The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bicentennial a chance to tell warts-and-all history of Singapore

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-learn the phrase 'warts-and-all' (i.e. the whole thing, both the good and the bad, without concealing the bad, or being selective...)

-S'pore was founded by Raffles in 1819; coming 2019 will be the 200th anniversary, i.e. the bicentennial!

-while not an exact fit for the qn below, itcan be an interesting annecdote for an Opening BANG to show the transformative influence a foreign power can have on another place....realise that S'pore will probably be nothing, and perhaps never even exists (i.e. still a backward fishing village) , if not for the fact that Raffles landed here while searching for a place to counter the Dutch influence in the region at that time....

Qn: Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems? (Cam. 2008)