The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Dark side to Thais' wild tastes for exotic meats

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Relate to qns on animal rights....

animals being used for daily food is fine, but do we need to eat exotic animals like deer, monkeys, tigers, etc?
also, some people like hunting as a sport e.g. killing wild ducks, tiger, lions, and then displaying the animal parts as animal trophies in their such vanity justifed?

The article mentions that some of this is due to tradition or culture -- the eating of certain animal parts or using it as certain medicine etc...and hunting as a culture?

"Hunting for game used to be considered a sign of manhood in Thailand's paternalistic society," said Mr Pipad Krajaejan, assistant professor of archaeology at Thammasat University. He explained that having hunted animals stuffed and mounted as decorations was also a sign of elitism among the rich.