The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Year 6 Lit

For the benefit of those who were not in class (as well as those who were in class but 'stoning') last session when I went through the essay feedback for your two assignments, pls click here:

Check out also the good essays in Swift's shrine.....


Year 5 Lit Holiday Assignment

1)Work on your world lit assignment draft. Do get the greenlight from me first about your proposal and remember to abide by the guidelines given and avoid the pitfalls mentioned in the examiner's report, a copy of which will be given to you when you turn up for class next week.
2)Read up on James Joyce's "Dubliners" and Wilfred Owen's poetry if you are going over to Mr Toyne's class next term. If you are coming over to my class next term and you happen to read this, read up on Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" (Book 4 ONLY).

Year 3 Lit Holiday Assignment

Very Simple task! Just get hold of a copy of the "Macbeth" text from the school bookshop and read the entire play! Do not get a book from other publisher; buy only the one sold in the sch bookshop. If you can't get hold of the book in time, just go search for it online and read it off there.

Happi Holidaez.............:)


Friday, May 11, 2007

Year 6 Lit Holiday Assignment

Qn: Discuss Swift's expression in "Gulliver's Travels" of a 'hatred of war and the barbarism it lets loose', showing how Swift uses satire to make his point. Use materials only from Gulliver's first three voyages.
(Hint: satire is about using wit to criticise or bring home a point)

The usual stuff applies....

DEADLINE: First day when you come back to school in term 3, by 5pm.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Year 5 Lit World Lit Proposal

You need to ensure that your proposal (with your name indicated) reaches me or my pigeonhole by next Monday 14 May 5pm. Before you fill up the proposal, read up on the stuff that I passed you in class:
1)Proposal Form details
2)Crafting of title handout
3) Sample World Lit scripts


Friday, May 04, 2007

Year 6 GP Blogging

DEADLINE: 11 May 2007 Fri by 5 pm
Duration: 16 Apr - 11 May
Number of entries expected: 8


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Year 3 Lit Essay

1) "Maybe there is a beast...what I mean is...maybe it's only us." Show with reference to relevant examples that Simon is right.
2) In what ways is Piggy different from the rest of the characters in the "Lord of the Flies".

-Choose one of the questions above.
-word length about 500 words
-review my earlier handout on essay-writing before you embark on writing
-intro and concluding paras are compulsory!
-reflect name/class/date/qn on your script

DEADLINE: 8 MAy 2007 Tue