The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Freedom to dress....

Article 1: look-closer-at-freedom-that-binds-women-to-fashion-norms
Article 2: better-to-exercise-good-judgment-in-dressing

"All forms of expression, including how one dresses, carry a message. Otherwise, the expression would be meaningless. Freedom of expression also comes with responsibility for the impact made by the expression."
Given the above quote, women who exercise their freedom and choose to wear short skirts can no longer just blame the attackers if they get molested/raped. Every act of freedom comes with responsibility, just like when you choose to practice unsafe sex and contract aids/STDs, you cannot totally blame the other party for not disclosing his/her condition to you.

There's also the interesting idea put forth in article 1 that we may think we are exercising our freedom to wear what we want, but our so-called 'choice' is nothing but the pre-determined option planted in us by advertisements and commercials, instead of our authentic choice. In essence, our choice is actually the choice of others rather than our own, esp if we blindly follow fashion.

1) 'The way we dress reveals who we are.' What are your views? (Cam. 'O' Lvl 2013)
2) Do choices actually make our lives better? (VJC Prelim 2015)