The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hotspots getting Hotter

Useful article to update yourself on current examples of political volatility in the world today....
Use it to critique a typical quote in a compre passage, like 'The world is profoundly at peace today'.

NLB Controversy

The continuing controversy regarding NLB's  'culling' of books that pose a threat to the 'security' of the nation. Thank of how stray cats and dogs are similarly culled because they pose a threat to man's safety. Be familiar with arguments of both sides and relate to qns on diversity, censorship, rights, the environment in which children grow up today....
Note the Closing BANG using a quotation from T.S. Eliot at the end of the first article.

Do libraries still play a significant role in today's society?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Food Ethics and Sustainability

You will find these articles useful if u have done the 2010 compre on FOOD. Note the various ethical issues raised on the food we eat, as well as the profit (business) vs food ethics arguments. Note that these articles all involve the Singapore context.

ARTICLE 1: Sustainable seafood is no fishy business

ARTICLE 2: Sussing Out Sustainability


LGBT-related articles

Relate to Qns on censorship, diversity, LGBT, whether unpopular views are discussed in S'pore and whether Singaporeans are concerned with what's happening to the country....


ARTICLE 2: (think of these as AQ to Article 1 above)


Terrorism -- Singapore Context

Local context on Terrorism. Note the role of social media in the 'lone wolf' terrorism syndrome.

Article 1: Handful of S'poreans taking part in Syrian conflict

Article 2: S'pore 'not immune' from online extremism


Inspiring speech by JK Rowling -- author of Harry Potter

Relate to qns on Failure and success