A growing problem: South Korea’s obsession with height and hormones
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In a country where looks are everything, South Korean parents go to great lengths to help their children, especially boys, grow a few extra centimetres to boost their confidence and physical appeal. Many spend a fortune on vitamins, herbal medicine, acupuncture, injections and even surgery.
people are influenced by images of tall celebrities and Western standards of beauty. “Height is an important success factor in the highly-competitive Korean society,” he told ST. “People think that being tall is advantageous in schools, workplaces, and human relationships, and guarantees a high salary.”
“If you ask me why height is so important, it is because society made it this way. Companies conduct interviews and hire people not just based on skills but also physical features.”
Qn: To what extent are people judged more by their physical appearance than by their abilities? (Cam. 2017)
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