The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Don't get phished: Businesses here lost around $43 million in 2017 due to e-mail impersonation scams

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For those whom we discussed the 2014 'A' lvl compre on the internet, relate to the idea of how we 'readily volunteer our personal info online', how unguarded we are as to who we give our personal info to....
Other than the idea that the faceless nature online makes us oblivious to the presence of the countless faceless strangers out there in cyberspace, this article offers other interesting reasons:

Singaporeans are usually trusting of official channels, which makes them let their guard down when it comes to phishing attempts....Singaporeans are pretty used to filling up forms asking for all kinds of personal data and are used to thinking of Singapore as a safe place. These turn Singapore into a soft target for phishers...Artificial intelligence can enhance phishing and other social engineering attacks by creating extremely realistic video and audio or well-crafted e-mails designed to fool targeted individuals