The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Who is your friend? Bursting social-class bubbles

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IF u r familiar with the concept of the filter bubble syndrome and the echo chamber effect that operate on social media, the phenomenon here works the same way, where people tend to hang out with those of the same kind. This lack of social mixing can perpetuate social prejudice and misconceptions, with the resulting impact on social cohesion...

Notably in Singapore, the schools and National Service (NS) for the guys are two major social institutions which force (or actively create opportunities for) Singaporeans to mix with those from other strata of the society that they normally would not have come into contact with....
BUT elite schools have slowly become closed circles (RI was  reported to have become a middle-class school a few years ago; i.e. they have no students from the lower income group)....As for NS, it only applies to guys....

The article also mentions, sports, the arts, CCAs, volunteering as ways for social mixing.....limitations include the short or irregular durations that do not allow for the fostering of deep relationships....

Note also that the school is a place not just for gaining knowledge but also for instilling values and for social mixing....

Qn: In an age where knowledge becomes obsolete so quickly, do schools still have a future?