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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Netflix says IMDA got it to remove five titles in Singapore

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VPN (virtual private network) connections allow users to mask their real location and access the streaming service as if they were in a different country.

Last year, IMDA demanded that The Last Temptation Of Christ (1988) be taken down here. The Martin Scorsese-directed film features controversial scenes involving Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

The content code serves to protect the young from unsuitable content, maintain community norms and values, and safeguard public interests, while allowing adults to make informed choices."

"The Legend Of 420 is a film that expressly advocates the legalisation of marijuana, which is an illegal narcotic in Singapore

censoring these titles will likely raise more interest surrounding them. "As with all banned content, the action of banning will likely increase the content's popularity as it generates curiosity about these films where, previously, some might not even be aware of their existence,
the purpose of censorship in this era of seamless digital media has moved from denial of access to maintaining official political and moral positions

Possible rebuttal pair concerning censorship
OV: censorship is futile since pple can bypass it via VPN
SV: govt's act of censorship is not so much to deny access but as a token measure to signify govt's stand on such material (i.e. a symbolic gesture to make clear that such materials are not in line with what is acceptable in society)  -- signal disapproval

For qns on media censorship.....