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Friday, July 29, 2016

Democrats sharpen their claws against Trump

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This caught my eye:
Mr Bloomberg also made a convincing plea to fellow independents, telling them to choose the next president not out of party loyalty but out of "love of country".
"This election is not a choice between a Democrat and a Republican. It's a choice about who is better to lead our country right now," said Mr Bloomberg.

Indeed, love of one's country will compel one to look at the larger picture of what's good for the country instead of being swayed by party or tribal affiliations.  Its almost like meritocracy where u give the seat to the most abled person instead of someone in your family member even though you recognize that he/she may not be the best candidate, i.e. almost like nepotism/cronyism/corruption.
In Singapore's context, it would mean voting as a Singaporean, for what's best for Singapore, instead of voting as a pro-PAP, pro-Worker's Party, as a Chinese, a Muslim, etc....esp if you acknowledge the fact that the candidate is good for the country. Do not NOT vote him/her just because he/she does not belong to the group u belong, or belong to the group you hate or is a threat to your group....'cos that will be tribalism at work.... Why do you think our govt is trying so hard to strengthen our national identity? so that national interests come before party politics, before racial/ religious identity, before any agenda....blah blah blah....

Also evident in the article is the name-calling and ugly character assassination of Trump -- which at best if it's true, reflects badly on the person doing it; at worst, engaging in fabrication of untruths which will be an act injustice against the targeted person.... all of which makes democractic election like like an ugly farce that brings out the worst in human nature..... that we have to bring someone down in order that we may win....

1. Should a love of one’s country still be encouraged (2009)
2. Consider the view that efficient government is more important than democracy (2011)
3. ‘Getting what one wants in life is what matters.’ Discuss. (2014)