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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lion King remake has terrifying implications for deep fakes

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Note the idea of how technology can be used to foster trust -- or destroy it! A good current exampe is the gay sex video scandal currently plaguing Malaysia (note though that the video clip in the saga has been reported to be real instead of a deep fake)

There are no civilians in 21st century warfare because the hottest battlefield is the public mind. The front runs between your ears, between your neighbour's, between mine. The enemy's objective (and the enemies are numerous) is to capture our thoughts and convictions. Belief is an immensely potent prize. A leader who is believed can reach the moon - or massacre millions. Without belief - and its distillate, trust - leaders are lost and nations are weakened.

Attacks such as these will become vastly more potent when images of celebrities, elected leaders - even your friends and family - can be seamlessly added to fake scenarios. In fact, given revelations that a Russian company has been collecting millions of images of everyday Americans, you might wake up one day to find yourself co-starring in a deep fake attack.

But I worry that, as a country, we're too slow to armour ourselves against manipulation - and too quick to believe anything that confirms our biases or stokes our resentments. Deep fakes are designed to sap our belief in our institutions and in one another, ultimately bleeding the morale that secures the nation.

Note though the closing BANG in the article using a quotation....but I question the effectiveness of the BANG as its meaning is not immediately clear, though some explanation seems to be given in the para preceding it.