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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Taking a strong stand against doxxing

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Note how the ending of the article echoes or make a reference to the opening BANG on 'super spreader'...there's also the pun on super spreader as a person who spreads the virus, and who spreads the private info of others online without their consent -- both can seriously bring harm to the parties affected....


To "doxx" means to identify someone publicly on the Internet. It's a cyber weapon used to harass and victimise.
Doxxing is a bad thing. It's carried out with malicious intent, in order to embarrass or harass a fellow human being. Doxxers expose your birth date, address, telephone number, employment information, and photographs of friends and family. The idea is to humiliate and destroy.

To make things worse, the Internet never forgets. Years from now, if that person applies for a job, and a prospective employer googles him, the doxxed information might reappear.

It happens when people become upset with a wrongdoer and feel that the wrongdoer will get away with bad behaviour.

Doxxing is "street justice". It increases as people lose confidence in society's mechanisms to punish misdeeds. And doxxing is easy. Anyone can publish a photograph of you and name you, without your permission. ... Add to that the anonymity of the Internet, and we have the perfect conditions for mob violence through doxxing.

Thankfully, it is now illegal to publish identity information about someone, with the intention to harm that person. This has come about because of an amendment to the Protection from Harassment Act (confusingly abbreviated by lawyers as Poha).

Leaders who speak up quickly and clearly, on issues that capture the public's attention, are doing their duty to dissuade doxxing. When people know the authorities are on top of things, and are taking a strong stand, people will feel less inclined to take matters into their own leaders and thought leaders must speak up when harmful narratives are propagated. If too many of us take a back seat, then others will seize the microphone and influence the message.

For qns on social media and privacy.....