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Friday, February 07, 2020

True victim of coronavirus: Our sense of humanitarianism

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Note the stark contrast in attitudes in the opening BANG....

numerous individuals in the 21st century choose not to see that humanity inhabits the same earth and shares a common destiny. The global health chain is only as strong as its weakest link: An epidemic anywhere will threaten everywhere. Humanity's survival hinges on our ability to fight calamities in unison.

Instead, with lice-like myopia, some individuals raise the banner of Yellow Peril and lead a crusade against anyone, even their own compatriots, who look Chinese, whom they mock as carriers of the "kung flu".

In a newspaper article published on Jan 27, Danish cartoonist Niels Bo Bojesen drew China's national flag with its five stars replaced by virus particles. As the Chinese idiom goes, such actions are akin to "throwing rocks into the well when somebody has just fallen into it".

It is also the Chinese government that has pushed for the 1,000-bed Huoshenshan Hospital to be built in 10 days, and the 1,600-bed Leishenshan Hospital in 12 days. An empty building in the city of Huanggang was converted into a 1,000-bed hospital in three days.

Confirmation bias is the greater pandemic afflicting us today, and it is best explained with an analogy: If a referee awards your opponents with a red card, that's a good call - but not if the red card goes to you.

The recent outbreak of Sinophobia, triggered by the coronavirus, has long had its symptoms.

In recent years, newly awakened cancer cells - injected with anti-Chinese ideology - have eaten up the spirit of helping our fellow human beings in our shared time of need.

In this time of viral outbreak, our most dangerous disorder is not just of the body, it is also of the body politic. Our most dangerous prognosis is to ignore the fourth louse and instead imitate the trio: each quarrelling for its own petty interests, unaware of their impending, collective doom.
[note the how the closing BANG echoes an earlier reference on the anecdote about the lice]

This coronavirus has two interesting angles u can forged:
=there is another virus (possible even more virulent) that we have to combat; i.e. fake news that can spread and go viral online and poison our mind
-the epidemic of ignorance mentioned in the article....

Try to see also such pandemic threats in the same line as environemental, terrorist and economic the sense that it is not just your problem, coz if it is not contained properly, it will overspill and affect me as well; i.e. the contagion effect.....we are all in the same boat -- if u go down, it'll be a matter of time before I go down as well. Put it another way: we may not be in the same boat, but our boats are tied together, so if ur boat goes down, it will drag our boats down as well....

For qns on discrimination and globalization....collective destiny and responsibility....


1. Is globalisation to be welcomed or feared today? (Cam. 2019)

2. ‘In the global village we inhabit, there is no justification for national boundaries.’ How far do you agree? (Cam. 2018)