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Thursday, July 25, 2019

HK separate from China? An illusion: George Yeo

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Note how figurative language can be employed to lend clarity and interest value in writing, and ultimately to convince people.....:
"The monkey was very lively, sometimes very naughty. He would leap 10,000km and still, he cannot leave the Buddha's palm. Hong Kong cannot leave the Buddha's palm. If, one day, the Buddha decides to put a ring around the forehead of the monkey, then the monkey will have to take note..."
Note also how education can plant the seeds of violence:
when Hong Kong was still a British colony, the education system did not encourage the people to be patriotic towards mainland China."I have been told by some young friends... that in primary schools and high schools in Hong Kong, almost all the teachers are anti-mainland. For a student leader in any of the universities to win elections, you need to be anti-mainland. This has seeped into the mentality of the Hong Kong people."
Qn: Can we eliminate violence with education? (CJC Prelim 2018)