How an undergrad challenged NUS' policy on sexual misconduct
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One issue here is the use of social media to apply pressure on the relevant authorities to act....Sometimes, it is diffuclt to get ur voice heard, esp when u feel u r being silenced or ignored by others, and ur grievances go unaddressed....going into social media is thus one way to have ur voice amplified and heard by others, such that the parties concerned have no chocie but to act on ur case,,,a case of David vs the Goliath by harnessing the power of technology, where technology levels the playing field even for ordinary people of little of no influence.
After she spoke up, things quickly escalated. Online petitions were started and they caught public attention. This prompted the police and Attorney-General's Chambers to explain their decision not to charge the offender. Education Minister Ong Ye Kung described NUS' penalties as "manifestly inadequate".
The other issue is on crime and punishment:
For qns on social media and crime&punishment....
Qn: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)
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One issue here is the use of social media to apply pressure on the relevant authorities to act....Sometimes, it is diffuclt to get ur voice heard, esp when u feel u r being silenced or ignored by others, and ur grievances go unaddressed....going into social media is thus one way to have ur voice amplified and heard by others, such that the parties concerned have no chocie but to act on ur case,,,a case of David vs the Goliath by harnessing the power of technology, where technology levels the playing field even for ordinary people of little of no influence.
After she spoke up, things quickly escalated. Online petitions were started and they caught public attention. This prompted the police and Attorney-General's Chambers to explain their decision not to charge the offender. Education Minister Ong Ye Kung described NUS' penalties as "manifestly inadequate".
The other issue is on crime and punishment:
Penalties for criminal offences are typically based on four key principles: deterrence, retribution, prevention and rehabilitation....Deterrence prevents a crime from happening again (or reduces the chance of such occurrence) by instilling fear of the consequences; retribution is based on the principle that the punishment should reflect the degree of harm the offender caused and the extent of culpability; prevention is the idea of putting an offender behind bars so he or she can't harm other victims; and rehabilitation gives an offender a chance at turning over a new leaf.
For qns on social media and crime&punishment....
Qn: ‘Rehabilitation, not punishment, should be the purpose of the justice system.’ Discuss. (Cam. 2017)
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