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Monday, March 13, 2017

Useful Examples of Online Fake News in Singapore

HERE are a few useful local examples of fake news u can use in ur essay:
1) LKY's death
Click HERE: Student who posted fake PMO announcement on Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death given stern warning
Note how even reputable media like CNN reported this fake news without verifying their facts.

2) Punggol Roof Collapse
Click HERE for pic
Click HERE: Facing up to fake news: Why we should be worried
"Just last month, a photograph circulating online, purporting to be of a collapsed roof in a Housing Board block, resulted in a Singapore Civil Defence Force fire engine and one of its Red Rhino vehicles racing down to Punggol Waterway. The photo story turned out to be fake, and the HDB said it would lodge a police report."

3) TRS (The Real Singapore) Website
Click HERE: Facing up to fake news: Why we should be worried
In Singapore, the issue of fake news was thrown into the spotlight with the antics of the now-defunct sociopolitical site The Real Singapore (TRS). The site, which had as many as 2.6 million visitors a month, thrived on fabricated articles, some of which attempted to sow discord between Singaporeans and foreigners. A court of law earlier this year found six such stories amounted to sedition - Singapore's worst case to date. One of the offending articles falsely claimed that a Filipino family's complaints caused a scuffle between the police and participants at last year's Thaipusam procession.

4) $240K reunion meal

Click HERE :Were you fooled? Video showing '$240,000 reunion meal' turns out to be fake


For the qn below, recognise that you can also consider the qn not just from the point of view of the reader/viewer of news trying to obtain accuracy in the info they are reading, but also from the point of view of the person trying to CONVEY/COMMUNICATE his views to these readers. The example of Trump comes to mind. He longer trusts traditional media to deliver his words to the public as he accuses them of conveying fake news and distorting what he is saying. Hence, he resorts to social media (his twitter account) to relay his message -- word for word verbatim -- to the masses. This ensures that his info is delivered unfiltered to the public. The same is true of celebrities who try to take control over the info about themselves disseminated to their fans....instead of being at the mercy of tabloids who tend to exaggerate and distort their words, celebrities now reach out to their fans themselves through social media. Hence, the reliability of info through the media can be seen not just from readers trying to get accurate info, but also from those people on the other end trying to ensure that accurate info about themselves reaches the people unaltered.

Qn: In the digital age do newspapers still have a role in your society? (Cam 2011)