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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Indonesia could halt palm oil shipments to Europe

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Palm oil is known to be a biofuel, which is environmentally friendly as it emits less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels and it's renewable. But as we can see here, there is some politics behind it that deter people from using it:
"For biofuels, they say no to palm oil because they want to give room to their sunflower farmers (who produce competing vegetable oil)

But politics aside, there are justifications for this as a lot of these green technologies are actually not so's like they mend a 'hole' in Mother Nature, noly to puncture a new 'hole' elsewhere....Th euse of palm oil as biofuels is one such example. We should be familiar by now how the cultivation of palm oil in Indonesia results in vast deforestation to clear land for planting, not to mention how the land is cleared by burning, causing haze and air pollution.
Nuclear is another example. While it emits no CO2 and hence is regarded as a 'clean fuel', there is the risk of radiation leakage if the reactor is not properly built and maintained (think Fukushima 2011). Besides, the nuclear waste is also highly radioactive and can pollute/contaminate the land if not disposed of and stored away properly.
Likewise, hydroelectric power is also non-polluting in terms of carbon footprints, and there are some 'side effects' that impact Mother Nature in other ways. The building of dams in the construction of hydroelectric power stations actually prevent the fish upstream from reaching downstream. This can have adverse effects on the ecosystem downstream in the long run.

For qn below, do remember to link back to the keyword 'hindered' by saying that benefits of green technology may be wiped out or negated by the new problems created, hence hindering/hampering any efforts to restore Mother Nature to her former health. It's like healing one wound using a dagger to scrape off the pus and remove the dead skin, only to plunge that same dagger into another spot to inflict a new wound!

Qn: Has technology helped or hindered environmental conservation? (ACJC Midyr J1 2019)