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Thursday, July 14, 2016

BREXIT -- A rejection of the globalised world order

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BREXIT - Britain voted to leave the European Union 52% vs 48% (highest voter turnout of 33million since 1992)
Figurative language: opening of the Pandora’s box; the genie is out of the bottle

related issues:

1)failure of democracy
-Hijacked by populist parties which tapped on the frustrations and anxieties of the people, which the govt has not been able to effectively assuaged
-compare with Trump in America. If Trump win the US election, it will be like Brexit re-visited
-Most of those who swung the votes towards Brexit are those older, poorer, less educated ones….It was revealed that a lot of these were voting to vent their frustrations against the govt; they did not even know what is EU!!!!!!!

2)regional and social divisions
-voting patterns/profile shows divisions along:
Fixated on economy
Prosperous London

Northern Ireland/ Scotland

Less educated
Fretting about immigration
Provincial England (i.e. England minus London)

 3)failure of globalization
-nations start to turn inward, break away from groups, refusing to cede autonomy and sovereignty to groupings
-benefits of globalization have not reached everyone, resulting in a disenfranchised group
-globalization is about removal of barriers, but the British want barriers to movement of people (immigrants) due to fear of job competition, rise in cost of living and terrorism

4)sovereignty compromised; national identity/patriotism
-no autonomy; resentment at having to accommodate and abide by EU partners’ terms, including on the 4 freedoms of goods, capital, services and people. The thorny issue here is people, as this means opening doors to immigrants (i.e. cheap labour and terrorists)
-related to desire for own sovereignty. Why should the mighty British listen to orders from Brussels?
-Brexit may also precipitate the unravelling of the United Kingdom as Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay/remain in the EU and they have long wanted to assert their identity as an independent state apart from England.
-the contagion/toxicity is not confined to just Britain but also Europe. Already, member countries like Spain and France are not too happy with the constraints imposed by being a member of the EU, esp the austerity measures they have to stomach during the Euro Crisis and the recent immigration problems. Brexit might just be the prelude to other exits by member countries keen to regain their sovereignty. Should this come to pass, it will spell the dismantling of the EU.
-could also spark separatist movement for restive regions like Catalonia, Tibet, Xinjiang.

-The main problem that swung the votes towards Brexit.
-Germany’s generosity towards welcoming more immigrants from Syria and Turkey means that the influx of immigrants are making their way up to the more prosperous countries of Scandinavia, including Britain.
-terrorism issue, job competition, cheap labour and rising cost of living

6)failure of govt to address the concerns of the disenfranchised
-think Arab Spring

7)repercussions for World economy
-Britain is a major global financial centre; its unravelling will send shockwaves across the globe

8)what a FOOL!
-In what is perhaps one of the greatest political fiascos in recent times, British ex-PM David Cameron made the decision to go for a referendum on the Brexit issue when he could have chosen not to. It’s a political gamble that costs him his political career and casts a long shadow on his previous achievements.
-compare with Nixon, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush who all made stupid mistakes…

Essay Qns:

1.     When a government’s finances for social welfare are limited, should they be directed towards the young or the old? (Cam. 2015)

2.     How far is it important for people to be aware of current events in countries other than their own? (Cam. 2014)

3.     How far, in your society, should unpopular views be open to discussion? (Cam. 2013)

4.     The key criterion for good government is how well the economy is managed. Is this a fair assessment? (Cam. 2012)

5.     Taking risks is an essential part of life and should be encouraged. Discuss. (Cam. 2011)

6.     Consider the view that efficient government is more important than democracy. (Cam. 2011)

7.     How far should countries aim to be self-sufficient? (Cam. 2011)

8.     Only educated people should have the right to vote in elections. What is your view? (Cam. 2009)

9.     Should a love of one’s country still be encouraged? (Cam. 2009)

10.  To what extent does the immigration of people have a positive effect? (Cam. 2008)

11.  The view of the majority is always right. Do you agree? (Cam. 2007)

12.  ‘Despite being more educated, people have not become wiser.’ Discuss.

13.  Do choices actually make our lives better? (VJC Prelim 2015)