The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Friday, April 26, 2019

Saudi sisters call on Google, Apple to pull 'inhuman' app

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Useful example of Saudi Arabia and the Absher app:
Absher - a government e-services app - is bad for women as it supports Saudi Arabia's strict male guardian system....Absher, which is available in the Saudi version of the Google and Apple online stores, allows men to update or withdraw permissions for female relatives to travel abroad and to get SMS updates if their passports are used, according to researchers.

Saudi women must have permission from a male relative to work, marry and travel under the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom's guardianship system

Technology can, and should, be all about progress. But the hugely invasive powers that are being unleashed may do incalculable damage if there are not sufficient checks in place to respect human rights

For qns on technology, gender equality, rights ans freedom.....