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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Amazon's Bezos commits $14b to address climate crisis

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Mr Jeff Bezos, tech giant Amazon's chief executive and the world's richest man, said on Monday that he was committing US$10 billion (S$14 billion) to address the climate crisis in a new initiative he called the Bezos Earth Fund.

Amazon would meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement 10 years ahead of schedule and would be carbon-neutral by 2040. As part of the pledge, he said, Amazon was ordering 100,000 electric delivery trucks from Rivian, a Michigan-based firm that Amazon has invested in.
"one hand cannot give what the other is taking away"...."The people of earth need to know: When is Amazon going to stop helping oil and gas companies ravage earth with still more oil and gas wells? When is Amazon going to stop funding climate-denying think-tanks like the Competitive Enterprise Institute and climate-delaying policy?"
For qns on affluence and business ethical obligations (Corporate Social Responsibility)