate change....

Singapore, in recognition of the existential threat that climate change poses to the island, unveiled its Green Plan 2030 earlier this year. Under the Paris Agreement, the Republic is committed to halving carbon emissions by 2050.

the average Singapore resident generates more than 8,000kg of carbon emissions annually....That is more than twice the world's average and far above the target to maintain a sustainable footprint

Students to get instant feedback on English assignments with new AI system

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The automated system will correct basic errors as well as grammar, sentence structure and expression

"Students will be able to use automated feedback to help them improve their drafts before receiving more detailed feedback from their teachers."

teachers can then use the time saved from correcting basic language errors to focus on higher-level skills like persuasiveness and tone.

analytics gleaned from the system will help both students and teachers monitor learning and progress, which will help teachers know when they need to intervene.


1) To what extent is artificial intelligence replacing the role of humans? (Cam. 2019)

2) 'The more technology advances, the more irrelevant teachers will become.' Is this a fair comment? (ACJC J1 Midyr 2019)

Spot popular landmarks and Pusheen in National Day mural

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Note how the arts can help bring people together to bond:

The piece has something for everyone and sparks cultural exchanges between people who live in different neighbourhoods in Singapore

old folk sharing stories about their days in the kampung, with their grandchildren and children pointing out pop culture references such as American sitcom characters Rick and Morty to their parents

Note how the arts can capture and document changes, rendering in fixity that which is no longer in existence...

Now that I know it has closed for good, I'm a bit sad, but it's in the map as a form of documentation, as a mark of that time

Monday, August 16, 2021

Risk of depression grows with more time spent on Facebook: NTU study

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The more time people spend on Facebook, the higher the risk of suffering from depression

more Facebook use triggered higher levels of envy, which then led to feelings of depression

Social rank theory says we engage in social comparison, which is something we cannot escape because it's how we make sense of our own social identity.

social media use can invoke a fear of missing out - or Fomo in common usage - and comparison among teenagers when they see peers having fun.

Seeking recognition and validation on social media, people get upset when they do not get as many likes and comments as they hoped for

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Working from home but burning out

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many are toiling long hours, juggling family responsibilities and blurring the lines between work and relaxation

16 per cent of local respondents have clocked longer working hours during the pandemic

Time set aside for work and relaxation also starts bleeding into each other,

Without enough social activities as well as easy access to their laptops when working from home, employees may unintentionally (or intentionally) continue working after dinner and into the wee hours of the morning

The lack of boundaries between work and personal space may mean that (instead of) working from home, we are living at work.

new hires can feel isolated and lonely

Qn: How far do you think work will be done from home instead of the office in future? 

Saturday, August 07, 2021

High-tech shoes and track spark fast times

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insisting that it is their training and dedication, not their carbon-plated, thick-soled shoes, that are the key factors in a series of amazing records.

But if you put a trampoline in, I think it's b******t, and I think it takes credibility away from our sport."

the changes make historical comparisons, and the appreciation of records, pointless,

The designer of the Olympic Stadium track in Tokyo revealed the magic ingredient squeezed under a thinner than normal 1.4cm surface was rubber granules that help create small pockets of air. "They not only provide shock absorption but give some energy return, at the same time a trampoline effect....maybe a 1-2 per cent advantage."

For qns on impact of technology on sport....

Monday, August 02, 2021

China's risk-averse political culture proves deadly in Henan floods

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Questions were raised whether the tragedy was a "natural disaster" or a "man-made disaster" due to the perceived incompetence of some government officials.

Qn: Assess the view that most natural disasters are the result of human activity. (Cam. 2016)

Rethink use of natural gas as transition fuel, climate groups urge

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Note Singapore's power stations and public transport (buses) run on natural gas instead of oil or petrol...

Natural gas produces less planet-warming emissions than other fossil fuels when burned for energy

natural gas is still a fossil fuel, and thus incompatible with the global goal to phase out such fuels to avert the harshest impacts on climate change

Scientists say warming must be kept under 1.5 deg C to avert catastrophic climate change

the largest component of natural gas is methane - considered a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over shorter time spans...methane leakage from natural gas can occur in the process of extraction, transportation and conversion....This can accelerate climate change.

the prices of renewables are coming down considerably. If total investment made into the setting up or conversion of power plants to run on natural gas is considered, solar energy could be more price-competitive


1. Should there be any controls over the production of energy when the need for it is so great? (Cam. 2015)

2. Assess the view that attempts to control climate change can never be truly effective. (Cam. 2017)

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Social media use can trigger feelings of inferiority or inadequacy among young: Experts

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This constant competition emphasised by social media channels by their peers - when everyone is posting about good things - exacerbates competition, and young people find it stressful

the deluge of attractive posts can trigger feelings of inferiority or inadequacy, especially among young people with less experience to differentiate the social media world from real life

young people are vulnerable to relying on social media for self-worth and self-image, even as they try to forge their own identity.

Seeing good things can draw much envy and comparison, while identification with bad things can lead to a negative spiral."

Getting likes is rewarding for the brain through an increase in dopamine similar to an adrenaline rush