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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Like the Olympics, education is not always about winning

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As Pierre de Coubertin, the French father of the modern Olympics, said: “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

A successful graduate is more than a person who masters a few disciplines. A successful graduate has also learnt how to work in teams; can appreciate the value of differences in culture, ethnicity and religion; has built up useful networks; and may have improved skills in leadership and organisation through the experience of co-curricular activities, among other things. 

1. Winning is all that matters in international sporting events. Do you agree? (JPJC 2024 J1 WA)
2. ‘In our pursuit of academic success, we have forgotten the true aims of education.’ How true is this of your society? (JPJC Prelim 2023)