The optics of that episode vividly illustrate the vulnerability of nations without sufficient leverage – whether fiscal, military, or diplomatic. Without these “cards in your hand”, countries outside the major power echelon are exposed to coercion, intimidation and the indignity of having to bend the knee.
That Singapore has assiduously cultivated its position of strength – through nuanced diplomacy, robust public finances and the maintenance of a formidable, consistently funded Singapore Armed Forces serving as a credible deterrent – cannot be overstated.
financial muscle allows Singapore to negotiate on equal footing, free from having to seek concessions. ...“Anything we want, we buy, and we pay full market price for. So we can say we are your partner. We are not your vassal state or your tributary. Therefore, hopefully, no one treats us shabbily. They treat us with some reasonable respect, because we are a partner or we are a client – a customer, a high-value customer. That is an enormous advantage.”
Ukraine’s predicament serves as a stark reminder of what is essential for preserving sovereignty in an era seemingly governed by the maxim “might is right and big is beautiful”
1. Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justified in the modern world. (Cam. 2014)
2. Given greater levels of international cooperation, how necessary is it for countries to engage in the arms trade?
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