The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Life Meets Strife

 Note the opening BANG in intro below using listing of examples.....and also the use of direct speech quote from a survey.....

Look out for the rebuttal pair regarding electric cars and how this has little impact on the environment unless the power station generating the electricity converts to renewable sources instead of oil or fossil fuels....note Singapore's power stations use the 'cleaner' natural gas instead of the more polluting oil, but natural gas still gives off CO2, albeit less than oil.

China to bar for-profit tutoring in core school subjects:

 Click HERE

Friday, July 23, 2021

Olympics opening ceremony director fired over 1998 Holocaust joke

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A good example of how with the advent of social media, whatever u did in the past (need not be confined to just digital footprints online) may come back to haunt you....

She had stones thrown at her for cycling in sportswear

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The 25-year-old road cyclist had stones thrown at her and was physically attacked in her homeland for daring to don sportswear and ride a bicycle in public.

She had no idea that cycling in Afghanistan would lead to physical attacks, stone throwing, family coercion and verbal abuse.

Note how prevailing gender norms about women in some societies can be repressive and prevent women from harnessing their potential and excelling.....

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

‘We Don’t Need Another Michelangelo’: In Italy, It’s Robots’ Turn to Sculpt

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Qn: Should works of art created with the aid of technology be considered art? (NYJC J2 Mid-yr 2021)

Monday, July 19, 2021

Biden says social media misinformation on Covid-19 is 'killing people'

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Quote for BANG! on social media -- They’re killing people.

Scepticism is being fuelled both by false posts spread by anti-vaccine activists online and by Republican politicians claiming the vaccinations are part of attempts at government control.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Boycott may dash China's goal for Winter Olympics

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Qn:  Hosting major sporting events creates more problems than benefits. Do you agree? (Cam. 2005)

Monday, July 12, 2021

Remote work helps some in tech save money, time for family

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Although I end up working longer hours, working from home allows me to balance family commitments and not spend at least 21/2 hours a day commuting

the prospect of returning to the office has its advantages, with spontaneous social interactions and face-to-face meetings

Qn: How far do you think that work will be done from home instead of offices in the future?

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Pandemic wave of automation may be bad news for workers

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the latest wave of automation could eliminate jobs and erode bargaining power, particularly for the lowest-paid workers, in a lasting way.

Automation may harm specific workers, but if it makes the economy more productive, that could be good for workers as a whole

Technology, she said, is easing pressure on workers and speeding up service when restaurants are chronically understaffed. "Our approach is, this is an assistant for you," she said. "This allows our employee to really focus" on customers.

technologies developed for one purpose tend to spread to similar tasks, which could make it hard for workers harmed by automation to shift to another occupation or industry.

"Today it's, 'We want to get these robots in here to replace you because we feel like you're overpaid and we can get this kid in there and all he has to do is push this button.'"

Monday, July 05, 2021

How to ace the PSLE oral exam

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This talks about PSLE, but it's actually relevant to ur 'O' lvl Orals...and in case u r still in the dark, realise that u have to wear ur mask when doing the Oral assessment, so try practising with the mask on and recording how u sound, and play back to hear ur own reading....

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Youth and friendship in a brave new social world

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Like it or not: Growing up in the age of 'likes'

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Note opening BANG using questions...

Note the impact on self-esteem and self-worth....

Qn: Social media has caused more harm than good. Do you agree?