See the Civic District in a new light during Singapore Art Week
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Singapore Art Week -- A good example of the local arts scene to refute the oft-cited argument that the arts are esoteric and reserved only for the arty-farty (i.e. not meant for the layman / man-in-the-street)....
Qn: ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)
Singapore Art Week -- A good example of the local arts scene to refute the oft-cited argument that the arts are esoteric and reserved only for the arty-farty (i.e. not meant for the layman / man-in-the-street)....
Qn: ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.’ How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)
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