The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Singapore Budget 2020: A leg-up for youth and securing nation's future

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Useful for showing govt does not neglect the young....relate to 2018 compre AQ on youth and politics where it was observed that the young are disinterested in issues as they feel alienated by politicians who prefer to chase after the votes of the elderly whom they feel are more responsive to them....

"70-70 target" for local graduates of institutes of higher learning (IHLs) to have some form of overseas exposure. What this means is that 70 per cent of graduates from universities, polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education will get some international experience, whether through an internship, exchange programme or service learning or study trip.

In the compre AQ, it is stated that the young will only be interested in issues when they settle down and have children.....but what the following excerpt from the link shows is that the reverse is true -- young people are paying attention to issues to help them decide whether to settle down and have children. This attention and interest in issues happen BEFORE, NOT AFTER they have settled down:

many of my peers say they are reconsidering whether or not to have children because of this global problem. To them it boils down to one question: In the long term, will Singapore still be a suitable place to raise children?

Concerns over the virus outbreak will fade in time, but efforts to help Singaporeans go global, and protect the island from climate change, will go a long way to ensure this Little Red Dot continues to thrive