The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Founder of foodcourt employing people with disabilities is ST Singaporean of the Year

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Compare with "Eighteen Chefs" which employs ex-convicts instead of disabled....  

a foodcourt that has been employing people with disabilities since 2010

For Dignity Kitchen’s first four years of operation, Mr Koh did not take a salary as the foodcourt was making daily losses of $1,000.

 “I want to create awareness, educate, engage, and mostly, hopefully I can inspire people to give back to society.”

Today, Dignity Kitchen employs nearly 200 people with disabilities and has trained more than 2,000 people – including disadvantaged single parents and former prison inmates – giving them the skills needed to secure jobs in the food and beverage, hospitality and retail sectors. 

“The awards shine a light on Singaporeans who do something extraordinary in many different ways... they also motivate everyone else to discover that strength and that purpose in our lives.”

1. Do awards and prizes serve any useful purpose? (Cam. 2011)
2. Profits should be the sole concern of businesses. Do you agree? (EJC Prelim 2024)