The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Year 6 Lit Essay

Qn: As the proverbial saying goes, "size matters". How true is this in the course of your reading of Gulliver's voyage to Lilliput and Brobdingnag?

Deadline: 7 May 2007 (Mon) by 5pm.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Year 6 GP

hi pple,
two pieces of work here:

1) newspaper article presentation (due next Tue)
same as your blog, except that you have to present to class. Use the format of pros-cons, problem-solution or WHY to 'attack' the article.

2)full-length essay (due next Fri)
choose one from the list given....It's the same paper as the one you did last Nov. Choose a different qn from the one you attempted last year, and consult the points in the examiner's report given to you.....


Year 3 Lit Quiz

Other than your file check deadline (see earlier post), take note also that your next and last LOTF quiz will be:
-chapter 7-12
-anytime in the week 7-11 May


Monday, April 16, 2007

Year 3&5 File Check

File Check DEADLINE: 30 Apr 2007 (Mon). The grade will go towards part of your Effort Grade for the next half term. Spelt out below are what I'll be looking out for:

Year 3:
-ACS International Ring File reflecting the word “Literature”
-Content page reflecting marked assignments (print from blog is lost)
-All marked assignments (essays, quizzes, etc.) and handouts to be filed in properly
-Check that only IB Lit stuff are filed in
-reflect name and class

Year 5:
-ACS International Ring File reflecting the word “Literature”
-Content page reflecting marked assignments (print from blog if lost)
-All marked assignments (essays, quizzes, etc.) and handouts to be filed in properly under the relevant dividers
-At least four file dividers (properly labeled) demarcating separate sections for the four texts you’ve studied thus far, and one section for Miscellaneous IB stuff
-Check that only IB Lit stuff are filed in
-reflect name and class


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Year 5 Lit Essay Feedback

As a feedback to your comparative essay assignment, take a peek at some of the better scripts from your classmates...I've uploaded 3... visit the LWFC Shrine to access them and hopefully, receive 'enlightenment'!


Monday, April 09, 2007

Year 5 Lit: M4M Post-Reading Quiz

There will be a post-reading quiz on the whole play of "Measure for Measure" anytime within the next two weeks. So get yourself ready......


Year 5 Lit: Oral Commentary for “Measure For Measure”

1) For your presentation his half term, it will be individual work, and you will be given TWO separate grades, one for your oral presentation (10-15 min) and one for your written report submission.
2) You need only present your analysis portion in your oral presentation, i.e. exclude the summary part. But the written report will contain your summary AND analysis portion, as well as class contribution bits….
3) To help prepare for your presentation, read up on the Oral Commentary link under the IB Stuff hyperlink, as well as “The Invisible Hand” under the Misc hyperlink. Read also the handouts which I have zapped for you as well as those stuff under the Measure for Measure links…..
4) Make sure you know which scene (or part thereof) you’re allocated and when you’re supposed to present. We’re adhering to a one presentation per period pacing. So count yourself…..