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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Harmony in the cross hairs: Lessons for Singapore from the UK riots

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a Good Read on local context....

For decades, Singapore has been proactive in preventing the formation of racial enclaves through policies like the Ethnic Integration Policy in public housing and efforts to promote multiracialism in schools.

Furthermore, discussions around nationality and citizenship here are all too often conflated with race, particularly in the context of Chinese nationals from mainland China or Indian nationals from India. This conflation feeds xenophobic sentiments that blur the lines between legitimate concerns over immigration and outright racism.

Legislative muscle also plays a role in discouraging nefarious actors from sowing discord; Singapore’s strict laws regulating public gatherings and free speech have been instrumental in maintaining social order.

This discerning approach to freedom of expression and assembly will seem restrictive to some, but it serves as a strategic check against the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that has stoked tensions elsewhere.